For the all drive form code the last 3 lines are weapon mods. They give all the forms kingdom key so you can change the last 4 digits, just thought I would throw that out there
Lol no problem glad I could help. ^^
It isnt FM it is NTSC. Carey took Limits model and put it in NTSC
Nothin at the moment. You?
Hey nm. How bout you?
Ah sounds like fun.
Oh good proof. >> So yea how are you?
Do you have proof it isnt a lie?! *BONK
The cake is a lie
Yeah but having the sharingan is gay . I would rather have a huge demon fox
Well it should work. But all the times I have tried to make him or Warrior Sora wield Save the King it freezes ._.
All you did was change his weapons correct?
Ok? But Naruto is stronger than Sasuke. Naruto is a Sage and Sasuke is just a rouge ninja.
All you have to do is use the condensed party mod, make it just Sora and Donald and replace Donald's ucm with Riku's. You might have to joker it tho ause I dont think the Riku ally coe works in HB
51CEFF50 00000040 01CEFED0 00000000 01CB97FF 00000004 10340B4C 0000023E This is DW Wisdom I suppose. I found it on Youtube as a comment. Idk if it is right but hey couldnt hurt to try. :x
ell you could give the ones with 2 keyblades normal Sora's moveset and they should have 1 keyblade
It has a high chance of a BSoD. Most of the time when you mod antiform it results in BSoD
Nope I do not have the DW Limit form code. Oh I thought you meant his magic stuff like Ragnarok. I call those limits
Yes he can do limits and everything. You can add Finals moveset for crazy keyblade action. lol ^^ its really a cool code.
But I thought you said it worked?