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  1. SlippingStar
    :glomp: hiya, welcome to KH-vids!! how'd you find us, sweets?
    Post by: SlippingStar, Aug 3, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. SlippingStar
    Interesting... sorry to say it's too morbid for me. btw, healing potions ALWAYS heal everything (see Re:CoM cutscene where Larxene fades from non-existance), so it's a little odd that anything still hurts. I can understand exhaughtion and sweat, but... anyhow, it's good, none the less.
    Post by: SlippingStar, Aug 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. SlippingStar
    cool, more?
    Post by: SlippingStar, Aug 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. SlippingStar
    thankyou! ^w^ Makes more sense now.
    Post by: SlippingStar, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  5. SlippingStar
    So I'm Sora, lvl 63-or-so, Ultima Weapon(FINALLY!), and I go to the fat dude in Twight Town and he goes "You're not experienced enough to fight Seifer! 8D" Why is this?
    Thread by: SlippingStar, Jul 31, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  6. SlippingStar
    Actually, he set out to find Kairi and co. at 13, slept when he was 14, and came out at 15. (See KHI case booklet and KHII case booklet)
    Post by: SlippingStar, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. SlippingStar
    xD thanks. SoraKairi is beast. @w@

    Wow... never occured to me.... If I get enough people asking. ;P

    AHHHHHHHHH! NO, NOT ANOTHER ONE! I had a grammer Nazi beta this. D8
    Post by: SlippingStar, Jul 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  8. SlippingStar
    yes, you were the Kairi I spoke of. xD thx to all of you, SorKai 4eva!!
    Post by: SlippingStar, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. SlippingStar
    Love Mark

    “What?†Kairi’s blue eyes widened in surprise. The salty beach air blew through her magenta hair, adding to her shocked stance. The boy in front of her was looking forward, a strange, key-shaped weapon in his hand. His brown, spiky hair stood still against the breeze, making him all the more ominous.

    “But… you just saved the worlds! Why would you have to go out again? Sora, look at me!†the girl cried out.

    “The Worlds are calling,†Sora answered; his tone cold and hard, all emotion drained from it. He raised his weapon, a beam of light shooting from the end to open a bright, white portal.

    “Sora, no, wait!!†Kairi yelled. She shot forward and wrapped her arms around his chest. She tugged at his clothes, holding him back, reaching for his soul. “Don’t leave me,†she whispered.

    “Kairi, let go.â€

    Kairi looked up at the back of her friend. “What’s happened to you?â€

    “I am the tool of the Worlds; I do as the Worlds bid.â€

    “Sora, wake up! Please!†Kairi cried, tears escaping her eyes. She buried her face in Sora’s back.

    “I said, let go!†Kairi fell to the ground, rubbing her hands where Sora had thrown her off. He took a step foreword, Kairi jumping up from the ground.

    “Sora, no!†she called out, stretching her hand out to the changed boy. A bright light blinded her vision.

    “SORA!†Kairi cried, bolting upright in her bed, panting loudly.

    “It was only a dream,†she whispered. Kairi looked down at her hand to see it shaking. She looked up at her dark room. Ever since the Heartless incident had ended, shadows had always scared her. She always felt as if Heartless were emerging from them, ready to pounce at her form behind. She felt safe when she was around Riku or Sora, but it was worse when she was by herself. Being the only one of the trio who couldn’t summon a Keyblade, it made her feel weak and defenseless. Kairi sensed a presence behind her and whirled around, only to find her bed’s back-board. She spun back around, her heart beating wildly. Kairi shook her head.

    “I need to get out….†she muttered, slipping out of her night clothes and into her regular outfit, jumping out of her window. She walked in the night air. Kairi stood under a street lamp, looking at her own shadow. She watched as it rose off the ground and grew to an enormous size. Gasping, she fell to the ground, shielding her face with her arm. She looked up to find it gone. Kairi got up, brushing her skirt off.

    “I’m imagining things.†she muttered to herself. She continued her walk, flinching at every sound and movement, running between street lamps. As she moved on, less and less lamps came about. The shadows seemed to come alive again, and Kairi’s heartbeat quickened as her pace became faster and faster, until she was going in a full out run. Her sight was blinded by fear and her feet carried her forward at an unbelievable pace, her mind racing to get away from the shadows. Kairi tugged open a door, racing through the house to a room, shutting the door behind her. She leaned against the wood, her heart beating rapidly.


