Cake gives me orgasms. xD
Ohh... I love cake.
Hi! Been a little while. ^^
xD Do you like blowing shiit up?
I like beating Bill Gates with a medieval flail. xD
My friend showed it to me a couple yesrs ago. Epic, right?
This one: So epic.
I am playing an epic game. O_O
Misty was pretty badass.
Awesome. I liked Pokemon... until Ash's balls dropped.
I'm Shawn. Nice to meet you.
Yeah, it really can't be THAT bad if you have air conditioning.
Just relaxing. Listening to music. ^^ You?
Okay. xD But like I said, I don't watch it... I was just flipping through the channels and... it just happened to be on... and...
I do find the resemblence interesting. xD
Um... I think it's The Young and the Restless.
Should I talk to you? I think I should. Hi. ^^
Has anyone ever told you that you look like that person from that soap opera? ...Not that I watch them...
Avvy: 8/10 Sig: 9/10
I do feel sorry for anyone living there.