Perhaps not... I think xemmy might be going seductive in his post... ERM!!! XD;;; No, I shall not spoil ppl's appetite on the scene of yaoi... XDDDDDDD;;; I think xemmy missed too much Saix so he used Zexy for a replacement.... OwO (Which sounds so wrong!!!) XD;;;;; hmm... i really cannot imagine a breed between Zexy and xemmy... NOOO!!! I DUN WAN ANY STEP-SISTERS OR BROTHERS!!! NO MORE!!!!
41!!! AHHH!! Chick is still the best... TTwTT ..... I love chick!! And chicken rice... I'm so hungry lets eat!!! erm... The last part cracks me up... So i dunno wat'll be a new beginning if Xemmy really comes into the story in my manga... OwO Zexy, want a new partner? A new children from Xemmy's production? XD
lols, my KH-RP kinna gets abit freaky between Zexy and Xemmy... OwO it is SOOO wrong to put them together which.... I did. XD;;;
yop Valerie! =] D= Why hit me again??? Because you are stupid. No I'm not stupid! Chick thinks I'm smart, right? D= Yo Chick~ *hug* *hug* *kiss* XD D= GAY!!! Since when? XD
*HUG* Hug~ Hug! Huggie~* ......
FF7AC fanArt on Tee~ Do support! OwO
Loz is not here either~ I think he went off to stalk on jazz... XD Crazily RPing anyway... hehehs...
yop!! Sup!! =D
I've got a new organization pairing~!!!! XD Actually... more like a lame RP jok.... Xemmy and Zexy... OwO (Roxas and Axel too typical alr... XD)
I'm here to make you happy!!! =D yo chick! watzup with the sad look again? O_o
D= I REFUSE!! Tough one, Loz. I REFUSE! D= *hug* *singing Gatsby song* XD Hi Darkie! *hug* <3 *pulls ye hair*
*mops the floor* *hug*
*STABS* the org XIII dancing Yatta song!?! NOWAY!!! D=
lols... too bad i'mma in singapore... cant go overseas heheh~ :P I'mma gonna be forced into a dance with my friend's KH cosplay group... TT_____TT dance the YATTA song summore... TT______TT
He'll forget after a day or less. D< I believe in LOVE!
D= I feel so unloved... *hugs Darkie*
Oh dear oh dear oh dear!!! *fans chick* =D ...... *hugs chick* *hugs chick* Can I hug too? =O
D= B-b-b-but... I'm sensational~ =.= (I wanna puke) I wanna be "cool" too!! How to? O.o
D= You should hide behind me!! I'm much more musculine and big and manly to proect you!!! Yazoo looks too girly and both might get "attacked"!!!! ....Think you might be the one who attacks. XDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! tinkle fairy~!!!