its called History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi ! its so funny
lol thats funny I never noticed btw what are you doing rite now im watching another anime and talking to friends
OH yea that part it was sooooo funny XD
lol zeo and yea 6 I have but I forgot what it was about
no I havent
yea I tell you it was soo HD that there was not a single pixel at all !!!!!!!O_O it was beautiful....
ooooooooo that will be scary O_O dont even want to imagine it
I freaken know crrreeeeepy O_O
mp^^and happy new year to you too
I know I had nightmares afterwards O_O -shivers-and her eyes are like those well vampire
yep :D and lol idk where my sister gets them but it was soo HD that it lags on my pc and runs prefecty on hers coz hers is like super tech pc you...
yeah i know XD so wha cha doing still in your stream?
wow I dont need youtube coz my sister has them downloaded
cool I have alot of friends rite now
yeah I know luke is cooler asch is not bad too btw what ep are you on im on 14 or so
she does and im telling you this one time at night I got up tp go to the bathroom and couldn't open the door she suddenly opened her eyes and sits...
yeah i know the voice was that of a little girl rite O_o and I feel sorry for luke ppl lost trust in him after what happened in that mine
ok nice to meet you you have a pretty name ^^
well I wish I could but my sister is alot more scary and I like to draw animals anime characters and alot more
oh cool sisi