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  1. Sorentas
    I know that's why i said so. :p
    In the meantime i guess i could play with what there is so far, i mean i have no clue when it comes to the Japanese language, so how is jumbled up words any different right?
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Sorentas
    I just hope this is finished before 1.5.
    But i will try not to get my hopes up.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Sorentas
    Well like i said it's probably best if we focus on the translation first, and then the perfection.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Sorentas
    Lets just say FFX isn't exactly my favorite game. BUT Auron is cool.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Sorentas
    Kinda useless if you already have the ability.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Sorentas
    That makes sense now that i think about it. Crazycatz is that true?
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Sorentas
    To be honest ALL the capitals look different.
    EDIT: Am I the only one that thinks we should start the whole nitpicking thing after the translation is done? That is unless things have to done now. Like the smaller text for example.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Sorentas
    That's because he was young, if they use the older version of him we're going to end up suffering again.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Sorentas
    I'm sure the sizes are located somewhere, if not in the ARDs then maybe one of the other files? If it was another file it could take long to find it, however considering we know what quite a few of them are (ARDs, textures, movesets, weapons and such) all we would have to do is look though the files we haven't figured out. However it would make much more sense if the sizes were located in the ARDs.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Sorentas
    Well if you put it that way, you might as well do it, it does look much better like that anyway.
    EDIT: you know this project is truly starting to get some great progess with the font issues being fixed, with that said if the text box sizes could be fixed that would really be the icing on the cake. :D
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Sorentas
    Well it is just a model, a PS2 should be able handle it. I mean it uses it in cutscenes so why not gameplay?
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Sorentas
    Thats good to know, by the way your doing a great job at this! :D
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Sorentas
    Did you check everything? journal? Cutscenes? Its probably better to wait for Trillix's tutorial.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Sorentas
    No problem, i just love helping out when i can. ;)
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 25, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Sorentas
    You know i would say Roxas but im probably being a typical fanboy who played KH2 first. :p
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 25, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Sorentas
    yes just as you said put them in the input folder as they are.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 25, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Sorentas
    considering how they were lazy enough to only put two programmers to make 1.5 i wouldn't be suprised if all they did was make the games emulated with some minor enhancments.
    EDIT: Note - i'm saying that square is lazy not the programmers themselves, im sure if they had some help 1.5 would have been much more promising
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 25, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Sorentas
    I'm sorry i should be more clear:
    - Don't do anything with the export folder.
    - For any folders that say blahblah-ARDs, take the files out of that folder and put them directly into the import folder.
    - For other folders like worldmap, gumi and menu just put them in the input folder as the folder they are.
    The last instruction is simple enough to understand yourself.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 25, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Sorentas
    Probably the reason they didn't bother fixing it, or it's just another thing they were to lazy to do.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 25, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Sorentas
    Well you need to download everything in tools folder and the complete files folder, and if you want to test some files then download everything in the incomplete folder.
    Post by: Sorentas, Aug 25, 2013 in forum: Code Vault