hey whats up
i did play guiter hero and i liked it but dj was more fun
well if you don't have guiter hero or band hero then it is a good reason to get it and it is better then guiter hero anyway (but that is MY OPINION) i also love the fact that Daft punk is in there too
whos getting it i gonna get it when i get the money it is sooooooooooooooooo much better then guiter hero
i take that bet
i like to think and come up with thorerys of the unknow time gaps
no it is not the one i was going to put my record of halo3
i wanna put [/URL][/IMG]into a signature but it will not let me but it is small enough to be one here is the link if the pic does not show (i want to put the last one) http://www.bungie.net/Account/bcard.aspx
sonic is a badass in ssbb i always use sonic to kick mario ass but know his games a getting kinda dumb not cause of the age im in cause they are i thought sonic unleashed was gonna be awesome but it sucked i never had a game system until i was 10 and it was a gamecube i wanted a ps2( not for kingdom hearts cause i didn't know what that was) but all my brothers said no so my dad got the gamecube but i did play sonic games on it
he was easy for me i use the hercales keyblade and when he did that crazy attack u are talking about fly in the air with high jump and glade
these sound like good games but my bro is getting cod warfare 2 that is what i was thinking 2
should i get it i think cause if i want the other maps i need to pay 20$ for them and with 40 more i could get another game but im not sure what do u think
i think that all the time get a ton of his friends then make a party for him
no in com he said that he faked his death
well it turns out that my parents told me to take my 2 year old bro to his first halloween (he dressed as pooh) and then he got pallow case full of candy then we went to my old naberhood with my friend who also lived there and party with our old friends true very true
i just made this for halloween so what are you going as, what you did, did you ever go trick or treating you know things like that i'm not going trick or treating cause i live in a place that gives no candy (i know) and i got nothing to wear anyway
no O_o? but thanks anyway...
god was always there nobody made him if you don't trust me when we all die u can ask him yourself