Im pretty awesome I must say lolz thanks for asking ^^
I was wondering that myself and I personally have no idea >.<
No guh I really cant stand the cards >.> makes everything way more difficult than it needs to be
Traverse Town IDK if its just because it was the original or what
I personally ADORE him cuz hes just adorable and sweet and hes funny and hes so immature its cute but still bad ass at the same time xD
ahahhaah thats cute >.< lolz sorry nah nothing really scares me though O.o
Its pretty well balanced and may i say it must be the best combination EVER! lolz
Sephy cuz he killed me in 2 hits the first time xD
Granted it would take FOREVER lolz but it would SO be worth it! so yea definitely!
Im not very far I just got to the first Larxene battle today and so far shes the most difficult but not very
XEMNAS!!!! HES HAAAAAAAWT and a total sadist xD
Hiiiii how are you? ^^
Heya ^^ How are you?
Hiiiii :) Im Jazz aaand IDK what else to say lolz I look forward to meeting lots of fellow KH fans though ^^