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  1. DancingCookie
    I listened to the Death Proof soundtrack while I was reading this, and I have to say, it was EPIC.

    I also would like to say that I really hope that Xehanort's Heartless and Xemnas get done in by the Princesses. Because that'd just be amazing and wonderful.

    And your dialogue is lovely as always.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. DancingCookie
    I really like XigLux too. First off, they're Space and Time. They're pretty much made for each other, seeing as you can't have space without time, or vice versa, without the Universe going Ker-POOF.
    On an actually serious-ish note- their personalities balance each other out, while still being really similar. They're both total jerks, but Luxord is more British while Xigbar is more Obnoxious. And they're totally awesome together.

    Larxel is a pairing I'm a bit of a closet fan of. I see them being one of those couples that thinks a romantic date is going to see Grindhouse. Or something like it. They're just cool together.

    I also have a strange affinity to Larxene and Xigbar. I can see them being the Katharina and Petruccio of Kingdom Hearts. Larxene wouldn't want the other members seeing her return any sort of relationship stuff, but actually would like Xigbar back, but she'd still be a jerk to him. If you don't know what I'm talking about, Google "The Taming of the Shrew".
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. DancingCookie
    Excuse me whilst I slam my head into the keyboard for a moment.


    Okay. I really thought this was over with. Confirmation Bias FTL.

    The Organization is not Evil, but they sure as hell ain't good either. They're doing a bad thing for an okay reason.

    The reason why they had, yes, HAD, to be destroyed was becsude of the repurcussions of their actions. People were being killed over this. Innocent people. How would you feel if your best friend, your family, everyone you knew was being murdered for the benefit of some jerks that don't even exist? You wouldn't say "well you just want your hearts back so it's okay", you'd be mad! You'd wanna walk up to one of then and shank them! What if your entire world fell apart? What if you were killed?

    It came down to Twelve Nonexistant Entities or Thousands of Innocent People. What would you have done in that situation? Please, keep in mind that Sora's just a kid. He was not mentally prepared to have to do what was called for.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 14, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. DancingCookie
    Exactly. And Xehanort wanted to lose his heart. Or something like that. He was batcrap insane, yeah, I'll go with that.

    I think that they would have had to earn their hearts back. I mean, you wouldn't let someone steal your Car just because they didn't have one. Why should they get away with stealing vital organs?
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. DancingCookie
    Do you remember if you were attacked by heartless the previous time you drove? That's what triggers Anti-Form. I had a video explaining how it works, but I lost the link. I know it's on Youtube, though.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. DancingCookie
    My name is Stephanie, I can't figure anything out that isn't impossible to pronounce. So I've been trying out my Middle name.
    ...and that's about it. My friend's name is Shawna, we decided her element would be Cougars, (HUGE inside joke), but she doesn't have a name.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. DancingCookie
    Nuclear Holocaust is a joke the kids on the Debate team at my school use, they maintain that if, during a torunament, you can somehow work Nuclear War into your arguement, you instantly win. I just never had a good reason to use the joke yet. It's on the same level as Phoenix Wright's "OBJECTION!". I should've explained that, sorry. (Like, if your were debating against School Uniforms, for instance, you could comically argue the point that "Without self-expression through wardrobe, kids will get angrier and angrier until they start a Nuclear Holocaust!").

    They seriously return to their original form? That seems both cool, and really, really awkward. Imagine getting into an elevator with someone you just had to fight in order to save the universe. It would be pretty interesting if they actually were remorseful about what they did, though. How would one go about making up for something like that?

    I should probably ask right now where people find these interviews. They seem informative.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. DancingCookie
    Alright, so we know that Axel and Xemnas are alive again-probably the stronger members are back too-but this is probably what was referred to as "The Next Life". So it's the Organization, but not the Organization.

