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  1. Sorentas
    This is exactly why i couldn't do it myself XD to complicated to tell where the textures are on him.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 3, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Sorentas
    Thats fine and im pretty sure it should work in neverland since only the textures of the model have been edited, btw i may be nitpicking but it would be better if you used Roxas's final mix textures since they are of better quality, i understand if you have to use the low quality textures though and i need to say thanks again!
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Sorentas
    i know but hey it's something until models are cracked. And again thank you!
    EDIT: also im pretty sure it isn't illegal to share the file you edited just for your information.
    EDIT 2 : Can i ask a question? Does the texture change only effect game play? or other models of Sora too, as im sure you are aware there is more than 1 model used.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Sorentas
    How the... what.. Man im bad at this texture thing, i don't know if you take requests but can you make a Roxas texture mod? pretty please with a X-Blade on top?
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Sorentas
    Crazycatz i know why the program wasn't extracting it is because the hash pairs log isn't on the Google drive in the tools folder, can you add them if possible
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Sorentas
    I sent you a message it will tell you what you clearly did wrong.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Sorentas
    I see that makes much more sense now that i think about it, i kinda guessed it would be complicated to center the names. Nice to know why its is named like that.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Sorentas
    A few Things I've noticed in the video:
    - Wouldn't it be simpler to make the difficulty modes just say Beginner mode, Standard mode and Proud mode as I'm pretty sure it doesn't make much sense in English as pretty much everybody knows this is the final mix version(not to mention the modes are described what i said in every English version of Kingdom Hearts games). However if you disagree then why not make it say Final Mix: Standard, seems strange it just says Final Mix.
    - I assume FMPR stands for the same as above, so that could be changed to just PROUD if you agree that is.
    - The names aren't centered im assuming there is some limitation.
    Finally i was wondering if you are going to do any graphical edits regarding this translation? Just small details like Munnies -> Munny for consistency and remove the Japanese symbols on the right of the start menu. Since i would assume you would be trying to get rid of all Japanese as part of the English translation?

    EDIT: Again these are purely suggestions and i understand there may be limitations.
    EDIT 2:
    So did my instructions help you in any way?
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Sorentas
    If model hacking was possible that could open up all new possibilities for hacking this game. Like you said im sure if we would rig models onto an existing in game skeleton all animations (game play wise) should work, great examples of this are games such as Sonic Generations and Dissidia 012.

    EDIT: However it could be more complicated then i think, since I've never touched upon programming or model hacking.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Sorentas
    Okay i signed up to answer your question, along with other reasons...
    But here is what you do:

    1. Download all of completed files from here along with the tools(you can download the in-progress files too but remember they can change):

    2. Put all the tools in one folder along with your Kingdom Hearts Final mix clean ISO

    3. Rename your ISO to kh.iso, and double click IMGextract.exe and press enter when it tells you to then wait for it to finish extracting (you know when it is finished when it says press enter to exit at the bottom)

    4.Then you need to put the completed files in the export folder (completed files in the menu folder go to the menu folder in the export folder)

    5. Open up IMGreplace.exe and press enter when it tells you to, and then again (keep a backup of the original iso for future use)

    6. It will ask you file to replace, this is the important part; if the files are in the export folder directory you just enter the file name (eg. btltbl.bin), however if it is within a folder within the export folder you must write the folder name then a / followed by the file name. e.g The menu files should start with Menu/ so if i want to replace sysfont.bin i would write it as menu/sysfont.bin in the program. if it says the file is bigger then the original if it does just enter y and then press enter.

    7. Once you have done this with all the files just press enter twice to exit the program and you should be done

    8. Enjoy!

    Hope this helps you along with anyone else!

    EDIT: This is right isn't is Crazycatz?
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault