(Xaren... If I didn't post where my charries were before you posted, then you might wanna edit your first post, because I put my charries in the castle OwO Bwahaaha I love long intro posts.. they mess everything up and make it more fun.) Xana quietly walked the halls, hands behind her back, head down as she thought deeply, just wandering to nowhere in the World That Never Was' castle. Her footsteps echoed gently as she walked, not another sound could be heard from her point of hearing. She sighed, portaling to the meeting room where she laid across her chair, fiddling with a cookie that she pulled out of her cloak pocket. Xirkai, on the other hand, was on her room balcony, letting the hard wind that seemed to blow around her room sending her hair flipping wildly through the air. Although this strong wind used to ip her over and somtimes almost plummiting down from her balcony, it rarley happens now-a-days, now that she knows how to stand her ground better. She ignored the wind and looked up at the dark gray sky, then to the ground, dotted with heartless of all kinds. Tohoya grumbled as she sat against a tree fiddling with wires and an electronic which seemed used to be a box of some sort. She paused, looking up at the sun rippling through the slowley waving leaves. She sighed, looking back at the electronic in her lap. "Stupid box things... never comes with directions.." She snapped at nothing, hooking two wires together and zapping herself. She blinked. It tickled more than pain. She mearly smirked smuggly
(.... Do you wanna start roleplaying? I'm bored XD)
O.O No way, I stink at making vids. Maybe La Sofa (I invited Him) can. He made an awesome vid for my FF Coconuts Family. The song was cute too. EDIT: I never could tell whether La Sofa was a boy or girl. It confused me too much.
Oh! I have an Idea for it! Each time you show another character, play a part of their theme song(s) and then when it goes to another character, play a part of that theme song and so on if you can.
None of those. It's a real alien. I can send you a picture if you want proof.
Yes, unless I want a dead alien. She needs to be moved from light to darkness and vice versa at excactly 8:40. Plus I needed to feed her. Her name is Tetsuni.
*head explodes* I fixed two and sent out the invatations.... and now I have to go put my alien in light. I'll edit the post when I get time.. SO BLAAHBLITYBLAH!
Teh heart is Powaaaa! XD Kidding. "The Heart is Power" Name: Xana Number: III Title: The Devious Angel Gender: Female Age: 18 Element: Water Appearance: Weapon: double-tailed whips (Have you seen an Espeon's tail? They look like the ends of it) Personality: Imaginitive, colorful, shy, but somewhat socialble(sp?). Charming and calm, but is easily ticked off. Bio: Xana remembers much of her past. She remembers living on a sturdy ship with her mother, father, and two brothers. She was almost never on board, but below deck, painting. 1/4 of the bottom deck was filled with paintings, paint, paint utensils, ect. But there came a day when a rough storm hit. waves crashed up against the bat, knocking everything loose over. It rocked the boat back and forth, quickly, making it hard for her to paint. She remembered screams from updeck, then seeing figures in the water, then they disappeared. That morning when the storm calmed, Xana checked up board and everywhere else on the ship. Her family had drowned. For the rest of her life she watched sunsets and painted grey paintings, only using the color blue. Eventually the boat came to shore, ect. ect. ect. Theme Song(s): Unwritten- Natasha beddingfield Loyal Nobody Follower: Dragoon Loyal Heartless Follower: Sea Neon -- Name: Xirkai (Before becoming a nobody name: Kira) Number: VII Title: The Black Rose Gender: Female Age: 20 Element: Air Appearance: Weapon: First Sword Personality: Hyper, clueless, and kind. She has soft points, but other than that is pretty much care free. When she is angry.... better off running for your life Bio: Xirkai never knew about the organization. But that was before Heartless attacked her village. For days all the sounds were crashes and bombs, screams and rips. Then one day, it all stopped. She came out of her hiding place to see blood and peices of what used to be her village almost everywhere. It was then when heartless attacked her when she came out was when she became a nobody. Ever since she never liked heartless.. but grew accostomed to a few. Theme Song: Fergalicious- Fergie Loyal Nobody Follower: Dusk Loyal Heartless Follower: Air Pirate -- I'm adding her as a main character for no reason. Name: Karel Tohoya Kizamaru . Preffers to be called by her middle name. Gender: Female Age: 18 Race: Human Allegiance: Keybearer Keyblade: LureBreaker Appearance: Personality: Tohoya is a Quiet, "Gothic" girl who loves to torture people. She rarley fights with weapons, but with words. She is shy and rarley talks unless she is making fun of or taunting someone. Very Self centered. But that's just her ontop. That's not the real her underneath that shell of darkness. If you can get through that shell of her's, you'll be suprised at what she comes out to be. Bio: Tohoya Wasn't all that quiet. She used to be colorful and cheerful, until the day she was forced to watch her own parents be murdered, then abused and pushed out to live on the streets. She was taken in by a kind lady who gave her a small key to wear around her neck, then later figuring out it could enlarge itself and be used as a weapon. She now walks along through the world, traveling to avenge her parents, and the emotions she once had long ago as a child. She thinks it's the new organizations Fault. At random, Tohoya will shiver vibrantly, go limp numb, and faint. She has had these ever since she was abused by the people who killed her parents. Theme Song: Kelly Clarkson- Because of you, Lily Allen- Smile Any Other Weapon Perhaps You Would Like To Add?: Random Electronics she carries around. And wires.