    The magenta-haired girl looked up to see Sora sitting up in his bed. Sora, the true Sora; not the “World’s toolâ€, but her Sora. Tears welled up in her eyes and poured over her cheeks as Sora stood up. Kairi darted forward and wrapped her arms around his back, burrowing her face in his bare chest. A sob escaped her as she hugged Sora tighter. Sora held her, stroking her soft hair. Through all the darkness, one thing good had happened; their hearts spoke to each other. Words were not needed as Sora picked his crying friend up in his arms, sitting on the bed and cradling Kairi as she cried into his shoulder. Her sobs quieted to sniffles as she resting her head on Sora’s shoulder, her hand resting on the other one as her thumb stroked the nape of his neck. As another tear escaped Kairi’s eye, Sora caught it with his lips. He caressed Kairi’s cheek with his thumb, resting his forehead on hers as he stared at her eyes.

    “Do you want to tell me what happened?†Sora asked. Kairi buried her face into the crook of his neck, her hand lying still on the other side.

    “It was terrible.†she began. “I had a dream, where you had to leave again. I asked you to stay but you said you were the tool of the worlds. I tried to hold you back, but you hit me. I….†Kairi took in a sharp breath. Sora held her closer, his heat and scent comforting her; giving her the courage to carry on. “I woke up and went for a walk; to clear my mind. But it felt like Heartless where in every shadow, waiting to get me. I ran, and ended up here.†Kairi whispered.

    “Kairi….†Sora breathed, bringing his cheek up from her forehead. He took her chin in his hand, rising it to face his. He gazed into her starry eyes.

    “I’m never going to leave you again.†Sora could tell his word wasn’t enough. Kairi’s eyes remained full of doubt, still glistening from tears.
    What must I do to have her believe me? Sora wondered, screening her eyes for the answer. He realized what he had to do. Slowly, he brought his face to hers, pressing his lips to Kairi’s. Her grip tightened on his neck as his grasp on her strengthened, pulling her against his chest. They broke apart, gazing into each other’s eyes. Their lips still hovered in front of one another’s, breath hot on their partner’s mouth. Kairi brought them together again, pressing her body to Sora’s as his hands let go of her in shock. He had no idea she would kiss him back. Gradually, he brought them back to wrap around her waist. They parted again, panting slightly. Their eyes stayed locked on the other’s lips, as if they planned to embrace once more. Kairi let her head fall to Sora’s shoulder once more as she once again began to stroke his nape.

    “Sora…†she whispered.


    “May I stay here for the night?†Kairi asked; her voice barely audible.

    Sora slid off her shoes, placing her on the bed. He got back under the covers, spreading them over Kairi’s tried figure.



    Kairi scooted up to Sora, once again wrapping her arms around his back. “Don’t ever leave me.â€

    Sora draped his arm over her frame.

    “I promise.†he whispered, pulling her close as sleep took them.

    - (‘ . ‘) -​

    “Hey Sora, are you ready to g- oh.†Riku had opened to door of Sora’s room to find Sora sit up, his bare arm still hanging over Kairi, who sat up under it. Being that her shirt had no sleeves, it gave the impression at first glance that she was topless.

    “My bad, you guys finish.†Riku said, looking down and waving as he closed the door. Sora and Kairi looked at each other for a moment. They blushed at the same moment,
    uttering in unison, “Uh-oh.†The two ran out the door, after scrambling out of the bed.

    “Riku, you’ve got it all wrong!†Sora exclaimed.

    “Yeah, we weren’t doing anything like that!†Kairi added.

    “Oh?†Riku asked, quirking an eyebrow.

    “Yeah, you see; Kairi got scared last night and came to my house and we ended up falling asleep together.†Sora explained hurriedly.

    Riku shifted his weight to the side, resting his elbow in his palm and grabbing his chin, looking at the two. “You know; for some odd reason, that’s not very convincing.â€

    “Riiiiiiiiiiiikuuuuuuuu!!!†Sora and Kairi whined in unison.

    Riku laughed. “Alright, alright, I’ll buy your story.†he shook his head, standing straight. “Sora, why don’t we go to the island tomorrow and you take Kairi out on a date?â€

    “W-what what what WHAT?!†Sora stammered, while Kairi simply blushed.

    “Go do something, maybe I’ll bring you back a paopu fruit for good luck.†Riku said, waving his hand over his shoulder as he walked down the stairs.

