why don't you like them
why did u c them all
just watch them all
no it not rock i'll send you 3 songs
thank you..
do u know who he is
hey if you don't have me on xboxlive add me my gamertag is DARKRIKU5
yeah you're right.... again stop being right all the time but it is more annoy with 8-10 they are so high pitched and go nuts when they get a kill if you are 13 or 14 i say it is ok but really it says M but i think i know why cause when i when to a gamestop this is what happened kid and mom: we like to buy this gamestop guy: you know this has blood kid:it has no blood GS guy: well it has purple blood and he got the game making more sqeaker in the game
hey do u like Daft punk
but you are right for 2 things one just because a girl asked for sex doesn't make it any better then a guy asking for sex and 2 asking some one for sex online is the only thing dumber then saying i'm going to your house to kill u now tell me where u live
yeah i saw it. it was awesome but it looks like xemmas has a keyblade and i watch your sephy vid on youtube it was also cool
cool i just hate how my friends don't have a psp or want to get birth by sleep so as cool as the mulitplayer is i can't play it :'(
oh yeah i mean ven, terra, and aqua
omg Zexion is just a little kid Scientist like dexter
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBj_9rA8ZJk&feature=related see respect girl gamers
*face lands on floor*