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  1. Vladimir Makarov
  2. Vladimir Makarov
  3. Vladimir Makarov
    You may have a maximum of two characters.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Vladimir Makarov
  5. Vladimir Makarov
  6. Vladimir Makarov
    A year before Kairi arrived on Destiny Islands, Sora and Riku had another friend by the name of Max. He was the oldest in the group at the age of 6. The three went everywhere together, until one day on Max's 7th birthday. He went missing. It was as if he vanished into thin air. Now, 10 years later, it is Max's 17th birthday. Strange things begin happening on the islands. Strange puddles of black goo begin popping up at various places on the main island. People report seeing an odd figure. Children begin to go missing. What could all of this mean?


    No Godmodding
    No Powerplay
    Use Quotations ---> " "
    Pay attention to grammar and spelling. It doesn't have to be perfect, but at least make an effort.

    OC Forms


    Kingdom Hearts Characters

    Kairi: Vladimir Makarov

    My Characters




    Dark Goo

    Thread by: Vladimir Makarov, Jul 23, 2010, 40 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post

    :D Comrade! *Man hug*

    :D Comrade! *Man hug*
    Profile Post by Vladimir Makarov for LoneWolf, Jul 23, 2010
  8. Vladimir Makarov
    Hey. Its been awhile. ^^
    Profile Post by Vladimir Makarov for Ego Imperium, Jul 23, 2010
  9. Vladimir Makarov
  10. Vladimir Makarov
  11. Vladimir Makarov
    I apologize for apologizing without even knowing what i'm apologizing about.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Jul 23, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Vladimir Makarov
  13. Vladimir Makarov
  14. Vladimir Makarov
  15. Vladimir Makarov
  16. Vladimir Makarov
  17. Vladimir Makarov
  18. Vladimir Makarov
    GTA IV
    RPG suicide ftw. xD
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Jul 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Vladimir Makarov
  20. Vladimir Makarov