    “But, I…†Sora started, but looked back at Kairi, who was facing the wall. “Um… Kairi…?â€

    “I didn’t know you weren’t wearing pants either.†she said.
    Sora looked down to see his gray boxer shorts, his face going beat red as he dashed into his room. He came back out dressed in his usual clothes. “So… where do you want to go?†he asked, scratching the back of his neck.

    “Er… maybe a walk in the park?†Kairi suggested. Sora nodded and headed toward the stairs, but stopped.

    “Maybe we should go out the window.â€

    “What? Why?†Kairi inquired.

    “You know how Riku reacted? How do you think my mom will react?â€

    Kairi opened her mouth and shut it again.

    “Yeah… shall we?â€

    “Let’s,†Kairi said, heading into Sora’s room. She looked out the window. “That’s… um… a long way down,â€
    she stated as she gazed down at the ground. Having collected much munny from his adventures, Sora’s parents had been able to buy a much more extravagant house, but they also had tried to prevent Sora from running out again. Of course, they failed.

    Sora wrapped his arm around Kairi’s waist and stood on the window sill, placing his hand on the top for balance.
    “Hold on tight.†he said, and leapt. Kairi gave a small cry and grasped Sora’s shirt in her fists, hiding her face in his jacket as the ground rose to meet them. She brought her face off Sora’s clothing to find them gliding high above the ground.

    “After all the adventuring I’ve done, one tends to pick up a few things,†Sora explained, looking down at Kairi. “You wanna try?†he asked. Kairi nodded and loosened his grip on her, letting her free-fall for a few seconds as he reached around and grasped her hand closest to him. Kairi gasped and smiled, spreading her fingers out as a laugh escaped her.

    “This is amazing!†she marveled.

    “I flew in Neverland,†Sora told her.


    “I wish I could take you there.†Sora sighed. “The only time you were there you had lost your heart.â€

    “Or more of, you were keeping it in yours.â€

    Sora chuckled. “That’s true, isn’t it?†He pulled Kairi in again as they neared the ground, holding her to his chest as the landed.

    “You’re more amazing than I know,†Kairi chuckled, elbowing Sora.

    “You’re pretty amazing yourself, miss Pink-Hair.†Sora teased, fingering a strand of her bright hair.

    “Hey, it’s magenta!†she exclaimed, brushing it down. “And you have no room to talk, Spiky.â€

    Sora laughed. “But I wish I could take you to all the worlds, not having to save them, but just to visit. You would’ve loved The Pride Lands. I was a lion cub!†Sora exclaimed.

    Kairi pictured a baby lion, then launched herself at Sora, hugging him. “You must have been so cute!!!†she squealed, giving him a squeeze.

    “Kairi… can’t… breathe….†Sora wheezed.

    “Oh, sorry.†Kairi released Sora from her grasp.

    Sora coughed, thumping his chest. “Halloweentown had a pretty cool look. And Atlantica….†Sora turned around, covering his nose-bleed as he pictured a mermaid Kairi. He whipped his hand on his pants, which magically cleaned themselves.

    “But anyhow,†he asked, “to the park?â€

    “To the park,†she agreed.

    As they walked to the green area, a man popped into their path. “Well, hello there!†the plump little man said, twisting his thick black mustache as a wide smile spread over his face.
    Sora and Kairi jumped

    “We’re having a festival down the street. Would you like to come?â€
    Sora looked at Kairi, intertwining his fingers and placing them behind his head in a bored
    manner. “Well, you up to it?â€

    “I don’t have any munny with me.†Kairi said, said, patting her pockets.
    Sora gave her his big grin. “Come on, Kairi, this is me you’re talking to. I’ll pay for it.â€

    “Well, I guess so.†she said, eyeing the tiny man. He wore red and yellow stripped suspenders, a dress shirt under and a black tuxedo coat, and a tall, skinny top hat on what Kairi assumed to be a bald head. The little man struck her as odd, simply popping up and advertising a festival.

    They followed him to a large fair ground where several colorful tents stood, loud music played from all around, and fair men shouted announcements into the air.

    “Wow, I can’t remember the last time I went to a fair!†Kairi gasped, looking wide-eyed as the scene. Sora smiled. “Wait here,†he told her, walking to the ticket booth.


    Kairi jumped and turned around to see Sora with two bracelets in his hand, a smile on his face.

    “I got the all-day things.†he said, handing her one.

    “Aw, you didn’t have to… Sora, what are you doing?†Kairi questioned as the teen circled the bracelet around his wrist several times, though failing to clip it together.

