xD I can't sleep though. I have to go to work at 10.
I'm alright too. A little tired, but i'll live. ^^
Hi there~ .
A mysterious man approached the castle that housed Diablos and his warriors. He was covered in black robes. Only his eyes were visible.
Yeah. So, how are you?
Not much. Made a roleplay that I know is going to fail. xD You?
Yeah, then, I end up offending people and I have to apologize. xD
No problem. ^^ After a year of seeing your name in red, it's kinda odd seeing it in purple. xD
Congrats on making Super Mod. ^^
Me too, and as a result, I ramble about pointless crap. xD
:3 Very. I am enjoying this conversation.
They're funny. VERY funny. Link's ******ed Day is my favorite.
I know. xD I love Kitty's G Mod videos.
xD Good luck. Just to make you laugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJnPL24szpE
Not much. Trying not to fall asleep. xD You?
*Eats* ^^ Yummy.
:3 *Gives*
*Sad music plays as I look into your eyes* ... ;-; *Offers half*
*Hordes cake and trys to hide it before you see*
I like chocolate cake. :3