    Because if Xemnas came back as Xemnas, it'd only lead to Nuclear Holocaust. And that's bad. So he's probably now the kid everyone picks on due to the epic amounts of Bad Karma he generated.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. DancingCookie
    That's, like, the Kingdom Hearts version of The Odd Couple. I can see it now...
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. DancingCookie
    Xemnas and anything other than Kingdom Hearts.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. DancingCookie

    Click on "Cosplay", and I've got (rather bad) shots of the front, the back, and what it looks like with the hood up. I can send you the link to the pattern if you like this one-but I should tell you that it was drafted for a bigger guy, and I happen to be the opposite of that. So you might have to make it smaller.

    I got the chain for the Hood and the Beads from an art store, and the chain going over the Zipper came from a Halloween store, it was originally from a necklace with a giant "$" on it. I should have kept it on there, I'd have been a Ghetto Fabulous Organization Member.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. DancingCookie
    Just make your own, I looked at coats online for months, but they were all too expensive, and the ones I could afford weren't all that good.

    I got my pattern from Nobody's Buddy, and used Cotton Duck Canvas for the material. Overall, it cost about $30 for the material and the supplies, and the pattern's free. That way you can be sure that it's going to fit the way you need it to.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. DancingCookie
    Oh wow, this is just wonderful. I really liked how the spells are in Latin, and how Luxord quoted Shakespeare. I can't pick one aspect of this as my favorite though, it's all amazing.

    And I totally loved those last few lines between Kairi and Xemnas.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 1, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. DancingCookie
    I don't have a favorite crew. I like Jabbawokeez a lot though, but that's just cause of their name. Jabberwocky FTW.

    I'm also way jealous of their skills. There are few things I would not do for that ability. I really don't care who wins, they're fun to watch, all of them are.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Feb 27, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. DancingCookie keeping with the traditional "awkward after-arguement topic change", who else thinks that Cloverfield won't be as good on a regular TV? I'll totally buy the DVD of it, but it'll so lose some of the magic unless my Dad can hijack another digital projector from his job.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Feb 25, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. DancingCookie
    I think a CGI movie would be cool, but they'd have to be really careful not to mess it up. I'd like to see everyone looking pretty in all that high-def animation.

    I'd only trust a live-action version to Guillermo Del Toro, the guy that made Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy. He's really, really good at working CGI and really complicated makeup and such into live-action stuff. So I wouldn't doubt he'd be able to do KH in live-action. But actors are another story entirely. They'd have to Cast by comparing the Actors to the Characters, there's a term for it, but I can't remember what it is. So it probably wouldn't work.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. DancingCookie
    My happiest moment was, after at least two weeks of trying, finally beating Demyx. I like him and all, but that boss battle sucked. Although watching my sister's boyfriend try, and completely fail, at it was hilarious.

    I also had a lot of fun fighting Xigbar, but I don't think that counts.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. DancingCookie
    Those are instant explosions, though. If they stuck a grenade, or any other explosive, in her it would have been louder, and she wouldn't have expanded like she did. Instead, we got a ballooning effect, and a nasty "splat" type noise. And it's so not safe to stand a foot away from any explosion.

    I'm putting my money on the Venom causing a buildup of gases and such, or the Neurotic Poison. I have a very limited understanding of these things, though. Heck, all my knowledge of explosives comes from the Discovery Channel.

    And I totally just kinda butted in on your conversation. Sorry 'bout that.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. DancingCookie
    If I had to give a Top 5;

    1. Xigbar-That was the most fun I've ever had getting shot.
    2. Saix-There's something about when he goes Beserk that I really, really like. Can't exactly figure out what though.
    3. Xemnas at Memory's Contortion-I blocked his attacks for a few minutes, and it looked like they were Swing Dancing, but he doesn't flip like that any other time, which stinks. Plus, running up the side of a SkyScraper FTW.
    4. The MCP-The one boss battle where yelling "SHOOP DA WHOOP!" at the screen was acceptable. At least for me it was.
    5. 1000 Heartless-That battle was EPIC.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. DancingCookie
    Oh yeah, the Dragon thing got tedious after about a minute.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX