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  1. Akarui Siren

    *laughs like crazy* XDDDD MANLIEST MAD!!!

    I have nothing more to say... *hides laughter*

    Teach us mommy!! What's the requirement to be the manliest of all manliest!!

    Not Manliest of all Mad? XDDDD

    gee... *looks at mom*

    lols, a best friend for a friend have potentials... But mine'ish refering to puppy loves... like the potential to ignore all your friends for a guy and your friends left you coz you left them... sth litat... =/

    Oh, and I played sth funny in the org RP... XD Bet Zexy and Luxord... XD;;
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Akarui Siren
    manliest mad? O_O *looks at Zexy*

    manliest mad? O_O *looks at Zexy*

    manliest mad? O_O *looks at Zexy*

    manliest mad? O_O *looks at Zexy*


    lols... mabbe i am abnormal... >_>;;; I dun like relationships... twice breakoff ish enough for me hahas.. And to toggle between bf and friends is... troublesome.
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Akarui Siren

    D= *screams like a girl*

    There he goes again...

    No joke? Mine's becoz I got ignored coz her bf comes to sg... well, i dunno. Relationships. I sux. lols~*

    But mom!! It's a "Man" thingy!!! This is to prove how "Man" We are!!! And I am "Manly"!!! =D

    And I am not? =_=
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Akarui Siren
    mom's lectures lol

    TTATT Chick ish evil!!!

    lol, too much damage might get him into insane mode...

    hahas... that's a hard job to be 'happy' when you have to face being ignored by someone you feel close with... Just becoz of an argument... haiz... she's becoming closer to another friend than me when we are together... haiz...

    But mom... Dexion says he wanna win this time, so I choose this! Too bad he lost again~

    ...That's not my game of choice...
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Akarui Siren
    TTATT I FEEL SO HURT!!!! TTATT *emo at one corner*

    lols, depressed as ever hahas~ trying to cheer myself up by faking myself heheh... My Journal once again affected some couple of ppl somehow lols

    We made a bet who is able to jump from one rooftop to another! And I've won!

    *still falling from above*
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Akarui Siren

    TT_____TT I'm not an idiot... I'm actually very smart ye know.... *wink wink*

    *looks at Dexion* Get down.


    Get down.


    Mom says so~!!! XD *kicks Dexion's hand*

    *flies down the 25th storey building* D=
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Akarui Siren

    TT______________TT What's that fooor???

    nyuuuu!! Juz a minute mom!! We're having a race!!

    =__=... 2 - 0... I'll make sure it'll be 2 - 1...



    AHHH!! *jumps onto Dexion*

    *slips off the roof and grabs the edge* >__< grr...

    YAY!! *tumbles at the other end*

    Woot! Brave children. It's like a 25 storey high building?
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Akarui Siren
    HELLO!!!! =D

    *creeps from above the rooftop*
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Akarui Siren
    I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel soooooooooooooooo emoooooooooooooooo.... ;_;
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Akarui Siren



    ok.. i need 30 mins break for sleep... else i'mma gonna faint infront of the com...
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Akarui Siren


    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Akarui Siren
    izzit edible???

    I'm hungry...

    best love! *muack* bb!!
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Akarui Siren
    Can I eat theM?

    I havent tried turkey meat for a long time...

    *hug chick in case runs off without warning* Your time's up! DX
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Akarui Siren
    gee.... Dun make me feel guilty... I have been staring at the mirror and claimed myself as the wonderess Butch of RRBz... OwO
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Akarui Siren
    *faces Dexion and STARES hard into his eyeballs*

    *faces Zemyx and STARES hard into his eyeballs*

    No worries... We are getting 'along' preeetty well... Right Dexion?

    Yar, right.

    Zexion, don't you feel that you are getting thundered or electricuted? XD

    awww... I only have few hrs of comm with chick... and where did HisNobody and Heartless go... ;_;
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Akarui Siren
    But.... huah.... *looks away* Sorry. LaH.

    *looks to another direction* I hear nothing.

    *tighten fist*

    XD I have been timing you everyday!!! XD
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Akarui Siren
    Welcome back home~ =]

    ne Zexion, I think you're like.... a mom + dad (coz Demyx is not around) most of the time.. LOLX!!!
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Akarui Siren
    huaaaaah?!?!??! But he mocked at meeee!!! D= That's fair!!!

    *nose bleeds*

    XD 20 more minutes for you nya? XD
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Akarui Siren





    XD I pity Zexion.... He is carrying the two kids fighting in his hands... XD
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Akarui Siren

    Mom, is that grandpa? *points finger at Saix*

    Zemyx, I think it is rude to finger point people.

    Oh, is that so? *points at Dexion*

    .... *tighten fist*

    Demyx loves finger pointing too~!! XD
    Post by: Akarui Siren, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families