*Drops spiders on CtR and hides behind Xaren*
Xana literly half fainted, falling back on one foot, into her chair, tipping it backward and sending her head first on the floor. Most likley, she had several bruises and was dazed. "Just stay like this and he'll leave" She thought, not giving it a second thought as she just laid there, her feet hanging over the side of the chair. Tohoya sat in her seat, hand one atop another on her skirt, head down, thinking. She refused to speak even a word nore look at Zorx. It made her feel odd to kiss someone on the lips other than her parents. (Where's Xane? I can't think of anything for Xirkai to do while Xana is going loco)
*hides in plushie filled closet from CtR* 23425
Tohoya's facial expression changed from suprised to relaxed within seconds of both. She soon, and quickly, pulled away, turning with embarresment, quickly stepping up and entering the Gummi Ship. Xana laughed even harder when his vines tried to grab her. her whips, without even her in command, frove the vines, then snapped them into tiny shreds of ice, which melted into water and absorbed into her whips. "You're funny, Xaren" She said in between giggles.
Meep! *turns into cute little chibi with big eyes* Don't hurt meeeee! 23420
*shoves Xaren off of a cliff and into a river of pink plushies* MWAHAHAAH! 23417
"Well if it is.... Let's go so we won't miss it" Tohoya said, crossing her arms with a slightly impatient look, but still a glint of excitement was held on her face. Xana stopped drwaing for a second, lifting her head and looking at Xaren. She reached her hand out- and poked him. The impact made him fall off the chair onto the hard flooring, making Xana giggle madley.
*still clinging to REBD* 23411
RAWR! *glomps REBD* 23407 Bwahaha, when my bunnies dominate, I will rule! WEEEEEEEE *slams into a wall*
*Pulls out bazooka of cute fluffy pink bunnies* RUN XAREN! RUN AWAY FROM THE PINK BUNNIES! *shoots a stuffed bunny at XarentheTwilitAngel* 23402 (P.S. I had too much sugar on my bagel this morning.. so I'm ultra hyper)
Is it me.... or is REBD and me the only ones that are on the right numbers? 23395 Yeah that's right, You better run!
Shut up or I shove you both in the closet of pink cuddly girly stuff of ultamite doom... and cookies. But seriously, stop fighting peoples. 23389
23384 Blarg... I'm online and I'm bored to death
Wow... you really take your job as second in command seriously... kinda scares me. XD I will fix it after I stop obbsessing over other stuff.
(Alright, I'm having friends over after this post so I won't be posting for a while) Xana looked at him. "O...kay?" She said, shrugging. She waited a moment in silence, then grabbed her sketchbook and pencil from the table next to her and continued to draw what she was drawing in her sketchbook before. Tohoya nodded a bit. "It was ment to help me fight off heartless, but instead if fights off the feathers dropping from my wings" She said. "Pretty much a malfunction. A Failure of designing" She continued, poking her finger inside the box and watching the robot jump up and down for it, everytime it jumped near her finger, she lifted her finger higher, then back down.
".... No. I'm only drawing." Xana said, sitting up and looking at Xaren. She put her sketchbook back onto the table. Tohoya blinked suprisingly when Zorx had picked her up, but yet acted normal. She had somehow gotten her box full of electronics back in her arms, the spider robot squeeling for freedom again as she held it closed. (Brb)
(The nobodies currently active are Xirkai, Xana, and Xaren. Xana and Xaren are in Xana's room and Xirkai is alone out on her balcony... again. Yeah, all roleplays have a mushy part. So.. uh... nobody's in the meeting room whatever you wanna call it.) Tohoya shrugged. "It was kind of funny when you kissed me on accident, and I freaked which made it more funny. Sometimes I can be overexcited about the most random things" She said softley. She looked up. "Shouldn't we go help the other keybladers? Y'know, go meet up with them n' stuff" She asked Zorx. Xana finally looked up at Xaren, sighing and looking back down at her picture. "What Xaren.." She asked him with an emotionless tone in her voice and on her face.
(She's hugging him tight enough to make it so it's hard for him to breath) Tohoya loostened her hug-of-death, smiling a sheepishly a little. "Sorry. I hug things tight when I get over-excited" She apologized, laughing a bit embarrisingly.
Tohoya's eyes went wide when Zorx had kissed her on the lips. She pulled away, looking a little freaked out a little. Suprisingly, she turned her head right back to him and literly strangled Zorx on accident by hugging him. Xana eventually came into her room, siting down in her chair and completley ignoring that Xaren was there, taking her sketchbook and drawing in it, focusing more on that than the fact someone else was in her room.
(YAY!) Xirkai stood up. ".... If you really don't want Xana to be all moody for a while, then it's best you go talk to her." She suggested, quickly portaling away before Xaren could strangle her to death with his vines. [These Words By Natasha Beddingfeild plays] Tohoya laughed even harder by the look on Zorx's face. She couldn't help it. It was too funny to go on with without laughing atleast once.