Well, I like both but I chose number 1. It started it all, and Hollow Bastion was just awesome. Number 2 had the 13th order & The World That Never Was. But I still liked number 1.
You really shouldn't say things like that. People do care. Not all, but some do. Of every race, no matter where they live. I'm American on American soil. I care. I care what happens on the planet. All those incidents you mentioned, but some others don't. What's happening in that vid is the whole explosion part of the Columbine incident. They wanted to set 2 bombs off in the cafeteria, making everyone run out of the emergency exit, so they can open fire on everyone. Luckily, the bombs didn't go off.
True, but this is important due to bullying. There is evidence that he did this because he was bullied. The whole idea is to stop the bullying. Because this is what happens when the bullying isn't stopped. The kid goes emo, and shoots people. Killing innocent people. Don't get me wrong, I think the stuff you listed is bad, but, it didn't happen here in the U.S.A.
1. It's a school shooting. 2. It set the record for the worst. That's why. Well, there's more, but that there self explains it.
They are searching for him. I believe he is 29 years old, 190 pounds, brown eyes, and brown hair. It's on MSN news. >_> They also have a description of his car.
12 districts, a total of 36 schools, went into lock down today. A man threatened the schools via phone, and said he had guns, bombs, & poison. He also said he would make the Virginia Tech incident look like nothing. Well, discuss. I think this is pathetic. I think something like this will happen every year, during April. Some people are just nuts. Edit: This is in California.
Um... no. >_> I remember that, but Sora can't do that in this game. He does have glide. If you hold it, and don't move, you won't touch the ground, but you won't fly unless you move.
I ain't touching that. And Darky lies. LIES. Lies I tell you. He is a true wimp. >_>
The on in Agrabah, can be killed as fast as 4"39 seconds. Thats the fastest I have seen (I did it XD). Be high level. I was 87 (I think) with kingdom key and did it like that. I haven't been able to do it again. >_> But I always kill it in 5-6 seconds.
This is answered in "Another Report". It has been posted.
I'm 9th grade. Just found out I got a 94 in History. -cough-& single-cough-
That is sick. I wish Nomura would have kept them in for critical mode only. That would be awesome. ^^
The green ones are from Cavern of Remembrance. Note: In Cavern, lets say you defeat every enemy in the entrance, just exit the cave, go back in. More heartless, but different ones. Different ones drop different items. The crystal one is probably what you're looking for. You can only get it from enemies in the engineer part of the cave (with the conveyor belts).
Cool. This "Another Report" was a great idea to explain stuff to us.
Lies. >_> I liked the other songs better. And I to got far in cavern. I kept annoying Uta on AIM about it. XD The last wave was insane. I used trinity + Final multiple times. I ran/flew around until my mp recovered so I could cure, and only attacked once or twice every 30 seconds. It was scary. But I made it. Deep Anxiety - It was okay. They could have done a little better on it. It was good music for the fights in the area, but it could have had a little more.. umph.
How would you embarrass yourself? You got 2 hundreds. It's almost impossible for gym. >_> They always say "Oh you need to participate a little more". >_>
I feel your pain. *cries* Who's Gary Stu?
Marluxia: Who's yo daddy? Sora: O.o -gets cursed- Anyone notice how the controller "vibrates/rumbles" for a little while during the scene? Teh Butt secks.
Roffle. That was hilarious. But fake. >_>