    “I’ve, erm, never done one of these before,†he stated, scratched the back of his neck as he held up the bracelet, am embarrassed expression crawling across his cheeks. Kairi chuckled, taking the plastic into her hands.

    “Here,†she said, wrapping the band around Sora’s wrist and snapping it together. As she drew her hand back, her fingers graced his, sending wonderful chills up her spine. Sora shot his hand out and grabbed Kairi’s wrist, snapping her bracelet over her arm as he slyly moved his hand around hers, interlocking their fingers. Both blushed, but went along with it. A rustle in the bush caught their attention as they swerved around.

    “Guess it was nothing,†Sora muttered, looking back. “So… what now?â€

    “Have you never been to a fair?â€

    “Actually… no- Wait!... nope.†Sora answered, getting a laugh from Kairi.

    “Well, the first thing you always do is get cotton candy.†she told him.

    “Cotton candy it is!†Sora said, tugging a giggling Kairi along as he searched for a booth.

    A silver-haired teen let out his breath. He turned to his three companions and inquired:


    “Ack, sorry, Riku! Sophie poked me.†a spiky-haired blonde boy explained.

    “Well, Wakka pushed me!†a flustered brunette replied.

    “Hey, don’t blame it all on me; Tidus’s cologne makes me sneeze!†the orange-hair teenager snapped.

    “I’m not wearing cologne!†the blonde protested.

    “Would you all just shut up?†Riku growled, the group silencing at once. He shook his head, looking back at
    the fast-disappearing couple. “Remind me never to let you guys come when I set these guys up again.â€

    “*COUGH*STALKER*COUGH*†Tidus thumped his chest.

    Riku glared at him, clamming the boy up. “All of you; be quiet or go home.â€

    No one moved; no one spoke.

    “Alright, follow me.â€;

    - (‘ . ‘) -

    “Two, please.â€

    The man handed Sora the cotton candy, which he handed to Kairi and stuck his hand in his pocket, the magic clothing producing the correct amount of blue and yellow balls. He put the munny in the man’s hand and took his candy from Kairi. He went to bite his own, but reached over and bit off some of Kairi’s.

    “Hey!†she squeaked giggling.

    Sora swallowed and grinned.

    “You think you’re so cute, don’t you? Now, look, there’s some on your face.†Kairi said, leaning over. Her tongue slipped across his skin, scraping the piece off his cheek. As her tongue left, she could feel the heat rising in Sora’s face as a blush crawled across his cheeks.

    “Oh, look! A picture booth!†Now it was Kairi’s turn to pull a very stunned Sora toward it. They climbed into the picture booth, closing the curtain behind them. Both smiled.


    Sora’s gaze shifted to Kairi; falling on her bright eyes, sliding down her soft hair, gracing over her beautiful body, rolling back up to her face, landing on her lips. That kiss had felt… really good, come to think of it.


    He inched his arm around her waist.


    Sora turned Kairi around to face him and pressed his lips to hers.


    Kairi was startled at first, but gradually returned the action, laying her arms over his shoulders. Their skin tingled as their lips met and parted, returning to each other and away again.

    They paused, staring into each other’s eyes.


    The bright light had made them jump. Their eyes turned to the camera as it took its last picture. Sora and Kairi raced out of the booth, taking the pictures once they came out. Kairi held them in her hands examining the photographs. Her facial color rose as her eyes moved down the strip, a deep red settling as she finished.

    “Erm… we can redo it, if you want.†Sora said; scratching the back of his neck has his color rose to match Kairi’s.

    “Ummm… no, it’s okay.†she said, slipping it into her pocket.

    “Ooooookay, what now?â€

    “What else? Rides!†Kairi replied; glad to have a change of topic. She and Sora went about riding different fair contraptions, playing games, and winning prizes, while their little “followers†snuck about, watching them.

    Night fell, and the park began to close down. The visitors were leaving.

    “Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever had that much fun.†Sora said, stretching.

    “Heh, me neither. Good thing you have super-pockets.†Kairi laughed, poking one of the pouches.

    Sora laughed. “You tired any?†he asked as Kairi let out a long yawn.

    “No… just out of air.†she said, giggling.

    “Riiiiiiight….†Sora said, grinning.

    “Let’s go to the island.†Kairi suggested.

    “My boat’s got a hole.†Sora replied in a sorry tone.

