Don't forget that we'd all have to drink tea and use British phrases.
My nobody would be Blonde, I'd fight with a Meteor Hammer, and my element would be Dreams. In my spare time I'd mess with everyone's heads, cause I can run around in other people's dreams. But I'd still be as obnoxious as I am right now, but with 20% more Theatre quotes. However, if I can't keep my humam form i'd most likely be one of the Dancer Nobodies. Cause, well, I dance.
If that ever happens, I'm SO getting a "Stalk (Insert Character name here) Party" going.
LOL HAX. But really, I'm guessing that when the Dusks got into the virtual Twilight Town, it acted much like a Computer Virus would, so when they took the photos in corrupted the data so the word went POOF as well. Like how everything stopped when Namine and Axel show up, it caused the town to "freeze", much like any computer would when there's too much going on. I think. And let's just say that the Firewall got lazy.
1) Would you go out with Maleficent for 100 dollars? 2) Would you live with the KH character you hate the most (for the rest of your life) for 50 billion dollars. 3) Would you kill Sora if Riku said that was the only way he'd befriend you (i dunno y but just answer) 4) Would you challenge Xigbar in a shooting contest, loser has to do 2 million push ups 5) Would you live in Twilight Town? 6) Would you live in a Gummi Ship that cannot move for 10 billion dollars 7) Would you kill Cloud if Sephiroth said that was the only way he'd teach to wield his obnoxiously long sword. 8) Would you buy the next KH game if it first came out with the price of 100 dollars 9) Would you hug Riku. 10) Would you kill yourself if its the only way to save Sora/Riku/Kairi from trouble (Again, dunno how) 11) Would you turn into a dusk nobody or would you go out with Goofy. 12) Would you destroy any world if that's the only way to save TWTNW 13) Would you hug Sora 14) Would you live in Destiny Island or Hollow Bastion 15) Would you hug Kairi. 16) Would you hug Roxas 17) Would you hug Namine 18) Would you hug Ansem the Wise ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Yes 2. Yes, they’d be my personal punching bag. 3. Nope. 4. NO, I may be able to launch a 100-lb girl 15ft in the air, but TWO MILLION? (Dance-offs, however, are another story…) 5. Yep 6. No 7. No, I wouldn’t be able to lift the dang thing 8. Yes, but I’d get a job beforehand 9. Yes 10. …Maybe… 11. Dusk 12. Depends on the world. Wonderland-No, Atlantica-YES. 13. Yes 14. Hollow Bastion; I’d like constantly being attacked by heartless simply cause it’s something to do… 15. Yes 16. Yes 17. Dude, she’s awesome, of course I’d hug her. 18. No, no, no, no ,no NO.
How can you be "racist" against something that technically doesn't exist? K. Well, I found his enthusiasm for meeting Santa hilarious. I nearly spat Mountain Dew all over the TV when they jumped out of the present. Really, if I ever walked into a room, and Sora jumped out a a giant box, it'd srsly be the best thing ever. I also find how Naive he is cute.
DiZ. He's a jerkface. He's the whole reason for Sora's opinion of the Nobodies; if he hadn't been such a jerk they could have worked everything out over a Guitar Hero 2 tournament. But noooooooooo, he HAD to be all "lol nobodies R lozerz". Jerk. (Organization XIII came up with those Head-On commercials. THAT'S why they don't get hearts. ...Kingdom Hearts, apply directly to the forehead...)
Oh, now this is gonna bug me for the rest of my life. I say Left-overs.
No, I don't think he's a jerk. I mean, when I was 14 I cared more about my best friends than my parents. It's normal. And think about it; Mom only got one line, and you never actually saw her. My vote goes to just building up to the Heartless attack. Maleficent needed to be destroyed; had she been able to finish her plot the worlds would've all vanished. Really, if you had to go on a grand adventure, you would you care about more; your best friends, or the kids you're kinda friends with? Like a few other people have said; after the Islands were restored, everyone came back. I doubt Kairi and Selphie would have benn going to school if they were the only ones there. As for the Organization; I will say that some of them didn't deserve it. But, remember that Xemnas is really Xheanort?(sp?) Remember how he was responsible for originally opening the door, thus causing the whole thing? Also, although their goal was not bad, they were willing to do just horrible things to achieve it. Just look at what happened in Beast's Castle; they were telling Beast all that crap just so they could get his heart. Sora only got the one side of the story; the "Oh, they're so bad, they blah blah blah....". And since he trusted them, he had no reason to question the side he heard. And any member of the Organization could've stepped up and called a truce. He was odviously going to be angry at Axel for originally kidnapping Kairi. I think he let it go when Axel blew himself up to save him, but come on, if someone kidnapped the person I love, i'd still be a tad bitter, even if they did die to save me. It's just human emotion.
Personality-wise, I'm a bit of Axel, with a pinch of Demyx, and a generous helping of Xigbar. Actually, I can pull of Xigbar's personality better than any other character's. I look a lot like Olette, same hair, same eyes. But my face is shaped more like Axel's.
When, in any movie or Television Show you watch, you start to think of putting KH characters into the show/movie, in the place of the main characters. Like, I can't watch anything from Kill Bill without having Xigbar in David Carradine (Bill's) place, and Larxene as Gogo Yubari. Nor can I watch RENT without seeing Xemnas as Benny, for whatever reason. Oh, and when you yell out a character's catch phrease instead of something Shakespearian during Theatre warm-ups. (I was put up to it, I SWEAR.)
Hmmm....I think I read somewhere that the ones we don't know were in other Disney movies... Saix- Isa (Match this up with hit title as the "Luna Diviner", the name sounds less girly, and more...artsy?) Axel- Alex/ Lea (Most likely options, I had a sheet with all the possible anagrams, but I lost it.) Demyx- Meyd (This sounds like one of those really old Shakespeare-type names. Has much to do with my theory on how he was in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.) Luxord- Rould (Sounds like Raoul, anyways, I have to agree with everyone pointing out how it's spelled like Roulette) Marluxia- Lumaria (I just like the name.) Larexne- Arlene (This might just be because I love Kill Bill as much as I do...)
I like all of them, but Luxord's my favorite. Probably cause of his accent.
I'd take Axel for the signal fires, abibity to boil water, cook, and have heat, as well as light. (Also, has anyone ever heard of a play called "The Nerd"? There's a character named Axel in that play, who I got to be for a scene, anyways, i'd try to get Axel to say Axel's lines, cause i'm a NERD like that. Har-har.) I'd take Demyx because of the water ability, and cause he's awesome. I'd bring Sora because he could probably cut trees down to build shelter, and a raft. Overall, however, I'm so bringing Axel.
- When you put together an Orgainization Outfit (Minus the coat...I'm still workin' on that), just to see if you could. - When, during your normal in-Church Zone-out, all you can think of is what would happen if any one of the characters randomly showed up, including heartless/nobodies. - When, you plan on wearing said Organization outfit to prank your old teacher, with a bunch of your friends, who are also cosplaying. - When you spend your entire friday attempting to get your past-shoulder-length hair to look even remotely like any of the character's. (I managed to get a half-Demyx! GO ME!) - When, every time you play dodgeball, you threaten people with an imaginary Keyblade. I'm guilty of all of those. Oh, and Question: Is it better to make my own Organization Coat, or buy one off of E-Bay?
My reaction was... "Well then, this is a tad odd for a Disney-WHAT THE HELL IS HE ATTATCHED TO?". I mean, Ansem looked good, just that giant monster thing was a tad...weird.
That's a hard one...Of the ones I would hang out with... Play Guitar Hero, DDR, and generally goof off with Demyx, maybe a Halo Party with my sister's friends (They all have a Halo 2 tournament, it's funny to watch), if all else fails bring him to Shakespeare rehearsal with me. Light off fireworks with Axel, run around town messing with people, or also have a Halo Party. Just generally hang out with Roxas, maybe watch a few movies. And BS with Luxord! (That, or any of the other two card games I know).
I've not done anything too crazy, but here's a few; After playing KHI for the first time ever, my sister kept making fun of me, so when we were playing dodgeball with my Church's Youth Group, I hit her in the leg, and yelled "Take that, Heartless!" In driver's training, my teacher was going on and on about the "Cockpit drill" and other things no one ever does and how attitude was the most important thing, so as we were writing it down, I drew Axel pointing at my notes...and you can guess what I had him say. I also drew several other Organization members in my notes. Speaking of Driving, I took my Roxas plushie with me when I was out with my dad, it actually helps me drive. My brother in law, he's a major Cloud fan, so after I completed the Hades Cup (in one try), I ran outside... "CHRIS! Guess who I beat in ONE TRY?" "Who?" "CLOUD!" He's fun to annoy.
I tried my middle name (my first name is Stephanie, i'm even going to try it), and got Xaenn (Zay-n). That's pretty cool I guess.