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  1. Limex
    Xeirt no offense but you have the most messed up theory I've ever seen.

    I'll Quote Xion, Heavy Spoilers

    " I belong with Sora, and now I'm going back to be with him."

    Honestly Xeirt, someone on there death bed would not say something like that unless they knew where they where going. And Xeirt, really Roxas doesn't have Sora's body he has Ventus..i mean look at him 0.o (though I belive Roxas hosts Ventus heart, and looks like him but he IS not ventus, if ya get my meaning.)

    easiest way I would say is that they became twins somehow, though I'm trailing off topic here.

    btw fun fact! The circle of life keyblade is in the keyblade graveyard title when it comes up on the screen, its my fave keyblade! "being the lion king nerd I am" I saw it instantly xP

    (edit) thanks Chaviler, apprichated.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 25, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Limex
    well not officahly no, but he said he had already thought out a charecter he wanted in there "just not how she looks like what the story was going to be" etc etc.

    but then again not being 100% sure im gona fold on that.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 25, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Limex
    ah but you see Nomura had planed for Xions existence ever sense the beginning he had just not designed her apperence yet but the character per say was planed from the start " i have read this in an interview but i cant find it so i cant back it up, so you gota chose to believe me or not"

    and to answer the question about Riku saying the keyblade is a sham...who made Riku all mighty and knowing, any one ever consider he might be wrong, we have played like 4 kingdom hearts games spanning over 10 years and we cant figure them out, how so would he?, not to mention he hadent even obtained his yet, just saying riku can very well be wrong.
    and besides if Xions keyblade was a Sham then why did it work perfectly as a real keyblade then as it free hearts just like Roxas and im sure can un-lock and lock keyholes aswel (no one can prove that is rght or wrong sense Roxas/Xion nether did lock or un-lock any keyholes in days)

    i mean if it works perfectly like the original then its not a sham is it?" asumeing its not soras keyblade but i do atleast"

    and honestly i think we are all over analyzing this heh.

    "sorry for dubble post"

    i think Nomura stated that in kh 2 final mix secret ending the keyblades did not have keychains simply becouse he had not yet desinged them. (TAV)

    and Xeitr i agree with you on some parts but then i tottaly disagree about other parts not being rude here, so i simply dont have the energy no more, and agrees to move the topic forward sense we are all having our own theories witch we are all equally reluctant to let go off.

    long story short the discussion is a dead end so im going to go on at least.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 24, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Limex
    OOC( can one still join this rp ?. would love to join with my OC)
    Post by: Limex, Nov 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Limex
    im just going to go ahead and copy pasta, where i got my theory from, (However it do not support my previous statment fully, but il go ahead and accept this one as the proper explination)

    Synch Blade is an ability which allows a Keyblade wielder to summon another Keyblade during battle. So far, the only characters to use this are Roxas, who can use this ability to summon his two Keyblades, the Oathkeeper and Oblivion, Sora while in Valor Form, Master Form, and Final Form, and Riku.
    Roxas can use Synch Blade because he has both Sora's Keyblade and Ventus's Keyblade, due to Ventus's heart remaining within him. Originally, he just wields Sora's Keyblade, as Xion's creation had siphoned away Ventus's Keyblade. However, when she is defeated, his powers return to him, and he reawakens the ability to use Ventus's Keyblade. After Sora and Roxas come back together, Sora is able to mimic Roxas's Synch Blade within several of his Drive Forms, but since Sora possesses every ability that Roxas had, it is also possible for Sora to use Synch Blade naturally, without going into a Drive Form.
    At one point at The World That Never Was, Riku also demonstrates Synch Blade by wielding both his Way to the Dawn and his Destiny's Embrace, the latter of which he hands to Kairi. However, it is unknown how Riku obtained a second Keyblade.

    and im going to go ahead and qoute Nomura.

    Famitsu Interview; Nomura: "The Keyblades the boy who knows Sora is holding are the Oathkeeper and Oblivion from the first game. The precious "Oathkeeper", which Sora received from Kairi. The jet-black Keyblade, symbolic of Riku. / The Oblivion, at first, was called Riku's Keyblade. The boy who has the Keyblades from Riku (darkness) and Kairi (light)
    says nothing of Xion or any other involvment.

    now what id like to know though, if Roxas is wealding Ventus keyblade and Soras, how come they both look exakctly like Soras, and not like Ventus keyblade and Soras keyblade...thats what id like to know.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 24, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Limex
    i wounder where everyone get this idea that Xion has her own keyblade becouse as far as i have understood it she has not, mainly becouse she do not qualify for it. lookie here.

    Xion is a puppet, not even a HUMAN , so to speak, she is just like Riku Replica (she is even part of that program/plan) and she is soley created to absorb Soras shatterd memories and in doing so gains the power to use Soras keyblade.

    ( I assume) she do not have a proper heart sense she was not born a proper human, but an experement, (why i assume this is , why else would the organization not use this to get hearts if they could create hearts and thus become "whole" again, well becouse they cant)

    and as we all know You need a heart atleast to wield a keyblade, thats why Xemans cant use one, and Ansem the seeker of darkness cant use one.

    now Roxas who is half of what sora is, (and hosting vens heart) uses soras keyblade too, this is explained becouse the more powerful Xion gets the weaker roxas gets, and that is becouse they are linked to sora,
    and Xemnas and the rest dont care about witch keyblade wealder comes out on top, as long as they have one under there control, now ofcourse they are super happy to have 2 running around , but as they all knew " xept for Roxas and Xion" that wouldent last, sense sooner or later one of them would grow stronger causing the other to grow weaker.

    also, Know why Xion looks so much like Kairi?, thats becouse she absurbes Soras memories " as said" and then takes on a face in those memories, and she just happen to chose Kairi, sense she was with Sora all the time that was a re-accuring face, but as we all see in the end her face takes on that of Sora.

    so how did she look the moment she was created? and yet to absorb any memories, well she litterly was faceless then.

    (just side off topic, to back up my theory that she uses Soras keyblade)

    and as mod " i assume" previesly stated, this is not THE WAY IT IS!, its merely my own speculation, and wanting to have a nice disscution about it.

    so long story short, Both Roxas and Xion are linked to Sora in a heavy bond, causing them both the ability to weald his keyblade, becouse in one way or an other they are a part of him.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 23, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Limex
    id say thats not the case, sense Xigbar Remembers Ventus when fighting Xion, " there are those eyes looking down on me again , god i hate those eyes" or something like that he says witch i say confirm they remember there orignal selfs, "well expet for Xemans ofcourse"
    Post by: Limex, Nov 23, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Limex
    thats incorrect Xion dont have her own keyblade , she wields soras keyblade just like roxas.

    roxas dont have an own keyblade, he is part of sora, and thus wielding soras keyblade, while hosting vens heart ( or he is useing vens keyblade) But Roxas do not have his very own keyblade, and judgeing by the desing im gona go with that he is useing soras.

    and Sora has his own keyblade and vens, NOT roxas , becouse roxas dont have one.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 22, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Limex


    Well watching this cutscene in days was ofcourse very simple, did he want a real friendship with roxas, or a fake one with Xion due to her being a puppet.

    HOWEVER, after we all have played BBS and seen this cutscene here.

    one could question if Saix was refuring to the fact that Xion was a puppet AND/OR, Ventus as Axels friendship had formed with him long before anyone was a nobody and thus making it real.

    Thread by: Limex, Nov 22, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Limex

    im gona agree with this becouse well its what i think aswel and coudlent said it better myself xP.

    now i just want to point out while where at this whole Keyblade topic.

    Ya can wield one keyblade you can wield them all, and not just only the one that is yours.
    this is demostrated in kh 1 when sora uses the keyblade to unlock people hearts, thats not his keyblade, but yet he can pick it up and use it acordingly, and that is becouse he posses the ability to wield a keyblade.

    an other is when he is fighting Roxas, " this can be widley debated" but when you fight him in final mix, you can pull of a move that causes Sora to litterly Snatch Roxas Oathkepper and Oblivion (who are incargnations of soras memory of Kari and Riku,"random fact"

    eather way this is where the debate part comes in, it is generly known by now that Sora and roxas posses the abilty to duel wield, due to hosting vens heart, the way this works is.

    Sora + ven = two keyblades.
    Roxas+ ven = two keyblades ( where roxas mainly uses soras, due to being a part of him, half of what he is, and then the other keyblade is simply ventus.

    now seeing as the battle is held inside soras heart, " awakening" or what not, theoretacly the number of keyblades could be endless.
    my point with all this was just to state that Keyblade wielders can use other keyblades that where not meant for them,

    A THIRD! example witch i cant belive i forgot, is the final battle in kh2 where Sora lay the final combo on Xemans, while doing that combo he uses Rikus keyblade.

    forth example : Riku vs Roxas, Riku momentarly uses the keyblade agesnt roxas, now if roxas could simply just warp it back in to his hands why wouldent he the moment Riku and him clashed blades? (heat of battle maybe i dunno im just listing examples here)
    an other element to add to the nature of the keyblades.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 22, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Limex
    even if it would be the same there is an easy answer.

    extra work,

    but there is no descution here i guess sense it is just a summoning device and not actual armor.
    not to mention there are no lingering spirits "story wise and offichaly" in the universe they simply serve as extra bosses, and teasers for whats to come

    Terra in kh 2 final mix.

    Unknown person in bbs.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 22, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Limex
    as fantasy as KH is , this mending could simply be roxas saying goodbye to Axel, "i really dont think so myself" but hopeing i guess.

    well iv stated what i think about the matter, and kh lover high five for FYAY!
    Post by: Limex, Nov 21, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Limex
    ventus fousing with sora i dont think is a legit reason for them to look alike.

    first off Sora was already born and well alive " duh" so ofcourse he will look like he do when he grows up, and ventus was already grown up.

    i really dont think they are brothers ether but that is the only real reason i can think of them two being so equal, and conisidense...ofcrouse it can happen but come on THAT simulare, i mean there borderlining on twins here
    Post by: Limex, Nov 20, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Limex
    your not really imagetive are you?.

    i can think of ateast 2 reasons how this could have happen. (though i myself dont think so eather) but how do you explaine that they are so extremly simulare?.

    just saying coincidence i have a hard time to swallow aswel.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 20, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Limex
    there is in no way blank points have "confirmed" they will come back, it can equally much be symbolic as it is them returning full blown charecterwise.

    assuming and confrimed are 2 diffrent things.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 20, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Limex
    so..i thought of something.

    Ventus being inside sora spawning roxas jadi jadi jadi!.

    there is one thing thats off and not explained though.

    Ventus Looks VERY simulare to Sora, (be it roxas or what not same face diffrent person) But you cant deny that Ventus/Roxas has a Stunning similarity

    i mean my theoriy of Nobodies before birth by sleep was that they look exactly the same just with the oppesit hair colur. (going on Namine/Kairi and Sora/ Roxas who follows that theoriy)

    but seriesly back on topic, dont Ventus and Sora look extreamly alike?.
    the fact we never get to know where Ventus came from might support this even more?.

    what do you guys think, think Sora and Ventus might be long lost brothers?
    Thread by: Limex, Nov 20, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Limex
    So it's possible that other members of Organization XIII can be revived?

    Nomura: If their Heartless has been defeated then it's possible.

    i will say nothing more then

    FYAY!....this F yay means the F word becouse i hate the consept of reviving charecters that has passed away, (that goes for Roxas Axel and Xion) becouse part of why i like them is becouse they where in that situation,how they handeld it, AND that its realistic that not every good guy in the world can make it spechely sutch an epic adventure as the kh universe.

    the yay is becouse i do freaking love Axel/

    lol this is kind of a downer xP. i dunno what to think!

    (dont kill me for posting this here , there is no kh 3 section so i didnt know where to place it!))
    Thread by: Limex, Nov 20, 2010, 19 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Limex
    if he dies how then dose he help sora fight Marluxia?.

    or is all this after soras finnished in COM ?
    Post by: Limex, Nov 14, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Limex

    and this room might be the room ventus is sleeping in?.
    i mean it is in castle oblivion, but they obviesly didnt find him.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Limex
    am i the only one who hates this?

    im serious i was so glad that good people actually died/dissapeard,could not continue to excist on there own "etc"

    why you say? all games ALL! games now adays has this really painfully happy ending where everyone makes it..and it pisses me off its not realsitc, and so i was super happy kh had good guys getting killed off.

    and now they all might be brught back....and i hate it

    dont get me wrong i like Roxas Axel xion and co, i mean roxas is one of my faves, BUT the reason that i like them is also some becouse of what they went throw, and that they had to go away.

    worst case scenario, they will come back and be there own pysical self and body.

    i hope they dont do that " but doupting ,days would be any good and i was shockingly amazed it will probebly be fantastic eatehr way.

    sorry this didnt bring much to the convo, well Riku Replica was last seen walking down the plains outside castle oblivion, in witch Axel reaches a hand out for him, (this is durning chain of memories remake credits) and then it all fades, so...who knows he might come back.
    Post by: Limex, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX