So really you want Sora to look like Anti, or Anti to have a keyblade and such as normal sora?
I used the cleaned up one Gulti, but it didnt have a command menu. Well it did but it only said Command Menu lol
Thank you soooo much ^^
Can someone please give and label the DW Riku code for me?
Well from what I have seen, if you give forms other's abilities, they will t-stance, the only one that works on all of them is glide
Thanks ^^ Well it didnt really work all that well with my emu Also check here to see my form in action EDIT* Alright well I screwed my memcards for Pcsx2 and I dont want to go through the whole game again so can someone send me a link to the memcards for Pcsx2 with the Kh2fm save data (100% complete would be greatly appreciated)
can I have the list of room mods please? I need to get to the area where you can access the data battles. Hollow Bastion glitched up so I cant beat it and I cant get to the last area in the Cavern of Remembrance. So if someone could give that to me it would be great
Can someone tell me how to look up 0936 in Ps2dis?????? I need to know how to search digits like these
Yea Same here, Im using 9.7 and it works just fine
Ok so Im about to beat the game but the Pride Lands and Hollow Bastion arent complete. Idk why but I cant seem to beat it and its buggin me. Like I cant fight Sephiroth I havent beat The Program in Space Paranoids, I dont have the Sleeping Lion keyblade. Idk why, is there a why to get passed this?
[video=youtube;bzzHO1f0opU][/video] This is DW Limit BREAKER!!!!!!!!!! This was made by me :3 Basically: -Anti and Valor slots replaced on the Drive menu -Anti looks like Limit -Anti has 2 keys -Anti has a new square attack -Able to revert whenever -no T-stancing -able to use RC commands the code: 201D6388 0000102D 11CE0B70 00000059 1032EE2C 000080DF 1032F22A 00000031 1032f228 000000B1 01C95534 00000001 21C956D4 5F303031 21C956D8 4631484B 01C95716 0000000A 1032EF3C 0000002A 11CE0B7A 00000055 tell me what ya think ^^
oh ok, that makes sense
Yea I found it thanks, so does Anti form not have any arm mods? After Final form in Ps2dis its "W_EX010_LK" whats this? Also just made this Code: 11CE0B68 00000055 21C95554 5F303031 21C95558 464C5448 21cd520c 00303330 21cd5210 00000000 21cd5214 00000000 21cd51ec 00303330 21cd51f0 00000000 21cd51f4 00000000 1032EE24 0000002A 11CD4394 000009A2 1032E020 0000002b 11cd4398 000009CF It freezes with RC and you cant attack, so just running into people will damgae them
Omg thank you soooo much! Now I can do other forms :3 EDIT*** Can someone give me a list of all of the arm mods for Sora and his forms???
Can you give me the list to mod the forms growth abilities???
But you cant unequip Form abilities can you?
but if I do that I wont get the epic Breaker move when you click square as Anti
So there is no other way around this except replacing Sora with Anti?
1032F22A 0000000D - Revert replaces O in shortcut menu 1032f228 00000005 - Antiform replaces /\ in the shortcut menu 01C95534 00000001 - I actually have no idea 21C956D4 5F303031 - model mod 21C956D8 4631484B - model mod 01C95716 0000000A - Moveset mod 1032EF3C 000001F2 - Weapon mod for DW Roxas
Thanks but it didnt work with my form :/ This is LIMIT BREAKER FORM 1032F22A 0000000D 1032f228 00000005 01C95534 00000001 21C956D4 5F303031 21C956D8 4631484B 01C95716 0000000A 1032EF3C 000001F2 drive into anti to active