    “We still have mine.â€

    “Will we both fit?â€

    “Yeah. Tight, but yeah.â€

    “Dang,†Riku muttered. “We’ll be noticed if we follow.â€

    They headed out to the shore, Sora getting in the boat first, then Kairi after, pulling her legs up to her chest.

    “Are you sure you’ll be comfortable like that?†he asked.

    “Oh, yeah; I’ll be fine.â€

    “… Alright.†Sora began to row. Once they reached the island, Sora got onto the dock, holding his hand out to Kairi. She took it and he pulled her up.

    “Wow. The sky is so beautiful at night.†Kairi said, looking up at the sky.

    Sora watched Kairi, the wind blowing through her velvety hair, the stars filling her soft blue eyes. “Not a beautiful as you.†he muttered.

    “Hmm? What was that?†she said, looking back at him.

    “Mmm? Oh, nothing.†Sora said, placing his hands behind his head as he turned his gaze to the sky. “To think each of those is a world….†Sora muttered.

    “And you saved them all.†Kairi added.

    “Oh, c’mon, Kairi; you know if it weren’t for you and Riku I never would have made it.â€

    Kairi giggled. “I did say that, didn’t I?â€

    Sora smiled, beginning to walk down the cement path.

    “Sora, where are you going?†Kairi called after him.

    “Oh, c’mon Kairi, you of all people should know.†he called back to her.

    The Secret Place?

    Kairi ran after him, crawling through the hole to the drawing-covered walls. Kairi looked about the cavern; the numerous amounts of bats, Riku’s face on the huge rock, a battle scene….

    “Kairi… did you do this?†Sora called back to her.

    “Erm… yeah.†Kairi said; a flush coming over her face as she examined the drawing. Sora and Kairi had drawn each other when they were kids, Kairi had returned to the island to find Sora had drawn himself giving Kairi a paopu fruit. Kairi in turn, had drawn herself doing the same.

    “… would you… er….†Sora stumbled over his words.

    “What is it, Sora?†Kairi asked.

    “Like… to… actuallydothat?â€


    “Would you like to… really... share a…†Sora looked down, drawing a circle in the sand as a blush reaching over his cheeks. “…Paopu fruit?â€

    Kairi jerked back, a flush taking over her own visage. “I… uh….â€

    Sora got up, leaving the secret place as Kairi stood and pondered. Homagoshhomagoshhomagosh… this is as bad as if he had proposed to me!!

    Sora came back in; his cheeks still red as he held the star-shaped yellow fruit in his hand. His hand stayed on the roof of the tunnel, his eyes downcast as he studied the floor, which had suddenly become quite interesting to him.

    Kairi looked at the boy, her eyes wide and her cheeks still quite red. She had repeated in her head how to share the fruit correctly several times, but to do it… was something totally different.

    Sora looked up when there was a tug on his hand to find the fruit’s tip in front of his face.

    “Bite it,†she told him. “You have to do it a certain way, or it doesn’t work.â€

    Sora gulped, but nodded, taking the fruit in his teeth.

    “We have to bite it of at the exact same time, according to the legend.†Kairi’s voice shook as she spoke, proving she was as scared as Sora. She placed her teeth around the tip, giving Sora’s hand a squeeze and they both bit down. What was left of the paopu glowed, shattering into a burst of light, both Sora and Kairi shielding their eyes. They opened them to find they felt a strange tingle on the left side of their chest.

    “Kairi, what’s that?†Sora said, pointing to Kairi’s strap, under which a brown spot poked out. Kairi moved her strap slightly to reveal a star-shaped mark, as if a birthmark.

    “I think it worked,†Sora said, pulling his shirt down a bit to reveal on in the same spot on him.

    Kairi gulped. “Yeah. But the effect is only permanent if you kiss-†Sora breathed in whatever words were about to be said, for he had pulled Kairi to himself with blinding speed, crushing his lips against hers. Small fires went throughout Kairi’s body as she felt like she’d melt then and there. Sora pulled his head back as he gazed down at Kairi.

    “Are you going to do this every time we’re alone?†Kairi asked.

    Sora smiled, bringing his face down again. “If you’ll let me.â€

    - (‘ . ‘) -

    Sora chuckled to himself as he lifted Kairi into his arms. “How someone falls asleep in the middle of a kiss is beyond me.†he said as the sleeping Kairi snuggled up to him. He smiled, heading back to the boat. He lowered them into the boat, resting Kairi’s legs between his and her head on his chest. He rowed slowly as not to wake the sleeping Princess.

