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  1. DancingCookie
    Auron. Easily the most awesome of all the FF Party members.

    Although I was annoyed by how easily Hades could control him. He's Sir Auron, the legendary Guardian of both Yuna and Braska! He shouldn't be able to be controlled that easily!
    Post by: DancingCookie, Aug 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. DancingCookie
    I voted for Vincent, but Lulu would have been an Epic addition too.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Aug 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. DancingCookie
    Aqua looks a little like Yuna. Maybe it's the sleeves.

    I want her outfit, though. I'm happy we FINALLY got an idea of what she looks like.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Aug 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. DancingCookie
    "Sacred Moon" is a beautiful track. Probably my favorite besides Sanctuary.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. DancingCookie
    I'd almost call it an Aquired Taste as far as books go. I read it for a Class last year, and I was the only person that liked it out of about 30 kids.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Jun 18, 2008 in forum: Literature
  6. DancingCookie
    Well now that just pisses any fan of anything off.

    Also, being on the board of your School's Anime club and Declaring Naruto as Taboo. I think I want to do that next year.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Jun 18, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. DancingCookie
    Even though he's not my overall favorite, I do love to pick Xemnas apart.

    • First, it's the way he holds himself. It's so dignified, almost elegant. It's the same with his fighting style. If he didn't have to wear that coat, I'd be willing to bet he'd be wearing something Neo-Victorian, it just fits him so well.
    • Take a look at his Heartless. In the game, the size and strength of your Heartless is totally dependant on the amount of darkness in your heart. Xehanort had some serious baggage, and I'm pretty sure most, if not all, of that transferred itself to Xemnas. He's completely crazy, but you couldn't guess that until you talked to him for a while, the thing is, I don't think he even notices how messed up he is.
    • Going back to fighting for a minute. Was anyone else totally freaked out when they finally beat Xemnas? It's his last words, "Keyblade", or something. He's completely obsessed with it. Kinda scary.
    • The Room of Sleep. Notice what he's saying as he's walking down the last section of the ramp? Why would he say that if he wasn't bitter about it? Maybe he doesn't want to believe he has a heart, so he tells the rest of the organization that they don't have hearts. Or maybe he's trying to convince himself that he doesn't have one. Which is really bad.
    • Does he remember who Kairi is? They didn't mention in Never Was that she's really from Radiant Garden. Seems like that'd make an interesting plot point.
    • I don't exactly have solid Likes and Dislikes about Xemnas himself. It's the type of Character that he is I really like. Not exactly a Tragic Hero, but dang close. I'd enjoy being his therapist, if he'd admit he needs one.
    Post by: DancingCookie, May 10, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. DancingCookie
    Kairi is sort of the Miranda (Shakespeare's "The Tempest") of Kingdom Hearts. I like her a lot, actually.

    Kairi has major potential to be the Strong Female Lead in this series, and I'd love to see her as that. She clearly wants to be that, too. She wanted to go to End of the World with Sora, and she also said that she isn't going to stay behind anymore. So I'm sure she's getting more devlopment in the eventual KHIII.
    Post by: DancingCookie, May 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. DancingCookie
    Ghost Rider. I actually wanted to puke after watching it.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Apr 29, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. DancingCookie
    If they had the Internet in KH, know what would've happened? Macros. Oh yeah; FSM, Ceiling Cat, NEDM, all that stuff. The Limit in Space Paranoids would've been "Shoop da Whoop!". And we'd have to fight off the legions of Ebaum's World instead of the Heartless. And Organization XIII would be called "Anonymous".

    Actually, I doubt it'd have changed things much. Either way, Sora's too young to drive, and I doubt any of them have the free time to learn. Also, I don't think that any wireless provider could provide coverage on all those worlds and still be slightly logicial.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Apr 23, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. DancingCookie
    Favorite Male: Sora, it's nice to have the hero be close to your own age, he's also such a dork that I can't help but love him.
    Favorite Female: Namine. She reminds of the Storybook versions of Angels, I also think she'd make a good Miranda in The Tempest.
    Favorite Organization Member: Xigbar. He's pretty much the Bill of Kingdom Hearts, he has the funnest boss battle, and he doesn't over-dramatize losing. So he's kind of generally BAMF.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Apr 21, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. DancingCookie
    My all-time favorite line in both games: "Have you been a good boy?...Oh, it sounds like you haven't."

    Because nothing is funner than using this line in everyday conversation with someone who hasn't played through KHII.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Apr 9, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. DancingCookie
    I didn't cry, but I had one of those "What just heppened?" moments after beating Xigbar. I guess I was expecting the over-dramatized reaction that everyone else gave, then he kind of just...didn't care. He gave me the impression that he knew it was going to happen, but he just wanted to go out in a big way. Sorta like Budd in Kill Bill Vol. 2.

