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  1. Limex
    its easy.

    Riku got the ability to wield a keyblade of light from Terra,

    But when Riku turned to the darkness and shuned his light intentions of protecting his friends , thus embraching the darkness the Keyblade found its way to sora " Whos heart and intentions where made of light" and thus Sora got his keyblade and Riku was left without one.

    however following the events of kh 1-2 though riku no longer posses his original keyblade that was inteaded for him he still posses the ablity to have one, witch he gains in kh 2 witch is a keyblade of darkness.

    oh and Ventus being inside sora has nothing to do with soras ability to wield a keyblade, it IS however the reason he can duel wield,

    2 hearts that posses keyblades= 2 keyblades , in one person = duel wield

    and that is the story of that

    and to answer eentje its easy.

    just becouse you have the ability to do something dont mean you KNOW you can do it from the get go, take for example sports, jumping futher then you thought you could, or jumping higher, sprinting faster " etc" you dont know that you can do that from the get go.

    and thus sora didnt knew he could duel wield, easy as that

    not to mention in kh 1 he is an "in-mature" Keyblade wiealder, being far to young for it to normaly be used, and perhaps thus its full potentiol locked.

    several logical reasons for this.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Limex
    thanks everyone for your therioes its emmensly intressting to hear and read about it, and due to disscutions, i am yet again confounded and confused xP
    Post by: Limex, Oct 7, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Limex
    abortion ftw,

    simple reason?, kill something that is not alive,before it comes alive so it wont suffer when its alive, cuse we all know that people who is forced to have kids handel it so well.

    also gay marriage and adoption ftw, where over stocked with babies, lets give them to those people who will actually love them more then people who dont want them and they get moved from home to home

    i dont see where the issue is . well expect for relgion being in the way ofcourse witch you guys arleady seem to be deep in disccution "curtesty from sweden"
    Post by: Limex, Oct 7, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Limex
    Roxas after all this?

    Personally i knew this was gona happen " we all did the moment we saw ventus" BUT...for some reason i dont see Roxas completly destroyed..witch i thought i would.

    the perfect Scenario for this to me is if Roxas do NOT fouce back with Ventus, i dont care if Roxas has a heart or not, but i dont want roxas to dissapear.

    (originaly i gave squire enix huge creds for killing of good charecters in the kh series (as that seems ot be the biggest taboo in gameing history now adays), but seeing the secret ending tottaly destroyed that and that there will prob be a distustingly happy ending where every good guy makes it.

    dont take me wrong ofcourse i dont go " Yes good guys are dying" but it adds more realism to know not everyone can make it its just not realistic and it just becomes more like a book, if you indirectly know no good guy is going to die then the book "or charecter atleast" is no fun to read about, its the same with games., (its the same for small stuff like in ff 7 you heard that when you blew that reactor up alot of people died, but as in now adays alot of people only get hurt)

    well on to the point, id hate for Roxas to be one with ven due to several reasons those being.

    1. if they are one, they would have to big off a " best friends" circle, witch would be Xion,Axel,Terra,Aqua. and i think thats just abit much " and thats excluded Pennce and co.

    2. i just think it would tottaly destory Roxas charecter.

    3.i just plain would like all the good guys who died/dissapeard/became at peace with eachother would freaking stay dead!.

    i for one just know Axel/Lea will come back sense he will "live on forever in other peoples memorys" i almost know how all this will play out (foreseeing ofcourse i cant know know, but i havent been wrong yet, i almost foretold the whole BBS game, and Ds one) ...and it sucks to be able to do that xP

    anyhow im trailing off here, so what do you make of Roxas ? (and Ventus if you feel like talking about em too)

    short: personlly, its ok for me the way it is now, but well see with KH 3 if they manage to screw up roxas for me or not.
    Thread by: Limex, Oct 6, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Limex
    go to playstation network and download Adhoc mode. connect your psp throw a usb to your ps3, start birth by sleep , start adhoc mode and run wild
    Post by: Limex, Oct 6, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Limex
    mine is the Ghost drive Easly and this is why.

