Mine is the original. Freddy VS Jason comes in a close second, then New Nightmare in third. All the others were kinda lame. Reason? They were not...
Which is your favorite?
OOC: Accepted. I'll post two characters, then we can get started. Name: Jason Adams Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Logical, believes that Krueger is the product of his stress. He has a great fear of Krueger and hardly ever sleeps. Appearance: Has black hair that is slicked back. He is very tan and has deep blue eyes. Name: Roselina "Rose" Adams Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality: A very mild individual. She hardly ever talks. Krueger is her greatest fear. She refuses to sleep alone. She is Jason's sister. Appearance: She has blond hair and a light skin complexion. She has blue eyes like her brother. BIC: Jason was in Krueger's boiler room. It was an all too familiar environment. He could hear Krueger's laughing. He was close. Rose was in Jason's room, wide awake next to him. She had no idea anything was wrong with him.
Indeed. ^^ Ever watched the movie?
I can easily say I have a passion for that iconic glove of his. xD
You're in. I will help you with anything you need to know.
Hai. ^^
Not really. I do have an obsession with Freddy Krueger though. xD
Sounds like it.
You are accepted. Thanks for joining.
You're in. Have fun.
I'm great. ^^ Anything new?
Yeah, it took me a year to get 300 posts.
Hey. Hey you. Yes you. We should talk more. xD
Only if you tickle me. ¦)
You need 300 posts, then make a request in the Name Change thread. ^^
How are you? ^^
=D Hai !
Elm Street - 30 Years After The Original A Nightmare on Elm Street A young man by the name of Max laid in bed, preparing for yet another sleepless night. He sat up and took another sip of his coffee and took his laptop out of the case next to his night stand. He logged into a chatroom and began talking to his friends. After about 20 minutes of talking about girls, he recieved a private chat invitation. "FreddyK123?" Max mumbled in curiosity. He opened the invitation and was taken into a private chat. FreddyK123: "Hello Max" Max was shocked. How did this man know his name? He typed a message. YoungStud: "who r u??? how do u know my name???" A minute later, Max recieved a reply. His blood ran cold. FreddyK123: "Open your closet door." Max looked at his closet. He carefully got out of bed and took small steps towards his closet door. His heart was beating quickly as he reached for the door knob. He quickly opened the door and looked around. He moved around clothes and other junk, but found nothing. He closed the door and went back to his bed. He typed a reply. YoungStud: "nothing there" Max recieved a reply. He got extremely nervous and confused. FreddyK123: "How are you sleeping, Max?" Max typed a reply. YoungStud: "sleeping? im not sleeping" FreddyK123: "Do you know who I am?" Max just began to make a connection. Freddy... that was the name of the man that haunted his dreams. Freddy's face suddenly appeared on Max's laptop. "What's wrong, kid? Cat got your tongue?" Freddy laughed as Max dropped his laptop on the bed and backed away into his closet door. Max was blasted away as it was busted down. A familiar man stood in the doorway. It was Freddy Krueger. Max stood up and backed away. "F-F-F..." Max couldn't finish the name. Krueger laughed maniacally. "Freddy?" He said in a slightly mocking tone. He advanced on a startled Max. "Trying to get rid of me? Do you think that if you don't sleep, i'll just go away? Oh, no no no... that's not how it works." Krueger had an evil grin on his face as Max crawled up on his bed and backed up against the wall. "You see... Max... the only way to get rid of me..." Krueger showed Max the knives on his glove. "...Is for you to die!" He stabbed Max in the stomach with all four of his blades and slashed upwards, cutting Max open. He the grabbed Max's leg and swung him against a wall. Krueger laughed again at the sight of all the blood. Max was obviously dead. "Been nice knowing ya." Krueger laughed one more time before vanishing. ----------------------------- After being trapped in the pits of hell, Krueger made a deal with the devil. If he gives Satan 20 souls in 2 weeks, he can come back from the dead forever. The children of Springwood must not allow Krueger to get those souls. They must survive. Rules No Godmodding No Powerplay I control Freddy Krueger The goal is to survive. If Krueger gets 20 souls, you lose. Two weeks = 2000 posts If you quit or if you are inactive for 5 days without telling me beforehand, your characters will be killed and their souls will go to Krueger. Your character may be asked to die. I will message you. Don't make a fuss. You may make another character. If you argue, you will be removed from the roleplay, and I will kill your character. Good grammar, capitalization, and punctuation are a must. Use quotations ("") I control Krueger. 3 character maximum. You may only control 3 characters at one time. And most importantly, have fun! Character Forms Name: Age: (Between 10 and 17) Gender: Personality: Appearance:
Yeah, your intellect is well above that of a 13 year old.