    “Princess of Light.†he muttered to himself.

    “Sora…†Kairi breathed, her head turning in her sleep. Sora felt his heart flutter, though he didn’t know why. The mark tingled, sending his heart on another spasm.
    A side effect? Sora thought.

    Once they reached the main island, he shook Kairi lightly.

    “Kairi, Kairi.â€

    She opened her eyes slowly as she gazed into his sapphire eyes. Sora felt the mark tingle again, and his heart beat faster.

    Does it react to Kairi?

    He felt Kairi’s heart race against his chest as a slight blush inched up her cheeks.

    Or… does it react to her feelings?

    “If you don’t get home, the mayor might get worried.†he told her. She nodded and lifted herself out of the
    boat, turning back as Sora climbed out behind her.

    “Well… um… see you?†he said, blushing.

    “Um… yeah.†Kairi replied, turning to leave. She ran a few steps and turned back, waving. Sora waved back, and Kairi smiled, turning back and going in a full-out run. Two people touched a mark that night, one running, one watching.

    - (‘ . ‘) -

    Once Kairi was out of sight, Sora turned back and tied the boat up. He began walking toward his house when he felt as if something wasn’t right. He touched his mark to hear Kairi’s voice; screaming in fear throughout his head. The mark was ice cold. He turned around and ran the way Kairi had gone, going what ever way he felt he should.

    Hang on, Kairi, I’m coming!

    - (‘ . ‘) -

    Kairi ran from the swarm of Heartless.

    Why are the Heartless here?

    Shadows were running after her, leaping and clawing at her heels, trying desperately to grab her. Kairi tripped on a rock, falling to the ground. She put her arm up as the Heartless leapt at her. There was a thud of feet, and the sound of pieced Shadows rang through the air. Kairi opened her eyes to find Sora standing in front of her, his Ultima Keyblade summoned.

    “You alright, Kairi?â€

    “Ye… yeah. standing up. “What are the Heartless doing here?â€

    “That’s what I want to know.â€

    The rest of the Shadows disappeared in puffs of black, their hearts floating off. “Where did they come from?†a boy said, swinging Way to Dawn over his shoulder.

    “Riku!†Sora and Kairi greeted.

    “Hey. Have a nice date?â€

    Both blushed.

    “They probably came because of you two.â€


    “I have a slight connection with both of you, and I felt your hearts strengthen a few minutes ago. What did you guys do?â€

    Both Kairi and Sora’s face became beat red.

    “Okay… never mind. Whatever you guys did strengthened your hearts, and the Heartless probably couldn’t resist.â€

    Riku’s gaze shifted to Kairi. “Oh my gosh.†he said, coving a smile. “You guys didn’t…!â€

    Sora looked over at Kairi to find her strap a fallen slightly, revealing her mark.

    “Well, I suppose sharing a paopu would strengthen your hearts. Is that what you guys did when you went to the island?â€

    “We, um- hey, wait, how’d you know we went to the island?†Sora said, eyeing Riku.

    “Ooooo… busted.†Tidus teased.

    “You all followed us didn’t you?!†Kairi asked, her voice rising.

    “Er… I gotta go.†Riku said, turning around.

    “Oh no you don’t!†and with that, the chase was on.

    - (‘ . ‘) -

    so yeah, I wrote this for a FanFic contest a while back and won, so either I'm really good, or the other people who submitted were crap. The lots-of-enter-ness what done at the request of the Kairi that did 'Untitled'. Yes, this is Star Burton off of *waves*​
    Thread by: SlippingStar, Jul 11, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. SlippingStar
    I'm surprized 4 and 5 didn't get higher places.
    Post by: SlippingStar, May 26, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  11. SlippingStar
    very nice... can i bite off Chaylie's head now? I want them to get back together! D8 It's KILLING ME!!!!!
    Post by: SlippingStar, May 25, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. SlippingStar
    ...? The world ends with you is not a kingdom hearts video game. just made by square enix.
    Post by: SlippingStar, May 22, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. SlippingStar
    Post by: SlippingStar, May 21, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. SlippingStar
    [I apologize to the people who are reading 'down with the sickness', I typed up the chaoter and my internet shut down on me, so Ilost it. igot futrated and am taking a break, writing about a couple Ifind ever so sweet. Does anybody know how to get the dash abouve the 'e' in Namine's name? so, withough further ado... may i present 'Woes of the Link Master'! Yes, I support MarLar, what's your point?]

    Chapter 1 - The Capture.

    I woke up in a strange world; all around me were buildings that looked worn and patched, a castle in the distance being re-built.

    How'd I get into Hollow Bastion? Wait, how'd I KNOW it was Hollow Bastion?! I ran my fingers nervously through my blonde hair. Calm down... I've got to know for some reason!

    "Well, well, well, our dear little link-master has arrived." I turned around to see a black robed figure approaching me. "Or should I say...." they pulled back their hood to reveal a woman's face, her short blonde hair having two strands flowing back over her head. "Witch." she taunted.

    "Wha... what are you talking about? Who are you?"

    The woman looked over at the castle, motioning her hand in the direction of it. "You know where you are, don't you?" she ended, returning her hand to her side and the other to her hip.

    I remained silent, taking a step back.

    "I can see it in your eyes." she reached down and grabbed my chin, her evil sneer ever-present on her face. "You do."

    "Don't touch me!" I cried, slapping her hand away.

    "Heh, I can already see I'm going to hate you." she muttered, rubbing her hand. "If you won't come willingly...." electric bolts flowed over her body, running down her arms to her fingers, forming kunai between them.”Them I'll have to take you by force!" she cried, charging at me. I dodged her first attack, though she still nicked my small, white dress. I jumped back, tripping on my blue sandal. I landed on my rear, the woman taking advantage of the situation and opening a dark hole beneath my feet. I fell through it, landing on a white table. I got up and rubbed my sore rump, when I noticed the 13 tall chairs all round me. That where at various heights, a strange noise filling the room as the woman took her spot. I looked about nervously, scanning the faces that occupied the chairs until...



    I didn't even know who the boy was, but I felt a connection to him, as if I should. His name and appeared in my head, and it didn't feel so odd when this absolute stranger leapt down to me. The fear I felt gathered in my eyes and spill over in tears, blurring my vision as he pulled me into a tight embrace. He stroked my hair, resting his cheek on my head as he whispered comforting words in my ear. "It's okay. I'll protect you."

    "Why is Namine here?" he called out, raising his head to look at his companions.

    "Why are you so attached to her? You don't even know who the girl is." one of the men stated in a bored air.

    "Fascinating...." a dirty blonde leaned forward, his crazed green eyes widening in excitement.”They're utter strangers, yet know each other's names! They even care for each other! This proves my theory correct, Superior." he said, directing his attention across the circular room.

    "Indeed. Marluxia, you will be in charge of Namine and the castle while Siax, Xigbar, Luxord, Xaldin, Demnyx, and I gather Hearts. We may need to use her later on."

    "Don't talk about Namine like she's some tool!"

    "What do you care, Roxas? You don't have a heart; you can't feel love for her!"

    I felt Roxas gritt his teeth as his grip on my strengthened. My tears had dried up and I’m felt safe in his arms. Like a warm, soft feeling, protecting me from all bad things. This wonderful presence was destroyed as flower petals wrapped around me, a bright flash blinding me for a moment before I reopened my eyes. I sat on the arm of a chair; a pink-haired man had his hand on my head. His presence and voice scared me, paralyzing me with fear. He was different from the woman. He was a death-wish, waiting to happen. I could feel it in my bones.

    "Now, now, Roxas, no need to get attached." he said with a menacing smile.

    "All others with stay here with Marluxia." a gray-haired man said, who had stated earlier who would be leaving with him. He and his company disappeared in wafts of smoke, leaving the other occupants to themselves.

    "...I'll take the basements." Zexion said, dissipating into darkness.

    "I'll join Zexion." and the man with wild red-brown hair vanish as well.

    "Those oafs will get themselves killed without someone to help them." crazy green-eyed man said with a smirk, following them into the darkness.

    Roxas looked at me, concern deep in his dark blue eyes.

    "Why don't you patrol the city, Roxas?" Marluxia suggested, though it was obviously an order. Roxas gave me one last look before departing himself.

    "I'll help him out." Axel stated, leaving into the black.

    The woman disappeared and reappeared on Marluxia's lap. "Marley, I know that look." she teased.


    "You have something up your sleeve." she said, placing her hand on his cheek, her smile as equally devious has his.

    "You know me too well, Larxene." He replied, taking her chin his own hand. The scene would've been cute if it weren't for the threatening aura that surrounded the two.