    my first charecter was Aqua, and when i was faceing Ventus on the peter pan world it happen and it had amazing timeing too.

    so i was fighting him and his got damn teleport style (i was playing on proud) when it happen.

    so i was hitting on him and mid combo he did his teleport upove you and attack and thats when for the first time ever my ghost drive kicked in.

    in witch I teleported behinde his ass and started hammering away only to keep teleporting and hitting him " causing him to not be able to hit me"

    that moment made my Jaw to littelry drop i could just imagen the awsomenss of that scene if it where to be done in CGI and how suprised Vanitas must have been hehe.

    ontop of that my fave type of magic happens to be Time and Space.

    so i almost jizzed my damn pants when that happen, i hope Time and Space magic " with teleport" makes a comeback in Connect.

    so what your favuret drive and why?, mine is as said Ghost drive ^^
    Thread by: Limex, Sep 30, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Limex
    ah this is right indeed, but being very nit pucky that i am im going to say.

    "our union was not finnished, "

    that sounds like the x-blade never did get finnished.


    i tottaly buy what you two are saying and it is from now on also the way i see it.
    thanks :3
    Post by: Limex, Sep 30, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Limex
    Alright so one thing that confuses me

    Ventus Vs Vanitas " inside Ventus heart" and they fight and he defeats him and his un-complete X-blade.

    so my question is

    why the hell is Aqua fighting him outside and with a complete X-blade?

    is the battle simontatius and if so why is vantias X-blade complete when he faces Aqua

    this is a minor thing i know but it confuses me to hell and i whana know! D:

    my ghuess is that Ventus Defeats vanitas, and there for Aqua can beat vanitas on the outside?...i dunno lol
    Thread by: Limex, Sep 30, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Limex
    im i the only ojne who actually thinks they should finnish the other mangas before starting on a new one? 0.o

    still awsome though..need to get a DS and get that damn thing for europe >.<
    Post by: Limex, Aug 19, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Limex
    KH 3 needs a simple thing. coop.

    Imagen playiing throw a whole adventure with you as Sora and your friend as Riku, i mean damn the coop attacks in KH 2 with the in world charecters where awsome! Imagen a 3 way coop attack" orgazms"
    Post by: Limex, Aug 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Limex
    it better freaking damn be on the ps3! otherwise im gona be sooooooo ticked off...gah gota buy a Nitendo DSI, a new PSP and gawd take them if they make me buy a 360! xP
    Post by: Limex, May 29, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Limex
    well im sighing up for this! :3 i think i could do eather Riku Axel or Diz, what do ya guys need in terms of sending my voice? ^^
    Post by: Limex, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. Limex
    woot il aounce myself as Riku! what do ya need for voice reel ? :3
    Post by: Limex, Feb 5, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  14. Limex
    sure would but am honestly thinking its not going to happen
    Post by: Limex, Aug 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Limex
    Alright thanks i guess someone just spurted it up again >.>"sadly enough"

    i would so easly buy all the 3 games
    Post by: Limex, Aug 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Limex
    okay am damn confused here so il look to ya guys sense some here actually collects REAL infromation and not ruomers..right so here it is

    latley alot of my friends have gone like" they have finnely confermd that they will realise an english ( or atleast subed) version of Kingdom hearts 1 and 2 (plus chain of memories) +

    now they are not refuring to the roumurs that spread around when the game was realised but new ones so i whana know

    IS it really confermd that they will realise teh whole "final mix + " in amarica ? /hopefully europe" cuse i cant find any source of that being said and i whana know if ya guys heard anything abut this
    Thread by: Limex, Aug 24, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Limex
    ya know ma not gona over react abut this or anything but

    Post by: Limex, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Limex

    lol not in europe it aint if id be out here id beaten it already so please conitnue the warnings just until the eurpian realse
    Post by: Limex, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. Limex
    and ones agian i misstakly saw some crises core on the 4th video >.>
    Post by: Limex, Apr 3, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  20. Limex
    watched all but the first one x3 thanks for the crises core heads up :3 apprichate it "todays spechial metion was indeed hiliarius"
    Post by: Limex, Mar 28, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects