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  1. Mish
    omg mak stop embarrassing yourself
    Post by: Mish, Nov 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. Mish
    So.. that means it is pointless for the jailer to try to target a member of the mafia as it won't prevent kills from going through, right? The jailer is only there to protect townies, as opposed to stopping mafia.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Mish
    I'm gonna hazard a guess and assume he's already eaten at this point.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mish
    @Midnight Star for the record, it was Marushi who voted for me. You haven't stated that in your last two votals.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. Mish
    I'd advise everyone not to rely on notifications. Check the thread periodically.

    @Spike now is a good time to post, before you get policy lynched.

    ##Unvote: Cat~

    ##Vote: Spike
    Post by: Mish, Nov 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. Mish
    The reason I brought post #121 to attention is because I believe that Spike is both trying to distance himself from Trigger and put Beau in the hot seat. This is why, at the end of my post, I concluded that Beau was likely town. You conveniently ommitted that part of my post in your quote. You could say that you left it out because you weren't addressing that part of my post, but it just seems odd that you've kept everything else, including my response to Makaze.

    I explicitly stated that my 3 hunches were 'not more than guesses at this point' and even said to al that I was just looking to get his reaction. Spike, on the other hand, said that he was 'keeping his eye on Trigger'. This gives the illusion of appearing convicted while not committing to anything.

    You're correct. I should have said 'brought The Fuk? past soft lynch +1. My bad. The point still stands though. Spike is the one who put The Fuk? in danger of being lynched and I didn't just blow Makaze off. I had my my reasons, wrong as they were..

    I voted for Beau because I needed to as part of Mak's plan. Spike chose Beau and I followed suit.

    Your theory of me being mafia relies on Spike being town. My theory for Spike being mafia is based around Trigger also being mafia. With this in mind, how do you now feel about Trigger's alignment?

    The 'single-handedly lynching half of town' was an exaggeration for comedy's sake. But I mean, there is some truth in it. Makaze did have a lot of sway in the last game and continues to do so. My pointing this out wasn't an attempt to undermine him. If anything, I hope he's learned from it and is more accurate this time around.

    Cal wat?? In my first post of the day, I said I found his behaviour 'questionable'. I saw that he was viewing the thread and gave him the chance to defend himself before I added anything else. In my next post, which was in response to Marushi I said:

    "I'm really not sure what to think about Trigger's last minute unvote/revote. I mean, the intention of Makaze's unvote, as SPECIFICALLY stated by Mak himself, was to smoke out any mafia who might change their vote from a fellow mafia to a townie. The fact that The Fuk? turned out to be a townie might be Trig's saving grace? I still find it pretty suspicious though..

    Also, on day one Trigger came to the defense of both myself and Beau. It could be that he's trying to build ties with townies. Or it could be that he's just a super nice guy??"
    Post by: Mish, Nov 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. Mish
    Also not Hated, to help narrow it down.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. Mish
    By 'pop' you mean 'get lynched' right? Surely by bringing the most suspicious to hard lynch -1 and not getting a hammer would suggest the other person isn't mafia? Or have I misunderstood your post?
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Mish
    Nothing that hyuge has done so far has struck me as particularly mafia-esque. I did have a slight hunch on her at the beginning of the first day but that has dissipated. I think that she is just cautious about trusting Makaze's judgement because Mak single-handedly killed half of the town (or thereabouts) in the last round with his poor scum reads ;P He is the ~man with the plan~ but he is certainly not infallible and I'm sure, for now, that hyuge is just trying to remind us of that.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Mish
    I can see why you'd think that there's not much point in prodding you for opinions, I'm just seeking agreement really. It'd be nice to have your input on my thoughts about Spike too.

    I think this has already been answered before, but can't the jailer jail someone as many times as they want?
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Mish
    Why not post your thoughts now?[DOUBLEPOST=1416104416][/DOUBLEPOST]@Makaze please answer my question re: cstar.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Mish
    True that, but it's better than being quiet. With that in mind..

    Plan of action: day one is lurker hunting day. Stay active to stay alive!
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. Mish
    LOL Andy.

