(Who? Zack? Cloud? Sephiroth? Some guy in underwear holding a teddy? XD I'll look) Aerith grinned at Kadaj. "Aww, wittle Emo is mad because Cloudy beat you up!" She laughed, taunting him a little. "I dunno if Cloud's here or not. I came here because I got bored of selling flowers." She replied, shrugging.
(Tohoya, not Tosoya XD) Xirkai looked at him. "No, I don't. Okay?" She hissed, crossing her arms. She was starting to get annoyed on how the way Xaren was treating her. Xana appeared behind Silence. "Please stop yelling, miss" She asked politley. Tohoya blinked when she heard just bearly what Zorx said. She blushed deeply, but then smiled a little. "In that case.." She said, grinning a little as she leaned over to him and kissed him gently on the cheek. She leaned back to her spot, giggling a little at his reaction. (Can we still make songs play? Because I got a song for Tohoya)
Xirkai shut up, the thorns leaving scratches on her neck. "Okay.. you win" She mumbled, biting her lower lip as she looked worridly down at the vines around her neck. Tohoya looked at Zorx for a moment, the looked back up at the clear blue sky, drandom clouds splotched about across the sky. She continued to think about what Zorx had said. It had puzzled her why he said that.
Out of absolutley nowhere, Aerith pounced out and tackle hugged Kadaj to the ground from behind, giggling lightly. She grinned "Hi Emo" she said, permanatly nicknaming Kadaj "Emo"
Tohoya blushed a little more, sitting up and holding her knees, looking up at the sky as she thought in complete silence Xana was silent, watching Xaren for a moment before portaling off along to her room without another word. "Look like you really got her moody." Xirkai said, smiling smuggly where Xana used to be standing. "She never stares and stays silent unless you get her really confused and mildly upset. And don't bother going after her, unless you want to make her go medeval on your face" She snickered.
Tohoya only store at him. "In your dreams" She mumbled, grinning deviously as she tipped him off of har and back onto the sand. Xana looked at him weirdly. She was about to speak, but decided it as better to stay silent.
Tohoya stopped poking him. "Am I?" She asked. But she still answered his question. "No, not really Zorx" She replied, sitting him up and not poking him down this time. Xana grunted as the 30 dusks packed together tightly around her. "No. Even if you meant your words to be amusing." She answered, still giving him the stern look. Xirkai crosed her arms. "And why do I have to si- OW!" She said before Xana nudged her. "Just go sit" She said. The blonde huffed and walked over to the seat and sta down on it, muttering random things.
"No, Xaren. Please make the dusks get out of our way" Xana asked sweetly, turning to Xaren. she looked at him ternly, showing that she wasn't kidding around. Xirkai turned to Xaren, looking at Xana, then him. Tohoya sat back up, her giggles halting to a stop. Out of no reason, she began to sit him up, then poke him back down into the sand for enjoyment.
Xana growled threateningly at Xaren, but Xirkai pulled her back, as if her mother. "Come, Xana. We have better things to do than listen to Xaren insult us" She said maturly, walking off with Xana. She turned her head around as she walked, sticking her tongue out back at Xaren and turning back around. Tohoya yelped in suprise, sitting up once Zorx was off and tackled him back into the sand, clinging to him like glue. She was smiling a little, along with a light giggle seeping out from her lips.
"I was laughing at how funny you looked when I tackle hugged you then ran away." Xana explained, muffling giggles in between words. "That's all you need to know, Xaren" Xirkai said, holding Xana by the sholder. Tohoya Ran past the house, pretending not to notice Zorx behind it. She smiled deviously and continued to run across the sandy beach, fakly looking back and forth for Zorx.
Tohoya sat up in the sand, and turned her back to Xorx, waiting until he was far away enough that he would be considered "hidden." Within a few minutes she was chasing after him, her hair blowing back in the wind. Xana literly screamed while laughing. She was so frightend by Xaren's sudden appearance that she fell back into Xirkai's arms, still laughing and being frightend at the same time. Xirkai looked at Xaren and shrugged, stapping back and letting Xana fall onto the marble flooring. "Ow! Xirkai!" She yelped, sitting up and rubbing her head. She looked at Xaren and stood up.
"I know it's childish, but.. I have an Idea.." She said softley. "Maybe... Hide and Seek?" She suggested, looking at Zorx and shrugging. "I dunno. It was just a suggestion anyways." She finished. Xana started to giggle as she stopped running, letting go of Xirkai. She began to giggle even louder as she thought of the look on Xaren's Face when she had tackle hugged him. Xirkai only stood there watching her.
Xana grabbed Xirkai and portaled away to behind Xaren, grinning hyprly. "HI AGAIN XAREN!" She yelled, tackling him to the ground while hugging him. "Sorry I thought you were pillows and made Dyna bird peck you and Xirkai hurt you. Okay bye!" she squeeled, grabbing Xirkai and running off, still grinning. "Xana.... that was very creepy..." She said, looking at her weirdly. Tohoya eventually stopped and sat back up, pulling the robot off of her head and flicking it, which sent her creation squeeling and flying. "So... what now?" She aid, her emerald eyes looking up at the blue sky.
Xana called for her bird, which flew into her arms as she fled into portal, heading into the Pride Lands. Ironicly, she ended up behind Xirkai, who was a hay-colored wolf. Xana turned out as a cheetah cub. Dyna Bird was the same. "You okay Xana?" Xirkai asked, turning her head to her. Tohoya smiled a little, but it quickly faded. "I'm not gonna die anytime soon, Zorx" She said, looking at him, holding back her giggles. She grinned in her mind as she held where her heart was and reached into the air and fell backwards, faking her death. She rolle so that he face in the sand, where she thought Zorx wouldn't be able to hear her uncontrollable giggles.
"OW- JESUS JUST LET GO!" She yelled, flailing all around, continuing to yell "LET GO!." But all her attempts seemed to fail. So, with a grin on her face, she calld for her Dyna Bird by screaming at the top of her lungs at the highest pitch she could reach. The bird was there extremly quick, landing on Xaren's head and poking him like one of those wooden birds that tip up and down into a bowl of water without anyone touching it. "hn..." Tohoya moaned softley, half concious. Her eyes were only opened to a thin line. "Ow.." She managed to whisper, slowley moving her hand to her head and rubbing it in pain. After a few minutes, she gained control of her body again, sitting up and moaning. "W..Wah? What happend?" She asked, looking aroun, blinking once or twice, her eyes fully opened now.
Xana winced. "Okay... you can put me down now..." She said, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry for thinking you were pillows Xaren." She apologized, flailing in the vines a little. "Okay seriously, let go or I shove Xirkai's sword through your head and laugh about it." She threatend, but she really wasn't going to do that. Tohoya didn't move. She wa silent, her ribbons sliding out of place in her voilet hair. Eyes closed, she was limp and unconsious, un-realizing of what had just happend to her. The box flaps flew open suddenly, the spider robot crawling out and taking it's place atop Tohoya's head, squatting down and surveying it's enviorment.
Xirkai cut the vines using her First Sword with ease, Triangle jumping back and forth through the walls upwards, until she could reach Xaren, then jumped at him, tackling him to the ground with a fist at his face. She smashed it into his cheek, leaving one of his teeth hanging, she stood up and shoved her foot into his side, sending him rolling into a wall. Xana cut short on her laughing. "Don't you EVER slap me again. YOU HEAR ME?" She yelled at Xaren, sighing with anger and portaling away to somewhere random. Tohoya didn't answer. She tilted her head up, her eyes widening, then closing as she dropped the box of electronics, and fainted, falling to the ground on her side. (I forgot to put it in her profile) This wasn't too uncommon. She had had these random fainting spells since she was a child. She sometimes knew when she was going to faint, because she would shiver alot before just falling over.
Xana shrugged simply. "Dunno. You were squishy." She laughed, ignoring the vines and giggling her mind out. Xirkai, back in her room, was withering in pain on her balcony, curled up into a ball. Her cheek burned with pain. Withtears streaming from her eyes, she stood up, growling with anger, not bothering to use a portal, stomped out of her room, heading towards the meeting room where Xaren was. "Stupid litt wench.. Can't mind his own buisness" She grumbled. Tohoya looked down. "N..No" She shivered, the robot inside still squeeling wildley. Her broken wooden wings on her back hivered along with her,some of the feathers plucking off at random.
"Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out yourself" She said smuggly, ignoring his question. "In other words that an idiot like you can undertand: 1'm n0t tell1^g j00 (It's l33t speak I think... The message was "I'm not telling you" XD) She snapped presistantly, her temper rising. "Now go play with your stupid nature buddies." She hissed, turning back to him as she looked out from the balcony more, ignoring Xaren's presence as much as she could. Xana sat silently in the meeting room, waiting to see if Xaren would came after her for sitting on him and thinking her was pillows. Nothing. She relaxed and sighed with relief, looking around for somthing to do. "I fix them and make them into stuff." She said softley, hesitating slightly. A robotic... thing climbed up onto her head, it's glass eye examining around. She quickly pulled it down and into the box, shutting the box flaps as it squeeled for freedom, which was now muffled.
"Go away or I'll throw you off my Balcony, Xaren." She said plainly, still staring out into the distance. Soon enough, she turned to Xaren, as he refused to leave. "State your presence, if you will please" She asked lightly, crossing her arms as she sat carelessly on the railing, swinging her feet front and back. Xana paused, throwing the cookie in her mouth and swallowing it, then hopping down from her chair, flailing into a portal. The portal re-opened above Xaren, and she fell ontop of him, sitting on him like a cushion. "Hi Xirkai" She said, smiling. "These pillows are r-" She said before Xirkai gave her a weird look. "Xana.... that's Xaren your sitting on.." She whispered. Blushing Xana stood up. "I was NEVER here" She said quickly, portaling away to the meeting room again. Tohoya looked up, standing with her box of... stuff. "Yes sir.." She whispered obiedently, following along quickly behind them. The box jingled and clanked as the electronics jumped slightly as she trotted along.