Becoz you are preeeetty~!!! ^.^ Yay~!! Yay!! whee~!! ...
yo darkiess *looks at chick* <3 *looks at chick* =3 *looks at chick* =D *looks at chick* >_> *looks at chick* <3~
physically... yes.... mentally.... no.... ;_;
dis' morning i almost got knocked down by a car near my office becoz he die die must test the traffic light and red light chiooooong... Me was halfway turning to my right when the traffic turn red and suddenly this car dash through the traffic light.... lucky he swirved out and didn't hit my vehicle. And I managed to wobble and brake and balance... Else... Me will not be in here typing my message... Even the lorry who managed to stop behind the traffic light HORNED at the car... lols.
rachel >>> forcefully... some art teachers make us do it... not all schools .... ;_; I prefer realistic drawing... ;_; acrylic painting... lookaheartless >>> how you know how many pgs left? XD
ohh... hahah~ you saw it? =P yep! Not asking you lar... I helping her to answer.... *_*
you rejoicing at the hour? O___o
I completed page 7~!!! 1 more hour to goooooooooooooooooooooooo~!!!!
lols... haiz.. the MTV -->
sob... i wanna cry... dunno why my country loves to criticise on my fav local idol... she went Hollywood to film her MTV and they say its too "bold" and "revealing" but when I see it... it was much conservative compared to Britney Spears and other hot idols... haiz....
i believe i'm a true bull becoz i never fail to take the wrong road when i need to get to somewhere... always ends up by the roadside staring at the awesome streetdirectory book~ XD
lols, noone touches me coz they'll die first before they do~ XD
I'm a bull, ye know~? FruitBasket? XD I'm excited... <3 Didn't expect my group to win... i think we were too colorful... OwO
It's up! Page 7 awww... thanks for the support! ^w^
Abit... but not much... =] Though I do have art class in school but they dun teach anime drawing... =_=;; I do mostly acrylic paintings and Batik... ;_; hmm... lemme see... 9 ~ 10yrs old till now? =P There wasnt much improvement till i was about 18 though... i think? OwO
*yawn* <3 <3 <3 My Dema****a PPGz team won first prize in the cosplay competition~*
O_____________________________o;;; suuuuupaa.... 1.20am... have to wake up at 98am... prepare for coooooooooooosplay competition.... zoooooooooooo... >_<
heyoh~!!! ......Zzzzz *exhausted* finally... the forum is back... *runs*
XDDDDD playing with graphics sure ish fun~
okaaaaaaaay~~~ <3 Pervert. *hug chick and sticks out tongue at Loz* grrr... *hug bag of chips and nodded* ok... *sniffle*