    After Xemnas portaled away in Hollow Bastion and Sora just goes "He Gone..." and falls down, when you get to witness the mental strain that the Organization placed on Sora, I feel so bad for that kid. Then Saix has to show up and be a jerk and not let him see Kairi. One day, I'ma write one big Psychology Essay about this game and just break this entire thing down.

    (I guess I don't have a heart considering, after beating Demyx, I was too wound up on the fact that I actually beat Demyx to pay attention. Wasted two weeks of my life on that fruit loop....)
    Post by: DancingCookie, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. DancingCookie
    (Wow, this question is like...beyond the Dead Panda point.)

    I had an epiphany a few nights ago, so I'm going to ask a few questions of my own, I just hope I'm not the only Shakespeare nut here.

    Was Lady Macbeth right in her manipulation of Lord Macbeth so he could kill Duncan? I mean, she just wanted to be Queen, right? Or what about Antonio shipping Prospero off to sea with Miranda, simply because he wanted to be the Duke of Milan? Claudius killing Hamlet to be King, were any of them right in what they did? Was the Organization right in doing what they were doing, simply for a heart? Noble intentions turned to cruel deeds.

    Compare them, if you'd all be so kind, to the major characters in Shakespeare's Plays. The Tempest, Macbeth, Hamlet, look what happens in those plays. Everyone gets exactly what they deserve, nothing more, nothing less. No one will argue that Antonio was the real good guy, or that Lady Macbeth wasn't all that bad, or that Hamlet Jr. should've just talked things out with Claudius. Why argue those points for something else? What's done is done. Cruel Inventions(Psuedo-KH, releasing heartless into worlds...) turned to plague the Inventor(Xemnas), until the pont when turning back was no longer an option. Then who's to blame? Inventor, or Victim?

    (At the risk of typing in Iambic Pentameter, I'm just going to stop now)
    Post by: DancingCookie, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. DancingCookie
    Luxord. Because then I could be a total Jerk, but get away with it, cause I'd be British.]

    Or, I'd be Kairi. Execpt I'd just pick the lock on that jail cell and mace the entire Organization.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Apr 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. DancingCookie
    Hmmm. If it was just heartless, I'd bust out the conviently placed Hattori Hanzo Sword and kick me some booty. If it was Heartless and Nobodies, I'd probably hop in my Sister's truck and mow 'em all down.

    If Organization XIII and/or Xehanort's Heartless were there, me and my Girls would re-enact that ending sequence from Death Proof. That is, if they don't kill us first. Which is more likely than anything else, really.

    So I'd probably just hide in a closet or something and hope they don't find me. Or like, in the Girls' Bathroom at school. "YOU CAN'T COME IN HERE AND STEAL MY HEART THIS IS THE GIRLS ROOM, JERKS".
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. DancingCookie
    I'd Quote Shakespeare at them, but I wouldn't die for them. I'm more of an NPC.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. DancingCookie
    I really Like Saix's Title, "The Luna Diviner". Everytime I see that phrase, I always get this mental image of something a lot like the Oracle sequence in 300. It's very...elegant, I guess.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. DancingCookie
    I have to sort of salvage Kairi's outfit here. I've taken about four years of Cheerleading, and two of dancing. You cannot do all that running around in anything longer than what she has on. The dress would just trip her up. She could use some Spankies (Spandex shorts you wear under a skirt to prevent underwear shots), but I don't think that those are things game designers would know about. I'm pretty sure the zippers are just there to make her dress not plain. But they're still...kind of suggestive, I'll give y'all that one. Namine's dress is just as short, though.

    But I completely agree on KH1 Ansem's speeches. Did any of Xehanort ever stop talking?
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 26, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. DancingCookie
    I'd have liked it if they went more into the backstory for Ansem's Apprentices, instead of just that 30-second conversation between Xehanort and Ansem.

    Also, Xemnas should not have had as many soliloquies as he did. That man did not stop talking, granted, his voice is hyponotic, and happens to be one of my favorites, but that doesn't give anyone to right to out-monologue Hamlet. You know, he should have just given the "To Be or Not to Be" speech. Would've saved us all a lot of time. At least then Sora could've called him a Fishmonger. (Even if Hamlet said that to Polonius, it doesn't matter because it would've been epic).

    And Sora should have been told more information. Poor kid's more confused than a Freshman in an AP class.
    Post by: DancingCookie, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts