xD I have lived an adult life for the past 7 months though. (Yeah. ^^ I looked forward to the: "I HATE YOU!!!" *Stomp stomp slam!*)
I'm 17. ^^ (Thank you. I try to be)
Thanks. (My daughter is perfectly healthy. She was born beforehand)
Drunk driver. (Condoms and birth control)
Got a girl pregnant and decided to marry her.
Yes. I was upset by my wife's death and made a few decisions that I regret.
She is very immature and very controlling. I believe she is not mature enough for a boyfriend.
Modern Warfare 2 I was in Hardcore Ricochet Search and Destroy about 5 minutes ago. I threw a Semtex over a wall to kill an enemy that I saw. Apparently, my team mate killed the guy and my Semtex ended up hitting my team mate. It blew up, and since friendly fire is directed back at me, I died.
Yeah. Do you want to know my honest opinion about Mandy? (It's nothing horrible)
Jaden seemed crushed at first, but he seems to be fine now. He could be hiding the hurt though. Jaden is a really nice guy. He doesn't deserve any...
Hey. I miss you, comrade.
Phenox was a bit surprised that he was able to overcome Nexon. He took advantage of the fact that Nexon was stunned and he swung at him.
Phenox pushed as well. Nexon was stronger than he had anticipated. If he didn't end this soon, the outcome would not be pretty.
I think she REALLY overreacted. :/
Maybe something set her off? Perhaps someone made a negative comment about her?
Well, Mandy is my ex girlfriend, so I figured I should say what needed to be said. ^^
Thanks for the rep. ^^
I like Sammeh butties. :3
Where are you? O_o
So, now you're bored?