im going to test it out, which worlds have you redone so far?
This proves that the translation is getting popular! :D
This patch sure is coming along great, now once all the issues are dealt with it will be amazing! :D
well im guessing it would be most if not all of the organization, furthermore i think there will be nobodies to fight as technically there should be a nobody for every heartless existing.
If we could end up replacing keyblade models too im sure this could lead to some very interesting keyblade mods.
Well yes it might sound dull but considering her character and what she actually is i think the voice suits her well, although im not once to care about voice acting. Unless it is bad enough for everyone to notice. *shivers* Ughh Tidus' laugh.
Well apart from Axel and Kairi i really don't know. Btw Axel would be a much better wielder.
Really? Who would have guessed, also love that you got rid of that line.
Well i certainly don't want any more original characters at this point, as for Final Fantasy characters: - Lightning is obvious. - Noctis possibly? - Warrior of Light because why not? - Dissidia inspired version of Chaos as a boss. - Throw in a few more Final Fantasy bosses and summons. - Other Final Fantasy protaganists? (Just don't add Tidus)
There are certainly quite a few issues like the triangle button in KH1, fishfaces, Re:Com being a Re:Com, the bugs and game developers deleting source code. Im just happy its's all going to be on one console. But i still wish they remade 358/2 Days as a game.
I would say KH2 Ultima Weapon was best, since i would use it all the time once i get it. The birth by sleep version is kinda useless once you get the other unlockable keyblades like Void Gear. The 3D Ultima is also useless if you get Unbound before it. And i could never bother synthesising all items for the KH1 Ultima.
The dashes are a emulator thing, i think he means scaling the bars down.
Now that i think about it the NA 'y' looks out of place anyway, why not make the top slightly cut off and raise the bottom slightly kinda like this:
it shouldn't be too hard considering you can compare it to the US Text (unless your talking about final mix exclusive text)
I can't wait to find out. :D
well it seems everyone is starting to become aware of this thread, maybe that will help speed things up. :D
nice to know i was of some help. :)
so i tested the new ARDs still have the same problem, but more text seems translated. Looks like it would be best if you started from scratch and only replace the text and not the strings, that could be causing it. But im not sure. Also im assuming there is no way for you to test your own files? since it would be more direct feedback to what you have done.
Can you give me a link? i think i know how to get it to work.
Why does enabling widescreen have to seem so complicated? Anyone got a code/Pnatch?