Violet dodged the shards throwing Bauizu against the wall. "My my we learn quickly."
She sniffed it and bit it. "yumm" She smiled at Donells.
Suddenly she was wrapped in a spiderlike thread that was really tight.
"It always does in the end. If you make it past me, you'll have a tougher time getting to Gemmini."
Kula jumpped around. "Kyo I hungry, Hungry hungry!" She looked at Kyo with puppy eyes.
Kula nodded. "I CAN be very useful." She beamed.
"Stop and destroy you in the words of King Radu the 2nd." She held out a wirery looking thing.
"Because we are still property of the org. I will have to be destroy because I hole alot of the orgs files, Beilive me, all you need to do is hook me up to a cp hook up."
"Your welcome."
She rolled her eyes. "You care too much, But ill fix that.." She pulled something out.
"Hes in the left sector guarded by evil preists, and Kyo your wanted by him I guess you have something. Donella and Dawn You guys are being hunted right now, As for me and lance we are wanted as well."
Violet give her a evil stare. "Hmpt whatever. It will happen sooner or later.."
"Now any questions?! I got loads of vertications to accept.." Kula smiled and giggled a bit.
"Nobodie asked! Hello I AM a child you know, I do tend to liked to be asked..."
"Its is isnt it....I cant let you reunite it.." She glared evily.
"Awhile now I recived the email transfer when we entered in Kyos portal."
"Really? How touching it would happen to be cresant shape now would it?" She said stopping, her eyes gleaming in the light of the torches.
"Hehe Im a walking computer data base, I can recive lots of files without reason. Like I know where Master is.."
Violet smiled a evil grin. "You didnt answer my question.....What are you doing here?" She stepped closer showing herself more.
Dreamscape sighed as he was still in his vortex. He hoped someone would let him out too, and yet having a master was a bad thing.