hehe its okay where all humans just try to remember :3 luckly as i keep my finger on the stop button for these kind of events xP so i was only reminded by a spoiled seen iv seen before soooo its not that big deal ^^ btw love the first one for this simepl reason it had TLK world in it xP i have seriesly not seen one NOT ONE! of these awsome amvs with the TLK world in it...it always just seem to be left out witch makes me sad >.0 but am happy the first place in this one didnt x3
got damnit you forgot to set spolier warning on FF crises core on the secound submision!! >.< damnit!
nice ones watched all exsepkt first one due to crises core spoilier" thanks for telling me" x3
thanks mate x3
gota praise ya dude ya keep this up "every week" however this is not a complant or anything just wanted to say it could ya put it "spolier" warning or something when the other FF vidos are invalved? il have to panik shut the window down just i dont whana see any scenes from FF crises core ^^ thanks :3
hmm ghuess ya guys are right but still and i did say "good" amvs so just for the record am not ranting down the FF ones i like final fantasy in general to am just saying and dont missunderstand me i do think there good to
okay i dont whana be an ass or anything but acording to me Final fantasy games arnt Kingdom hearts...am starting to get tierd of none KH videos making to the list...a mix of kingdom hearts and final fantasy is alirght like Squall or Cloud...but carecters that arnt even in the games... and am getting sick of these " very good AMVs" but arnt KH related...i dont whana be an ass but you seem to like FF to mutch acording to me it was better when Death Spank handeld the list becouse it sticked to KH ...not things that arnt even kingdom hearts thats ridicelus.. look this came out a little harhs but what am meaning to say is Final fantasy 1 "not kh related 3,4.5,6 "etc etc" if ya are letting ppl entry top 5 without even having a single KH scence in them ya should redub the top 5 to "anything that is related to kh goes 5" i came here for KH amvs not for final fantasy amvs... i mean atleast restrict the list to the final fantasy games that final fantasy carecters are from like cloud and Squal