*looks at you* =3 *steals your pants* XD RUN RUN RUN AWAY~!!!
owwwwww~~~ *gives the uke expression* That's so disgusting. VGN sounds happy about pants pulling... O_O
I got touched by Chick.... =^o^= That's punched. PULL VIDEOGAMER'S PANTS!!!
*gives the bishounen smile* BAKA!!! D= I also can do that... Girls will like me more.... esp... *blushes* Guys don't blush. XDDDDD *steals HisNobody's pants*
he tastes horrible... OuO D= No i'm not! I'm sweet and tender! That's why Chick recommends me! ...You sound as if Chick tasted you before. OMG. CHICK! O____O DID YOU!?
I wanna eat someone up right now!!!! D=
hi puppy puppy~
hi darksmile~ good to see ye again~ <3
nah... not too good... OwO they're comparing heights in their room, claiming whoever ish taller than the other... OwO gee... they reminds me of the twins in Ouran High... XD so cute~!!!
eastercat >>> You feeling stuck in the RP meh? OwO yo everyone! hi jazz~!!! the kids have grown a few centimeter taller~
it is bedtime for you too~ X3 Go sleep! *kicks iPraise to bed*
*faint on the spot* TTwTT Lols~ gomen... watching Ouran High... X3 I wonder wat'll happen if Organization XIII becomes like Ouran High.... Organization Host? OwO
I want 10 valid reasons for that!!! D=
D= No sisters! No more brothers! *kicks Demyx* Else I protest and...!!! ...And kill me? *....Zzzzz* =.= Best sleep talker.
xenohart is made of rubber.... TTwTT
XDDD that's soooo wrong~!!!! But i'll do it when i'm free... OwO (and get killed by fangirls...) *kicks Demyx* TTwTT *......Zzzz*
He is made up of rubber... D=
I'll consider.... XD;;; Chick ish bully! TTwTT *sniffle* *slept on chick's bed* .......Zzzzz ................... ................... ................... ...................
hmmm.... If you do it I'll... I'll... I'll.... I'll LEAVE HOME!!! D= *drags Chick to her bedroom* sleep... sleep... D=
I PROTEST!!! D= gee.... they're making me sleepish... LOLS!!! time for a short sweet nap... <3