oh ok then by the way nice job beating roxas
also look at his guns they look kind of like xigber's guns
so wait how do u know this have you done it or are one of the people who delete things
wow really cause i didn't see anyone put pics of porn or say that
sorry i just keep forgetting to. Also i know what you mean i pick not playing online if i had to pertend to be a boy.
this is kh-vids we don't need to capitalization and we are a bunch of teens who talk about our lifes and a game that was ment for 10 year olds but...
it is rare but it happens girls can do almost anything guys can do and video games is one of them they just have to deal with that
whats up what i do...
while i was playing halo3 a girl gamer was playing then every guy in the match was asking for sex and things like that so she quit they i ask why did u do that they just said cause is it so wrong for girls to play video games and i know some girls who are really good and like halo and gears but hate playing online cause of guys who are make fun of them i'm a guy so i don't have to deal with this but i guess i know how they feel
i really don't see anything wrong with it after they fixed the problems and in gears of war 2 you have chainsaw duals and horde and horde is better then firefight and zombies
really cause for me it says firewall on but it works fine for me it like 2-5 mins i'm in a match
Kingdom hearts mother f*****ers
is any one else muslim or middle east i was not born there but my parents are from there and i have been there
i know i sayed i hate the game but after you play it a while it gets really fun does anyone else play it it's like kingdom hearts all over again but with blood anyone else plays it
i know this is not disney but what gears of war and call of duty 4 it just a joke but think about it sora can get the chainsaw like they were going to give him
if you need help on this site just tell me
hello whatz up i see you're new here and i like to say hello if you have an xbox360 my gamertag is DARKRIKU5
i love it got some more
i asked the same thing Vantais is the name of the dark soldier