    But since we're on the topic of Tale.. Mak, have you changed your opinion on cstar? You read them both as mafia, based on a little buddying, right? The fact that Tale is now confirmed to be town makes me lean in favour of cstar also being town.[DOUBLEPOST=1416104186][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Nope! What? sort of did that last time and it was a big no-no!
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. Mish
    Well, voting is one way to get people talking.

    ##Vote: Cat~

    How about them apples
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. Mish
    I'm not arguing with you, just responding to your prodding.

    And.. all right I will!

    The case for Spike
    #91 He mentioned he was okay with getting a no-lynch.
    #121 Mentioned he would be keeping his eye on Trigger, but brought Beau to a soft-lynch in this post.
    #189 Brought The Fuk? beyond a Soft Lynch which, if The Fuk has been hated, would have been a hammer.
    #230 When given a choice of who to vote for, out of Cal, Beau, and Trig, he votes for Beau, despite 'having his eye' on Trig.
    #311 These are his thoughts on Trigger:
    He's just about the only person who hasn't condemned Trigger's actions, or expressed confusion, or stated they were careless/odd.

    From this, I have also come to the conclusion that Beau is likely to be town.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Mish
    #78/81: It was still early in the day and, since we were going to lynch based off post count, I didn't think it was worth voting for Spike when there was still ample time for him to come back.
    #132->152: I didn't think it was a big deal because I figured that anyone who was paying attention wouldn't vote for The Fuk? again. (I'm wondering why Spike hasn't drawn attention because of that btw).

    They're not smart mafia moves, they're not smart town moves either! I know that now. I probably come off like I'm keeping up appearances because I'm trying to justify my actions at every turn..

    I agree that Trigger is the most suspicious at this point in time. I'm not a fellow mafia member throwing someone else under the bus to make myself look innocent, there's enough time for another case to be made and there's more than enough time for me to change my vote which, unless something else ridiculously compelling comes to light, won't be happening. My second mafia guess would be Spike for the reason that I just pointed out though.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. Mish
    So I'm just gonna address this delayed scum read post:

    #74: These were my day one hunches. I wasn't confident enough to vote for them and I did agree with your plan of voting off those who contributed the least, which wasn't the case with my 3 choices.
    #78/81: I'd just like to ask what you think you've learned from when I didn't vote for Spike straight away? If anything, it suggests that I'm trying to protect Spike, right? But that doesn't make sense because I did eventually vote for him and.. as you know, kept my vote on him despite a growing consensus on a The Fuk? lynch.

    #129: As I've said, I thought we were keeping it simple and doing 'least posts', which would have made Spike our victim at that time.
    #132/134: I unvoted Spike and voted for The Fuk? under your advice/pressure. Then you warned me to unvote The Fuk?, which I did. If I'd gone against what you had said, would that come off as more town-like..?

    Despite my weird actions yesterday, I don't see how they incriminate me. You say I lack conviction and yes, I changed my opinion a lot yesterday, under pressure from you, but this is my second time playing mafia, first as a townie. I'm not trying to make excuses but hopefully that should explain some first-day slip-ups.

    On 'buddying' with Trigger: as suggested in my last post, I noticed it too. He didn't just defend me, he defended Beau as well. I did direct messages to him a number of times, but that's not really unusual. We speak nearly every day in chats lol. That said...

    ##Vote: Trigger

    If Trigger is mafia, I am not aligned with him. Trigger should now be at soft-lynch (past it if he's hated).
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. Mish
    I would defend him, both because of his achievement and because I don't think the shirt warranted the reaction it got.

    On the same line of thinking, if the person who cures cancer also happens to be a horrible racist, so be it..
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  19. Mish
    Yes hi, not ignoring, just working.

    I'm really not sure what to think about Trigger's last minute unvote/revote. I mean, the intention of Makaze's unvote, as SPECIFICALLY stated by Mak himself, was to smoke out any mafia who might change their vote from a fellow mafia to a townie. The fact that The Fuk? turned out to be a townie might be Trig's saving grace? I still find it pretty suspicious though..

    Also, on day one Trigger came to the defense of both myself and Beau. It could be that he's trying to build ties with townies. Or it could be that he's just a super nice guy??
    Post by: Mish, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. Mish
    I do find it quite questionable. I see him viewing the thread now so I'll give him the chance to explain himself.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground