He means what you just said. You just use a model mod on Sora or another one of Sora's forms and change the model to Wisdom Form and he won't be able to "Shoot", he'll attack based on what you model modded. I wouldn't model mod Anti-Form, though...
Well... I don't know. I'm sure you could load one like a play as boss code, but even if they didn't T-stance, I don't think their walk would actually have a programmed range to carry the model. That would depend on how much the programmers manipulated their movement in cutscenes as opposed to just setting a coordinate range for an animation and letting the game take it from there.
I have not, though I've been planning to try my hand at it.
In simpler terms, the game reloads their animations after every room change, and the location of the... pool for the animations is different for every single room in the game, even cutscene-only areas.
It is possible, you just have to put the boss in a room, make a file dump, and then modify all of their animations to their normal standing animation, or you can just T-stance them by taking the addresses of some of their animations and turning the data into "00000000"
I really don't know where all these rumors that you can get Japanese voices from ENGLISH-VOICED KH2FM have come from, but I assure you they're all false. If they were going to put the Japanese voices for the new KH2FM cutscenes into the English-voiced KH2FM, they would of directly put them in instead of wasting resources forging a pointless memory link between games.
There is no "unlocking" them. The audio was taken out of the game entirely, that's how dubs are done.
Jokers do not work with Emuhaste because Emuhaste is constantly applying the inputted codes to the game. To "joker" on Emuhaste, you have to put the code in and apply it at the right time.
That's still good work and research. I think I'll mess around with this for the next couple of days.
When I tried this, there were multiple instances of it freezing, but it turned out that it was certain abilities that caused it to freeze. I don't remember which ones, but they were disabled in the video and I attempted to show every single ability that did work, so feel free to closely examine the fight with the nobodies on the platform leading to the Altar of Naught if it means much to you.
11CE0B68 00000318 21C9F26C 01000000 21C9F2B4 001C0001 21C9F2BC 0A000000 1032E020 00000029 21CD4AE0 00000769 21CD5888 58455F57 21CD588C 5F303130 21CD5890 46544C55 21CD5894 00004c5f 21CE267C 005B009B I believe it is those, but I have no idea where the data lines are coming from.
Well... now they just need a hitbox. Too bad I don't know how to modify those.
I'd hate to tell you, but the problem is probably the fact that you're using theater mode. The only code you'll find that actually works properly with that mode is the Neo Map-String Modifier. Confirm my suspicions so that I can better help you, please. Are you playing on a PS2?
Yep. Works perfectly for me on PCSX2.
While Wheel of Time already addressed this, I would like to comment that it isn't too good of an idea to warp to an area when walking to a room that is inside the same world of the place you are warping to, this can easily damage how or what the room loads. In some places it'll work fine, but Hollow Bastion areas suffer the worst from this. Of course, if you're like me and love experimenting with glitchy things like this, you might find something you like. Memory's Skyscraper is my favorite glitched area. I did see a code a long while back that allowed you to wield Axel's chakrams, but I don't think they were even able to hit a single thing, and they somehow required Mulan's moveset. I never saved it, and I can't seem to find it anywhere else, sorry. Use this for Movie Mode when playing on PCSX2. 2036ACA4 00000000 2036CE98 00000000 003496BC 00000001 003497CC 00000001 The reason it wasn't working before is because on PCSX2, there are no jokers. Therefore, the applying of the black bars was constantly fighting between enabling and disabling. Now, if you want those black bars out of there, you use this instead. 2036ACA4 00000000 2036CE98 00000000 003496BC 00000000 003497CC 00000000
Emuhaste can't apply codes that have an address beginning with four, aka condensed codes. So you can use this instead. Solo (Emulator) Spoiler Code: 2032F064 12121200 2032F068 12121200 2032F06C 12121200 2032F070 12121200 2032F074 12121200 2032F078 12121200 2032F07C 12121200 2032F080 12121200 2032F084 12121200 2032F088 12121200 2032F08C 12121200 2032F090 12121200 2032F094 12121200 2032F098 12121200 2032F09C 12121200 2032F0A0 12121200 2032F0A4 12121200 2032F0A8 12121200 2032F0AC 12121200
2032F064 12121200 2032F068 12121200 2032F06C 12121200 2032F070 12121200 2032F074 12121200 2032F078 12121200 2032F07C 12121200 2032F080 12121200 2032F084 12121200 2032F088 12121200 2032F08C 12121200 2032F090 12121200 2032F094 12121200 2032F098 12121200 2032F09C 12121200 2032F0A0 12121200 2032F0A4 12121200 2032F0A8 12121200 2032F0AC 12121200
You could just warp there. E001FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00001A04 Just Hold R2 and walk into another room. Don't release R2 until the next room loads.
I think that's only for the actual scripted battle you fight Sephiroth in. Anywhere else the game won't be able to load his animations. Edit: Oh, you wanted it for pnach. Well, I shouldn't have replied since my knowledge doesn't stretch to that at all, sorry.
Model Modifier codes shouldn't be used to change Drive Forms to normal Sora due to that particle effect. Instead, use a moveset modifier to make normal Sora's moveset into Valor Form. Normal Sora Moveset = Valor 01C95536 00000002 Normal Sora Moveset = Wisdom 01C95536 00000003 Normal Sora Moveset = Master 01C95536 00000004 Normal Sora Moveset = Final 01C95536 00000005 Normal Sora Moveset = Limit (can't use Sonic Rave, Strike Raid, Ars Arcanum, or Ragnarok.) 01C95536 000000042 Unfortunately, a glowing particle ends up appearing on one of Sora's shoes with the Valor Form after using an attack, but it at least doesn't have his entire chest area glowing. Music is disabled 202BD264 0000302D 202BD2AC 0000302D If you're playing on an emulator, you will have to activate this code then reboot the game for it to work. This will not disable Dearly Beloved on the start menu. Play as Hercules Spoiler Code: 2032F094 12030102 1032E248 00000000 1032E2AA 00008052 1032E2B8 0000808A 2036d8d0 00000000 0036d8d4 00000000 E006FDFF 0034D45C 11ce0b6e 0000???? - Replace "????" with the UCM digit of who you want to fight 11ce0b6a 00000910 2094bc58 00ad89a0 2094bc68 00b04940 2094bc88 00bc3500 209adc58 00bc3990 E025FEFF 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C 00030000 21C5FF50 00010001 209c2b68 00c5e990 209c9cf8 00c5e990 209cc638 00c63720 209d43b8 00c63720 209d9ef8 00c63720 209df898 00c63720 209e2e38 00c63720 209e7358 00c63720 209ebb38 00c69d20 209f0758 00c71bf0 209f4be8 00c76ff0 209f9568 00d6a3a0 209fc978 00d6a3a0 20a09f08 00d1b200 20a09f18 00d4aa50 20a5e8d8 00ce0630 20a5e8e8 00ceafa0 20a64b68 00cf8c20 20a64b78 00d043e0 20a6b4d8 00ceb030 20a6b4e8 00cf8ba0 20a70078 00ce0630 20a70088 00ceafa0 20a10838 00c7fb80 20a16fe8 00c87680 20a1ce28 00c90950 20a224a8 00c96a40 20a26988 00c9f820 20a2b728 00ca5470 20a2f858 00cad070 20a33e18 00cb3160 20a3bb08 00cbc610 20a40038 00cc14d0 20a4e928 00d4aad0 11C6C280 00000000 Hades cannot take damage, but you CAN make him flinch in his pyromaniac form as if he were not in it, and even joker a code to make his HP 0 so that you kill him on the next hit, so Movie Mode can completely mask this problem. 21C6C690 64646464 21C6C694 64646464 E001FFFB 0034D45C 11C6C4E8 00000000 Now, as for the areas... "- First go to the Hall of the Cornerstone in Disney Castle - Press and hold R2 while walking into the Audience Chamber - When the room has loaded, let go of R2 and press L2 once (to activate animations) - The character you are "playing as" will also be there. You can either: - Fight him/her/it, or, - Press R3 once to set their life to 0 (You can kill/stop them in 1 hit)" Since I'm too lazy to go look up joker values, I've just removed the joker for the enemy Hercules' HP bar, so it'll just automatically be 0. This Play as Hercules code, and the directions, were made by Gultigargar. Hopefully this covers everything. I believe Mako Tsunami found the addresses for Slot 1's stats, or at least he was the only one who actually cared enough to post them. Spoiler Code: Slot 1 Max HP (Sora/Roxas/Mickey/Party Member) 21C6C750 000000FF 21C6C754 000000FF Beginner/Standard/Proud mode HP 21C6C750 00000078 21C6C754 00000078 Critical Mode HP 21C6C750 0000003C 21C6C754 0000003C Slot 1 Max HP and Instant Desperation Mode (if Sora is removed and it's a boss vs boss fight) 11C6C750 00000D48 11C6C754 00002EE0 Slot 1 Resistances Removed 21C6C8F8 64646464 21C6C8FC 00646464 Slot 1 Invincible 21C6C8F8 00000000 21C6C8FC 00000000 Slot 1 Defense Mod 21C6C8DC 000000?? Slot 1 Strength Mod 21C6C8D8 000000?? Before we attempt to fix your problem, you should mention where you found the code so we know what room it is supposed to be in. Play as Boss codes are bound to the one room they are made in.
2032F094 12030102 1032E248 00000000 1032E2AA 00008052 1032E2B8 0000808A 2036d8d0 00000000 0036d8d4 00000000 E006FDFF 0034D45C 11ce0b6e 0000???? - Replace "????" with the UCM digit of who you want to fight 11ce0b6a 00000910 2094bc58 00ad89a0 2094bc68 00b04940 2094bc88 00bc3500 209adc58 00bc3990 E025FEFF 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C 00030000 21C5FF50 00010001 209c2b68 00c5e990 209c9cf8 00c5e990 209cc638 00c63720 209d43b8 00c63720 209d9ef8 00c63720 209df898 00c63720 209e2e38 00c63720 209e7358 00c63720 209ebb38 00c69d20 209f0758 00c71bf0 209f4be8 00c76ff0 209f9568 00d6a3a0 209fc978 00d6a3a0 20a09f08 00d1b200 20a09f18 00d4aa50 20a5e8d8 00ce0630 20a5e8e8 00ceafa0 20a64b68 00cf8c20 20a64b78 00d043e0 20a6b4d8 00ceb030 20a6b4e8 00cf8ba0 20a70078 00ce0630 20a70088 00ceafa0 20a10838 00c7fb80 20a16fe8 00c87680 20a1ce28 00c90950 20a224a8 00c96a40 20a26988 00c9f820 20a2b728 00ca5470 20a2f858 00cad070 20a33e18 00cb3160 20a3bb08 00cbc610 20a40038 00cc14d0 20a4e928 00d4aad0 11C6C280 00000000
Slot 1 Max HP (Sora/Roxas/Mickey/Party Member) 21C6C750 000000FF 21C6C754 000000FF Beginner/Standard/Proud mode HP 21C6C750 00000078 21C6C754 00000078 Critical Mode HP 21C6C750 0000003C 21C6C754 0000003C Slot 1 Max HP and Instant Desperation Mode (if Sora is removed and it's a boss vs boss fight) 11C6C750 00000D48 11C6C754 00002EE0 Slot 1 Resistances Removed 21C6C8F8 64646464 21C6C8FC 00646464 Slot 1 Invincible 21C6C8F8 00000000 21C6C8FC 00000000 Slot 1 Defense Mod 21C6C8DC 000000?? Slot 1 Strength Mod 21C6C8D8 000000??
You actually can make the enemies in the 1000 Heartless battle unlimited, you just have to change them to neutral mobs and the game won't count them towards the Heartless-defeated counter in the battle, so the moving dummy heartless in the background will not disappear either. And you would do that with this code. 2036C3EC 0016F298 In regards to playing as Axel... Yet again, I will post this text file download for the 7th time. The codes in there were only made by Gultigargar, as far as I know. http://www.mediafire.com/?7k7rr777csj22ac