Like many other people, I was devastated when I found out that KH3 was coming to PS4, but not PS3. A lot of people can't afford to buy a new console, and didn't tetsuya nomura say he was bringing all of the games to one home console, and then brought out Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix to the Ps3? Also, after I found out about KH3, I looked it up on Wikipedia, and it said that KH3 was on the ps4 as a platform. A few hours later, just after it was announced that it would come to the Xbox One, the Wikipedia thread added in the Xbox One, to the platform section. Does this mean that KH3 might come to the Ps3, but it just hasn't been announced, yet? I mean, seriously, they can't just bring it to a microsoft console, yet miss out the Ps3, can they?
Thanks! :D
Real name: Kane = Kxena(pronounced Zeena) Username: BeatleManiac = Imbalance Eta(pronounced Imbalance Eeta)
Obviously, as well as most people, when I first heard it's announcement, I screamed at the top of my lungs with excitement! A few hours later, though, I thought to myself... 'What about people that haven't played the handheld games?' Sure enough, in the KH3 announcement trailer, it shows Sora picking up Master Eraqus's keyblade, so KH3 will obviously be linked with Birth By Sleep, but what about the people who have never played the (I don't want to say spin offs) linking games? Some people, that have maybe played 1 and 2, and that's all, will get this game and have NO clue on what's going on. Will it ruin the game for them? I can't worry about this, myself, because the only extras I haven't played are Dream Drop Distance(Don't own a 3DS) and Re:COM(Hasn't came out in the UK, yet), but I'm pretty sure Kingdom Hearts will be a LOT about the other games, as well as a new adventure. What do you guys think?
I don't really want to say who I used to be, on these forums, because I was extremely annoying to a lot of people, and I had the worst grammar in the world. Let's start again, shall we? I'm new!