yep and your signature
cause of your pics
kool i have to do a report on him
welcome and how did you find this site and don't take this hard but i thought you were a girl at first
why do u have a pic of eager allen poe
oh ok then
i love the movies as a kid i going to get it on dvd for the good times i had but it really took this long
yeah i beat him after 10 times of losing then the power turned off T-T
you can turn it the other way around
oh thanks...........
cool we use the vid of birth by sleep i got loads of funny ideas like in one part sora sees ven and then he said the hell is roxas doing here...
i have no idea you said (Hey, how's it?)
dude i got a great idea for a youtube vid and sweet vid by the way so look we talk about brith by sleep and make fun of it like you are riku and i...
i live near boston so... that mean you are on are what time
i didn't get it yet if you wanna play it and c how it is go to a bestbuy
when do you go online
for sonic the games are getting dumb and they still make spyro games?! but Guitar hero games are the same thing but with new song so after you get one or two you have no reason to get a other one but dj and guitar are not the same thing i mean if it was the same thing and every thing but in a diffenrt form then it dumb
welcome to have a great time he it is loads of fun
hey whats up