hey why did you break our friendship
it really does look like him the face all he needs in the 2 hairs sticking out and he is 17 i thinks he is baird (xigbar) because his wapoens look like guns
do i hope they have something like that for people who per order at gamestop or something
they never listen to anything i say so i'm just walking
san andaras was awesome the best one but i never play 4 is this on games i playing now or just all time this is now playing i play kingdom hearts gears of war 1+2 halo3 Bad companys assassin's creed halo odst burnout games Add me my gamer tag is DARKRIKU5 I will chainsaw you all
A rainbow pony :-)
hey add me my gamertag is DARKRIKU5 something tells me you enjoy 19 year olds crying about video games
maybe cause of ds how they thought it could have beated it
kingdom hearts
is he crying cause of the game story or something can some one tell me
thanks was that your fav one
oh by the way the girl was saying omg and things like that and the man was telling her to shut up other people were saying poor boy and look what happened to his face and the docs were saying look at this i swear i was there
dude i was there when it happened my parents and me were freekying out when it happen
i little bit of every thing in it thanks
don't take it personly i do this 2 every one
the same thing happened 2 mine after i put the in my sofa (it has like a spot to put thing) they stopped working maybe sofa have some kind of anti wii chip
most of the things you are saying make sence and have also been annoying me
wow i watched your vid come on now part 1 and all your vids have meaning to them and that happened to my playground i was going down the slide...
if you say so i look so what do u think of mine
does random outbrusts and talking out loud when you think your think count Wait what the hell is autism to start with