yep I did nm too just watching anime btw I saw your comment last time you were shocked to know mieu was a boy and I did too I was like O_O "mieu...
hi it was good except the part where my friend sat on my stomach >.<how was your day and btw what can I call you?you can just call me yuki or Tear
really?wow I use them alot but one time was scary my sister used me as a human target good thing I know how to dodges a sword O_O
oh yea sisi how many friends did you get on your first day?
wow O_O I can use bow&arrow too xDwell those teachers are mean to begin with so ya they dont care
wow....a guy twisted my arm but then the teachers maade me twist his arm back and I almost broke it also never mess with me when I know how to...
Yea lol Im nice but at the same time strong i fling a boy across a table before and I said this "never mess with a girl you idiot ^,...,^"
I know its so annoying they will be like "hey midget let me copy your work"and I hate being called midget too they even tried to copy my project...
i see....I always sit next to the idiots of the class and that brings me down alittle they copy your work too ...>.<and how rude i get one wrong...
i see sisi im no longer there but will be going back
ok cool talk to you later btw its dinner time
hi Ollie^^lol btw happy new year^^
ok Ollie you can call me yuki
nm sisi in stream and reading manga
wow...I need to stop drawing class or sleeping whens it math ^^'
Oh ok so wha cha doing?
I-I did?Really? S-sorry
well get better grades on math T_TI got a "B"for math and all "A"s for the rest of my report card
im fine you