Wow, haven't posted in a while. I must say, out of all the music, "Above The Rising Falls" is the best. Great job. "Above The Rising Falls" is the song that should have played in "Garden of Assemblage". Beautiful Song. Great job everyone!
I told many idiots on another site no. -_-
So it's coming in America? Damn. I wish it didn't. -_-
The song is good. I'm assuming he made these. What other songs did he make?
Must... Invade... Popular Females thread.... *tries to resist* Rawr. >_> I'm only a child. *cries* -runs- edit: Ew, males are here -_- Back off. I found the thread first. :/
My apologies. Everyone read this: 1. On my AIM, I made it so only people on my buddy list can contact me. 2. Buddy Bulletin is a thing that allows you to send messages to everyone on your list at once. 3. I didn't know it sends it to everyone. 4. People got messages/jokes that were inappropriate that were meant for my friends I pal around with. Not for people here. 5. Chaser & Uta received them. I said sorry. Hope you 2 can forgive me. Heres the big part: 1. Valor Sora, a person I didn't know, somebody who isn't on my buddy list at all (Never Was), received a message/messages. If anyone else received a message or messages, from me (X1xMarluxiax1X), please ignore them, and I am truly sorry. In fact, please pm me here, so I know what happened. Also, I haven't really been on due to school. Italian = Hard. >_> I'm in all advanced, so it's hard. It'll be like this until Memorial weekend, then until Summer. So yes, no updates for the F.A.Q./Walkthrough. ...Yet.. *laughs evilly* So yeah, this is kinda a good bye for a while and an apology. And this goes out to Darky: You sick b@ast@rd. Congratz on being promoted to Admin. T_T I may not have been promoted to anything... YET. But I swear, one day, I will get you. Rawr.
What thing has glitched on you the most in this game? For me, it would be Twilight Xemnas' Ultima combo (You shall go together). So much stuff happened. This was during data fight: Not appearing during the knock down part. Him starting the move without throwing me up and saying "You Shall Go Together" (just going with the first move, this always happens when you use cure right before he does the actual move). The camera getting freaked up during parts. And this really isn't a glitch, but after not pressing triangle during knock down, he did the entire thing over again. XD. Then he captured me as I was falling. >_<
Then there wouldn't be Mansex & Bigrax. Duh. That's why it must be an X, not a c. "Zecion". Sound Italian. ^_^
Ok, now do this: Level: 1 Keyblade: Kingdom Key No getting hit, no drives, and no limits. >.< On all of them. Even Larxene. -shivers- >_< Congratz on first video though.
Storrini. That little bugger. >_>
Axel is dead. Although, he is my favorite (aside from Xemnas) out of everyone from the Organization, so I would love to see him make a return. Why do the cool ones always die. >.>
Roxas & Namine are special nobodies, due to the way they were born (the whole hearts in Sora thing). They are nobodies, just very special.
Lies. ~ Xehanort
This is madness! -waits for someone to pull a Sparta-
Or guard. The fight is rather simple when you realize what you have to do.
It should have been something like this: Xemnas: Get to him, destroy cannons/core, then beat him on throne. Xemnas: That big beast. Xemnas: That big beast (but slower with a few projectile like attacks) & Xemnas. Xemnas: Twilight Xemnas (Honestly, Twilight Xemnas could be better then the beast, but they made him way to weak). That beast is cool. That should have been an optional boss like T.E.S.
Lawlz. You can't scare an almighty twilight god like me.
He is hard at first, but like everyone else who beat him on level 1 or no damage (or both), he becomes easy after a few times. You will eventually learn the timing of his attacks and you will learn how to avoid and counterattack.
If you have a complete save for Re: CoM on the same memory card, you can view the cut scenes which aren't voiced in Kh2 FM, but voiced (in theater mode, Japanese only). Sorry I haven't updated the F.a.q. / Walkthrough guys. :/ Darky - I gotz pearl & diamond. In yo face.