    "It has something to do with the memory-witch, doesn't it?" she asked, looking up at me.

    "Maybe I should start spending less time with you. You'll start finishing-"

    "You sentences for you?" she trailed her finger down his jaw line, placing it on his chin. "Already doing it, Marley."

    Marluxia moved close to Larxene's face, bringing his lips to hers. They parted and both smiled, seeping the darkness around the three of us.

    Roxas... save me!
    Thread by: SlippingStar, May 17, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. SlippingStar
    I'm honored that you read it(even though no one else has ^^;;;) and thanks for the crit- I'll change it.
    Post by: SlippingStar, May 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  16. SlippingStar
    Loving it so far! Really like the game-play use. Though, I'dlike to see Kairi bring on some uns een moves (mind you, I'm on the Kairi VS Larxene battle....)
    Post by: SlippingStar, Apr 27, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. SlippingStar
    "Sora... Sora... SORA!" the voice startled the teenage spikey-haired boy from his palm-tree doze. "YEAAAA! What?" Sora turned to too his red-haired friend giggling at his reaction.

    "Lazy bum." she commented between giggles.

    "What is it, Kairi?" Sora grouched, rubbing the back of his head.

    Kairi's expression fadded from her happy air to a serious frown. "What's with you today? All youwant to do is sleep and you snap at anyone who talks to you!"

    "Maybe he's on his time of the month." a silver-hair boy teased, approaching the two.

    "Yeah right, Riku." Sora replied.

    Riku laughed and slapped Sora upside the head. "Lighten up!"

    "Isn't that my line?"


    "C'mon you two, I'll race you to the boats!" Kairi said, and took off.

    Riku shurgged and ran after her. Sora sighed sat up. What is with me today? I feel all groggy....

    'That makes two of us.

    You too, Roxas?

    'Namine's been nagging me about it all day.'

    Sora shook his head and started after his who compainions, who had almost reached the boats by now. His vision blurred and his balance swayed as the world seemed lose all heat. What the...?


    Kairi turned around to see Sora collapse on the sand.

    "Sora!" she called out, turning around and running back to her friend, Riku in toe.

    "Sora, Sora, answer me!" Kairi shook Sora's motionless figure in an attempt to rouse him.

    "He's really pale... and his breathing's irregular...."

    Kairi placed her palm on Sora's forehead, her eyes widening. "He's burning up!" Kairi lifted the unconcious boy's head to her lap. "Riku, what are we going to do?"

    "I... I don't know.... I'll go back to the mainland for help." Riku stood up and ran to the boats, jumping into his and rowing vigously. Kairi placed her hand onto Sora's cheek as he let out a voilent shake, leaning his head to the side with a moan.


    'He's just like Roxas.'

    Namine? You mean Roxas is like this too?!

    Yeah, just sweating and groaning.

    Oh, what's going on...?

    Kairi looked back at the ocean. "Riku, hurry...." She looked back at Sora and gently stroked his cheek. A drop of water hit Sora's face.

    Am I... crying?

    Another dropped on Kairi's head, causing her to look up. The sky grew dark as storm clouds gathered over head. It's just like the night the island was swallowed in darkness....

    Thunder boomed over head, causing Kairi to jump. She pulled Sora's arm over her shoulders and grabbed his belt, dragging him to the nearest place she could find- the Secret Place. She was actually thank ful fro the small opening, so that water wouldn't flodd into the cavity. Kairi gently pushed Sora though, following him close behind. She arrived to see a bed set up; a gag Tidus had put up that she never bothered to take down. She put Sora down onthe matress, lightly tucking the blankets around his shivering body.

    Please be okay, Sora....
    Thread by: SlippingStar, Apr 21, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. SlippingStar

    again, why did a death note one, that had something to do with KH, not get 1st, when one that only had FF make 1st? Yes, there are FF characters in kh, but it doesn't center around the FF story-line. (otherwise, 'Arith' would be dead) Personally, I think #3 should have made first. >.>
    Post by: SlippingStar, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. SlippingStar

    Thank GOSH, new chappy!!! I really want to kill chaylie, now. >.> can't wait for chap. 12!!! kick some bootie, Kairi (both of you. ^^)
    Post by: SlippingStar, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. SlippingStar

    Great videos, yes, but I'l highly annoied that this is kh-vids, yet we have some FF vids making the tops. Personally? I like the 1st honorable mention best.
    Post by: SlippingStar, Feb 25, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects