/\---- My thoughts exactly
I don't have any crash reports since i've been sleeping, going to test when i go on my laptop (i have to share with my little brother so yeah -_-
You should probably change the translation status spreadsheet.
That really could work, never though of it.
I was just wondering, do we really need the Final Fantasy X trailer on this game? Why not replace it with something Kingdom Hearts Related? Possibly the opening video? Just a thought seeing as it holds no meaning now.
ok but im probably going to have to manually search them it's going to take a while EDIT: I can't give specifics right now but it is the nmXX.ARDs (xx being a number). EDIT2: anyone else noticing these problems?
well to be honest it seems some areas are quite messed up (i think) when you enter the world and go to the 'town square thing' it's named boneyard, is that right? also when you go to the lab entryway (the real name of the area) is is named research lab from 'the town square'. And when you are in the lab entryway both of the exits are not translated. this just sounds confusing doesn't it? im going to post screens in a few minutes.[DOUBLEPOST=1376239570][/DOUBLEPOST]Here are some examples in attachments
question are the location names (names of areas when you go by an exit) in the world's ARDs? if so you might have missed a few from what I've tested in Halloween town but it was just one location.
No there is more i would get it for you but my computer crashed(well froze) not to mention it takes a while you manually extract the images, so as you can guess im not in much of a mood maybe Distgustor can help you.
From what i got out i couldn't find the Japanese symbols also this is what i was up to: As you can see there are also two other title images i can't seem to find, one that is transparently behind the first screenshot and the image on the third screenshot. I've searched though the hex and couldn't find them so i don't know where you found them. Edit: i just thought i would mention, i found an interesting menu option which displays INSTALL.
nice to know! now once crazycatz finishes translating SLPS_251.98 the game might start feeling more translated rather then random symbols everywhere.
Oh really, im bad at noticing things like that .
I noticed some files are missing such as the menu folder and the dive to the heart ARDs that a little strange.
It's in Title.img, as far as i know the actual text is not on the title image.[DOUBLEPOST=1376160648][/DOUBLEPOST] May i ask how you changed it, i pretty much figured out how to reinsert it and extract it, just need to know how to save the image back to TIM2.
anyone know how to save as .tm2? Or convert a .PNG to .tm2 I kinda wanted to test something with the title screen
This would go perfect with The KH2 Sora mod.
I'm assuming this is for the widescreen? Also how would someone go about activating widescreen?
i was wondering, very roughly how long do you think the first 'version' of the translation will be done? you know since you are translating quite a few ARDs.
Funny how we're making the translation accurate before 1.5 comes out.
I was wondering what exactly did they make HD aside feom the main characters? Doesn't seem like much. EDIT: Also what exactly are we planning on making HD aside from stated before?