HAAAAIII!!xD How are you today??
lol,yay! ;D ^^ smiley faces galore... ;D
Hello! How are you today?
Thanks for the invite. ^^ I would like to be the god of...um...AWESOMENESS*joking lol* I would like o be the god of hearts.
Thank you! ^^ So, how are you today?
Haiiii. ~~~~~~
I know right? :o I'm going to get off now...g'night. :)
lol,such a long "yeah"
Hi... Can you please send me an invite for the God of KH group? >_<
Riku Nothing seems the same anymore Ever since that fateful night... Things...have changed. For him. For me.. For her... All of us were pulled apart by the darkness She lost her heart, and was just an empty girl He kept his light And me... Heh, me? How can I even explain me? Where can I start? I guess...all I can say is...that I put a good friend into a deep sleep and cost him his dearest memories Most that included me and her I made the girl forget all about him and she only remembered me Stupid,stupid ol' me The boy who gave in to the darkness The boy who apparently couldn't keep his light I guess...those are the titles...that...truly fit me. Me,Riku.
^^ It had hecka cuss words in it...But that's okay.
hehe,yeah,it is.
I love eminem's part. Have you heard his new song? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krHBlCDbFXc
yay! here's the link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv08vO14XKI
really? you wanna hear it?
have you ever heard the song airplanes?
lol yaaah...
the same as you :P