Hm..... There won't be the normal Kh2 worlds, and instead we make up our own? Or everyone is seperated onto different worlds and can't telaport in or out and stuff and they have to find a way to get out and meet eachother back up before all of them go madly insane.
You said for us to keep going and we couldn't figure out anything else to do... then one of your characters gave me a hammer of ultimite doom. Yours: Xaren, Xane, Dax, someone else who's gone mad for Rikku, Eran, Sarin. some other million characters.. Mine: Xana, Xirkai, Rikku, Mary. That's All I could rememeber. I really wanted to continue this roleplay and blah...
I'm off for a week..... weeee.... Probobly alot of you that roleplay or chat with me know I'm not on alot as I used to be. Things are going slowley in my opinion in my home. And I'm a bit unlucky. My computer broke down, now having even less time. I'm just too lazy to get on the forums because I don't have much ta do. A.K.A. In my opinion, the roleplaying for me has gotten boring or has completley shrieked to a stop. But I'm off for a week... like anyone would care. woo. Maybe I'll take a break from the computer this summer. Maybe limit myelf to 10-30 minutes on. Yeah... I'm on it too much. So, see you all more when the schoolyear starts for me. OwO Because I ain't home all day on the computer! WEEEEE!
Could I have a video done? Title: Kairi & Namine's Sweet Escape Song: Sweet Escape Artist: Gwen Stefani (I think) Clips: Kh1 & 2 Focus: Kairi and Namine with the bad things that happen to them... and stuff... Specific: Try to make it look like their singing it. Include the part where Kairi and Namine are running and are stopped by Saix.
(What's happening? I was gone for a while on vacation from a cpmputer)
Jade and part of her upper body was hanging off the side of the top bunk as she moaned over and over again. "Bored.... bored..... bored.... somebody kill me... bored..." She whined, letting all the blood rush to her head, every now and then sitting up and letting the blood rush back down, then did the same thing again. Kairi was on the bottom bunk, ignoring Jade and her boredness as she listened to songs on her iPod, occasionally poking jade in the back of the head with her foot for fun. Okay, lets face it; they were BOTH bored.
Jade laid on her top bunk, staring at the ceiling. All her things were unpacked and were folded and/or set perfectly in their places. 'Will Camp be like last time? What should I expect? Will this trip be different from the last one?" She thought, closing her eyes and thinking deeply, ignoring anyone's presence. Kairi poked her head up from the bottom bunk over to Jade without a sound. Jade didn't notice. The red head took a deep breath "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII JADE!" She yelled, making her scream in suprisment and fall off the bunk. She laughed at Jade who was now on the floor, mumbling curse words. She stood up. "Hi Kairi.." She grumbled.
(....What's hppening? Last time I checked in here, there were 75 posts....)
Jade sighed and breathed in the scent of pines as she took off from the bus. 'Hasn't changed a bit' She thought happily, smiling as she headed towards her cabin to unpack her things. Her Backpack was slung over her shoulder, and on her other hand was her other bag, which was stuffed full.
User: Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Name: Morrowind Medli (Leader) Gender: Female Side: Twilight Weapon: Large crossbow Abilities: Fire, Ice, Light, Dark, Lighting, wind arrow. A.K.A Mixing magic with arrows Appearance: Morrowind's Appearance Minion: A gaint constricter with dragon wings, mini legs & arms, and Beety red eyes. I might draw what it looks like and put it in here. I call it "Skar" Info: Morrowind seems like a typical archer, but get her annoyed, you might be a pile of ashes within minutes. She isn't too enthusastic, nor active. But she still will get a motivation to kill things. She is shy, and if you say on her good side, you might get the chance to witness her being nice. She's a bit grouchy, but is actually shy.
"Well, 15 for you is a lot of times camping. Not for me. I've been in girlsdcouts for quite a long years now, and we always end up camping wth my girlscout troop or just my family and I. Well, I hope that this isn't like the last time I came here.." She replied.
(Uh, swordser2, we aren't even at the camp yet. We're on the bus to camp.. o.o")