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  1. DancingCookie
    I've had a lot of dreams indirectly relating to KH. Most of the time, something bad happens and I just know it's the Organization's fault. And then there was that time Me and my friend were comparing Axel's Coat to a dress, and then Axel just walks down the street next to us.

    A friend of mine told me that she had a dream where the Organization wanted to kidnap her, so they sent Axel to her house. And if she left her room she'd get kidnapped, but Axel left her a path to the Bathroom.

    Yeah. I'd tell you some more of the stranger ones if I could remember more than who was there.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Nov 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. DancingCookie
    Really, if you think about it, all the Organization members could've easily taken Sora out by using their powers. I think they only put up the forcefield cause it looks pretty when you hit it.

    And MadiYasha, I completely agree with you. Donald fails at magic.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Nov 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. DancingCookie
    Sora, Pence, and Demyx are just too dang cute.
    Roxas...I can't pick out why exactly I like him so much.
    Axel; I have a thing for Redheads, and just generally hot guys, plus the fact that he'd do anything for his best friend is totally sweet.
    Zexion is just cool, Geez, how many people can actually fight with a book but not use it as a blunt weapon?
    Hayner is hilarious. I love that kid.
    Xemnas is hooot. Yes, he needs the extra letters in that. Plus, he totally just needs a hug. (<3 for little emo Xehanort) it odd I like Berserker Saix better?
    Xigbar-Totally Obnoxious and highly amusing. What's not to love?
    Luxord-British accent ftw.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. DancingCookie
    *Points at third scan*

    Demyx and Luxord...does it look like they're holding hands to anyone else?
    Post by: DancingCookie, Nov 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. DancingCookie
    The only pairings I don't like are Sora/Roxas and Kairi/Namine. Cause they're the same person, and it's weird. Also, wtfSora/Xemnas? Do not want!

    I'm starting to like the idea of Marluxia and Vexen. It's the whole Power Struggle thing that appeals to the fans. You know, most Organization pairings work when you think about their elements, or given situations. (Space and Time, anyone?)
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. DancingCookie
    I never actually noticed any of their teeth. I was too busy trying to figure out those accents...but now that I think about it, yeah, he's got big teeth.

    I wonder if any of their sombodies had Braces or other Dental work...
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 22, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. DancingCookie
    I can see it now....

    "Yeah, you know that guy that was sitting three spots to the left of The Real Ansem, who never said or moved? That was Braig!"
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. DancingCookie
    I looooved 100 Acre Wood. It was just so dang cute.

    Spance Paranoids was annoying at first, but I started to like it after I started yelling "HAX!!!1" when Heartless showed up. Then it got hilarious.

    HalloweenTown: I <3 Tim Burton.

    The World That Never Was: It's just BAMF. It also makes me think of RENT, for whatever reason.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. DancingCookie
    Twilight Town...because my town is full of Wiggers.

    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 18, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. DancingCookie

    And how would you know what the characters are? Nomura said he doesn't care about shippings, thus, it's open for interpretation; absense of evidence is not evidence of absense. I like Yaoi, yes, but hey, if you don't like it, that's cool. Whatever flies your Gummi Ship, it's your opinion.

    Also, morality has no place on teh interwebs. And Emo is not a race.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. DancingCookie
    If ever there was a time I wanted the ability to jump into my television and just pwn everything, the Groundshaker would have been it. I wasted so much of my life on that thing. I just wanted to egg it...with explosives...

    Xaldin gave me a lot of trouble, but I ran around Hollow Bastion and leveled up, then I beat him first try.

    Xigbar was annoying, but that wins as most fun boss battle. Maybe just cause of the little phrases he throws around.

    And Demyx killed me with those stinkin' water clones. But it was rather hilarious to watch my sister's boyfriend loose to him five times and then get really mad.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. DancingCookie
    Wanna know a secret?

    It's really Optimus Prime.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. DancingCookie
    One on one: Possibly. If The Organization all fought him at once, he wouldn't stand a chance. He'd put up a epic fight though.

    It'd pretty much be The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny with only 14 people.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. DancingCookie
    I'd have to get over the initial *OMFG*, but...

    Sora: I'd ask him for a hug, and where he buys his hair gel.
    Kairi: Invite her to hang out at my house
    Namine: Same as Kairi
    Riku: Myspace photo time!
    Roxas: "So, does that theme song follow you around all the time, or just when it fits the mood?"
    Xigbar: I'm dying to play with his hair. I act like him enough to probably get away with it.
    Xemnas: You know those heart-shaped antacids you get around Valentines Day? I'ma have some fuuun with those.
    Xaldin: "MONKEEEEEY MAAAAAAAN!"...and then I run.
    Vexen: "So....ever seen Mythbusters?"
    Zexion: I'd attempt to lift that giant book of his. And fail at it.
    Axel: Try to get him to annoy my Brother-In-Law
    Demyx: HUG TIEM.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. DancingCookie
    You sir, win an internet.

    Also, you cannot kill something that DOES NOT EXIST. They angst about it enough, geez, you'd think people would have caught on by now...
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. DancingCookie
    I'd say Demyx and Xigbar would listen to Jet, Luxord would have the Dresden Dolls, and Xemnas would probably listen to like...Mozart or something...
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. DancingCookie
    Xigbar- That boss battle was FUN. Just his attitude, and the fact that even when he was fading, he still managed to be a jerk. Also, surfer accent ftw.

    Saix- His berserk mode is strangely attractive.

    Xemnas- ...It's Xemnas.

    Axel- I once played a character named Axel. Ever since then, I've liked Axels. It also helps he's super-cool.

    Demyx- He's just so frikin' CUTE.

    Roxas- Gotta love the token Emo Kid.

    Luxord- That accent is hot. And I've always liked anything to do with cards, and I don't know why. (Maybe it has something to do with my birthday being this month...)
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. DancingCookie
    If I had a Keyblade, I'd try and figure out a way to unlock the Internet, then just run around the series of tubes until I get bored.

    I'd probably have the Drama masks as my Keychain, or something relating to RENT. Cause, that'd be flippin' sweet. Dunno what it'd look like, though.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Oct 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. DancingCookie
    Well, being a Nobody would be sweet, espically considering the fact that they're pretty much Zombies that want hearts instead of brainz. And really, is there anything cooler than Zombies? Didn't think so.

    Of course, the whole "Non-existant" thing wouldn't be too fun. Hm. I kinda like existing.

    I'll stay human...FOR NOW.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. DancingCookie
    If they do make a KH Game Fuel, I want it to be the same flavor as the Halo stuff.

    That crap was DELICIOUS.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone