Well, I got both games. I started Pearl, and this is where I'm at: Torterra - 44 Luxray - 45 Staraptor - 41 Luminneon - 38 Ponyta - 38 I have all badges, and I'm about to challenge the Elite Four (Gonna lose XD), but I still have to fight my Rival for the final time. Post your progress here (and what game you're playing).
I hate it how the next game won't even come at for at least 2 years. >_>
Hahahaah -Stabs The Fallen with girly man scythe- Very funny. >_>
6 minutes for Vexen. ... Weird, I just raised my Hp & Cp. Only learned 2 sleights. XD
You suck. Now I have to remember Healing Vision is Darky. Get off my interwebz. Noa. Edit: Can you please close that damn Mickey thread in the Kh2 section. >_>
No clue what you said. -_-
Another reason why I am right.
I lol'd when I saw this. It is fake. People, including me, made this up on GameFaqs. We are the creators of this entire fad/joke. It is not true nor is it possible. Mod/Admin please close this.
I shall scatter your heart to the empty winds! *Fires Crescent slash at the book, blocking the attack* Fear the power of girly men.
Le gaspe! Storrini found out my secret. -Summons scythe- -Kills Storrini- Now I just need to hide the body. Xaldin, you're on steroids. 16 year olds aren't supposed to look like that. Lies.
Lies. I can. D:
Bad quality. But that's me. I put didn't like them, but they are... okay.
So, it seems your pants have led you to obliteration. - Xemnas It would sound better if it were panties.
Severe ownage. But gamespot sucks. GameFaq's, now that's more like it. ^_^
The last two posts of this thread rock. Darky & The Fallen - Thank you for making my day. Roffle. Xaldin, you must get all the ladies looking like that. m i rite?
Magnet Splash & Thunder Break. Otherwise, they are the same abilities with different names due to Japanese. Pk - Stun Impact when surrounded by enemies = Ownage. I loved sending 20 of those things flying in the air.
Check the F.A.Q. for Thunder Break. It's more of a wind circle appearing around Sora, knocking enemies back and dealing damage. It's very good. It's fun during the 1000 Heartless War. You can get like half a drive bar back if all the knights are around you. XD
Stat enhancement. Which is cheating. >_> So far: Kingdom Key Level 1 No Stat Enhancers I'm at the Demyx fight. Advice for all who attempt this: Don't get hit. At all. Period. >_> But congrats to him for beating me to it. >_>
The World That Never Was Hollow Bastion (The actual castle from kh1). Destiny Islands