*faints* Demyx learn bad from the other three... that'll gonna scare Zexy to death (if he even have a heart) LOLS!!! Arent it late over for you? Wat time izzit for you now?
gahh... easter you bad... you mustve learnt some naughty things from Axel and Luxord and Roxas... *falls dead after brainstorming on wat to post*
bye bye~!!! easter >>> XD I think... i'm gonna die laughing in the RP... (coz i have a heart) rachel >>> I didnt know its ex... OwO <--- never tried one
muaaaaaaaaaHHH? OwO
Yay~!! Daddy stay here with me~!!! <3 And the other go die in TWTNW~ XD
nah.... only christian families does i think... and amongst friends they will org one sometimes... For mine... I lived in a buddhist family but I am a christian... so... bualah! XD;;
easter >>> I'm going brain-dead on wondering wat to do after i vomit... XD;;; WAT TO DOOO???
That reminds me of turkey for thanksgiving dinner...
Argh!! >_< lols, i think Zemyx is trying to make you forget you have two instead of one... XD The other... think is still escaping all over The World That Never Was... I think? yep! Argh!! *hug daddy dun let him go away*
woot... tat's even worse... It is someone who crumples it up for you... O___o;; Usually I crumple my own drawings.... others who sees my work will bring it over and asked me if I still want it or not and let me crumple on my own... XD;;; oh... I finally inked finish page 6~ will scan it when i reach home... 3 more hrs to knock off work lols PAGE 6
Let us show you to it... XD http://sgcafe.com/showthread.php?t=35462&page=2 <3 Love me always always okie okie~??? Only me okie~??? =D My friend said... "Cannot always fight fight fight mah..." And I was like.... O______O
hahas, next time i'll becareful of my papers... ^^;;;
whee!! I have daddy's love!!! I told Axel (my friend) that accidents do happen and she... posted that... I was like... HUH!?!?! LUXORD!?!?!? NOT ROXAS!?!?!? O_____O heartless should see that thread!! I cant stop laughing when I saw that post... XD
DADDY!! YOU ARE HOME!!! =D wuakakakaka.... I juz had the crasiest RP of Luxord and Axel.... *vomits* argh...
XDDD;;; too bad i damaged the paper pretty bad... ;_; hahahas~ that too~!! Dexion looked more like Zemyx's Nobody from his wear... But oh well, he is more like his mom than his dad... XD
WOOT! SMART! How'd you know that? XD Coz Dexion always frown and Zemyx always smiles? XD
Anybody home~? D=
*faint* Zemyx and Dexion... Children of Zexion and Demyx... XD;;; WHOOPS!!! XD;;;
I got alot... OwO She reproduces some. NOT ME! Of course. I'm Yazoo. Loz here~* OwO Who likes err... Chick- en RICE! Me'ish Zemyx~!!! Me... Dexion... Confused already?
whose that? OwO She likes to stir up troubles... so worry more.