(Oh, the memory loss thing?) Tohoya sighed. "Whatever, Zorx." She said, then jumped into the trees and climbing through them, ignoring what Zorx said about staying nearby. It was a while before she heard somthing other than the sounds of nature. Sniffling. She tood on a treebranch, surveying the area. She spotted sight of a man, crying as he sat up against a tree. Swiftly and Silently, she jumped forth to the tree, sitting on a low but sturdy branch about him. She sighed quietly, thinking for a moment. "Love is like a rose. As the summer comes and goes, the flower will bloom. Then in the winter it wilts, where the relationship once loomed." She said poeticly, hoping the man would be cheered up ny her statements. (That was a weird poem I made up... next time, I'm looking up a poem on the internet....)
Xana tugged his hands away, moving back from him. "Get out. If I had a heart then I wouldn't be in the organization" She growled, turning away from him and looking back at him from the corner of her eyes, glaring. "I have no feeling for you, or for anything. Nobodies have no emotion. Don't you get it yet?" She growled. (I think Tohoya should Meet Xaren right about now... Or not XD Though I would like to see somthing exciting happen OwO)
(XD And it's funny! Maybe we should make somthing explode or... Memory Loss.. Because I can't think of anything! DUN DUN DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH)
Tohoya looked up t the sky. "Maaaaybe" she said in a sweet tone, giggling lightly to herself. Xana sighed. "I want to be with him.. but he seems threatening while at the same time, he's a kind man.." She sighed. "It's hard to choose whether to stay away from him or tay close.." She said. "Why does he have to make it so difficult.." Xirkai blushed a little, but looked down. "I know.. but.. you're right. I'm scared of other things happening to me.. I just don't want things to go all wacko." She sighed, leaning against Xane gently. (Yes I did)
(O.O SO CUTE. And blah blah about the Gummi Ship) "You landed it, you lost it. Simple as that" She teaed, smirking deviously. Just because the two were in love didn't mean she'd let go of her mean taunts and jokes. Xirkai sighed, sitting up. She watched looked around her dark room, dimly lit by the heart shaped moon that rose above the World That Never Was. Xana wandered around in her own room, thinking. "Xaren's probobly whimpering about being lonley in his room and stuff..." She thought, crossing her arms. The rose he had given her was still in her hand, dewy and sparkling.
Xana store at Xaren with the "WTF?" look on her face. "What are you? Goth Dr. Sues or somthing..?" She joked, leaving the meeting room with her rose and back into her room. Xirkai laughed. "Hey, I'm listening to you now, aren't I?" She giggled, smiling at Xane. "Well, hat was me back when we first met. I'm a little different now"She said, laying back down on her bed and staring at the ceiling. Tohoya seemed to giggled for no reason, but went silent and followed Zordx back to the Gummi ship while trying to keep Keccha025 in her box.
(You copied my last sentance for Tohoya XD and I just realized I have no clue what Xane looks like oo") Tohoya was silent for a moment more, then broke the peace. "We should get going." She said, standing up with her box of electronics. "Maybe to the World That Never was.. you know, to defeat the Organization?" She suggested. Xana smiled and took one of the roses, twirling it in her hands. "Don't mind if I do.." She whispered quietly, sliding her finger across one of the petals. The dew had made it soft, whic comforted her. Xirkai giggled a little before Xane and her kissed passionatly, which she held out for a period of time before letting go, ently nudging him off so she could sit up. "Princess? Sure, call me that now than when we first met" She laughed, poking him. "Just kidding."
"Probobly.." Xirkai sighed, looking up. "Poor Cher's all grown up and still ain't got nobody to love" She said, shaking her head disippointingly(sp?) Xana smiled, watching the spirits swirl up together inton the air, colliding in the air and creating a circular wave down into the roses, giggles of them ringing through the air as the water disappeared and left dw and sparkles over the roses and leaves. Tohoya smiled a little, now sitting next to Zorx with her head on his shoulder. "It makes me feel good to know that." She whispered, enjoying the peace and quiet of the forest.
(Weeee.... I'm baaack..) Tohoya was silent. "Do you still love her?" She asked, looking at the sky, then back at Zorx with a blank look on her face. Xana looked at the little flowers dancing, smiling a little. She conjured up balls of water which formed into little water sprites, making them dance along with the flowers. "Okay." Xirkai thought silently for a moment. "No... not that I know of, at least. She preffered to hang out and swordfight with the boys ather than do lovey dovey stuff them back then. She's wasn't much of the flirtacious type when we were teens and children." She replied.
(WAAAH! I have to goooo.... I'll be on later! I promise~!)
Tohoya looked at Zorx. "No reason, I was just curious if I was the only girl you treated like this. She smiled at him."No need to worry" Xana looked at the flowers and sighed. She took them in her hand, then threw them up in the air like the bride does after a wedding, watching the water clones dive for it then bring it back into her arms. The water clones then began to toy around in the room again as Xana came out of her daydreaming state, looking over at Xaren with bored eyes. Xirkai stopped smiling for a moment. "Back when I saved her, I was more humble than I am now, so even though she killed me mother, I saved her life. I've always thought that no matter what anyone did to them, a good relationship can bloom" She replied. Cher pulled her sword back, then seathed it. "Ah, you must be number VI. Tynoxahn" She said, smiling at him. "Would you like me to bring you to the meeting room to meet the others? Or have you already met them all?" She asked him. How she could tell her was an organization member, I don't know.
Cher's body tensed, she then walked out from behind the corner, pointing her soul blade out at whoever was there. The tip of the blade was right at his neck, and she held it there. "State your presence here in the castle That never was.." (Lol, that last sentance she said sounded really weird in a way)
Cher stopped. She heard footsteps. Xana was still in the meeting room, and Xirkai was in her own room, so it couldn't be either of them, nor Xaren and/or Xane. Quietly, she un-seathed her sword incase what the footsteps were coming from. She stood at the corner, waiting for whatever "it" was to appear in her sight.
Xirkai smiled a bit. "She's always like that.. See, we fight because she finished off my mother, if you know what I mean. my dad only injured her. But yet she's like a sister to me and vice versa, because I saved her life. We hate and love eachother like all family does, even if their no related." She explained, looking up at her ceiling, which had became her place to draw out her emotions thaat she wish she had. Xana heard him, but almost completley ignored him, lost in a trance of daydreaming among the water clones, which gaurded her in her chair while Xaren was in the same room. Tohoya smiled, looking upa tn the sky. "I'm just curious about this, for no reason it seems. Have you loved other girls the same way as me, or more?" She asked Zorx, looking at him with just a plain look. (Dudes... I just stapled my own pencil.. I never thought It was possible, but I did it!)
(It's morning where I am, and I ain't going back to sleep till 10:00 p.m. er' later! Zomg.. I was going to make Tohoya kiss Zorx on the lips, but you beat me to it! LOL) Tohoya was a little suprised that Zorx beat her to the kiss, but ignored the thought and jut relaxed, not turning or pushing away like she had done before when he attempted to. Xana ended up in the meeting room, ighing as she sat alone in the large cylinder-like room. Shebegan t summon up random water clones of herself, watching them giggle and play around in the chairs and glide through the air like a ghost, only made of water. Xirkai wasn't suprised that Xane was next to her on the bed. "Yeah, I guess. Where'd Cher go?" She asked, looking down at Xane with a mixed face of worry and boredum.
Tohoya eventually stopped crying. She sniffled a bit, wiping the black tears that still hung onto her cheeks. She smiled a little, looking up at Zorx. "I never did thank you for.. saving me two yars ago, did I?" She asked, laughing at herself slightly. "I never really did care about anyone else but myself back then, the same now too. Xana sighed, shaking her head. "Forget I was even here. This was a waste o my time.." She said, opening a portal and walking out of his room. Xirkai was out cold for a while more, before finally waking up in aching pain from the open wounds. She sat up in her bed, looking at her scars. They glowed a strange blue, then the glow disappeared, along with the scraches and cuts as if they weren't even there before. (Yup... and after reading those 57 pages 7 times already, I still love to reread it OwO)
(YAY! Jordie post! *tacklehugsglompcling*)
Tohoya went silent, but still cried black tears of pain and misery. "I'm a devil.. a devil sent from hell to ruin lives! I'm worthless!" She yelled at herself, looking up at Zorx. "There are better girls out there.. go for them! I'm nothing but like an invention. used for a while then thrown away." She said in a softer tone, her sobs returning. "I'm not worth your time.. go" She requested, but.. she wouldn't let go of Zorx. Even though she wanted him to go. Xana sighed and sat down on a suddenly-existant chair. She sighed. "Xaren.. I think... I think you're taking our "relationship" a little to far for what I'm ready for. It just feel like your speeding from just talking and hanging out together to hugs and kisses.. from my point of veiw, it felt like you skipped everything in between.. and I was sort've hoping we could start anew.. Start over our relationship so that we don't go head over heals for eachother so quickly." She said in a soft tone, twiddling her thumbs and looking down, feeling slightly embaressed. Cher grunted, weakly beginning to stand up. "heh.. She's too strong to die from my blade.." She snickered, standing up. "Me and Xirkai are like sisters. We fight alot, getting ourselves hurt and stuff, but at the same time love eachother like family, even though we're near nothing to being related." She coughed, smiling a little at Xirkai. "Treat her well. We might meet again, someday maybe. For now, I must be off" She said, and almost disappeared like a flash of light. (I got to go too, so seeya tomarrow)
Tohoya was silent for a moment. She picked up her box, standing up and walking to the entrance. She looked back at Zorx, holding back tears that were beginning to fill her eyes. She exited the Gummi ship, walking away into the woods. [Behind these Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson plays] Once she was out of sight, she fell to the ground over a stump, har arms cross, her head down on the stump, banging it against the wood as she cried, sobbing loudley. "I.. I shouldn't have treated him that way... he saved me from falling to peices.. from the darkness which I couldn't step out of without him.... Why.." She thought, Sitting up and hugging herself. "I wish my parents nevr died... I wish was the little cheerful girl I used to be... I wish..... I never existed.. I only cause pain and suffering" She sobbed between gasps and sniffles.[Song ends after XarentheTwilitAngel posts] Xirkai and Cher fought on and on, until the two stood facing eachother, covered in scars and blood. Both were breathing heavily. Neither won, as they both fell fowards, too tired to go on. "X..ane.. 'on't.. leave.. Che..r.. behind.." She mumbled, her words hoarse. At that point, both fainted, ignoring the pain that stung them from the deep cuts to the teeny weeny scratches. Cher's clothes could be considered ruby instead of blach because of all the blood shed onto it. Xana sighed, opening a portal to Xaren's room. She stopped for a moment, thought, and then swam through. She stumbled in, soaking wet. She sighed, shaking the water off like a dog, then looked up at Xaren. "We need to talk. And I don't mean later. Now." She said boldly. (Lol... Emotional Breakdown for Tohoya. Poor girl)
"...Whatever." Tohoya said carelssy, smiling at his tears and pain. She hid it, though, because if he saw it he would get angry of her, even leave her to walk alone, if that. She pulled open the spot she had before, where Keccha025 hopped out them sat on the metal, bending then smoothing it back out to it's regular shap, then fitting it back in tightly. "Good robot." She praised the robot, setting it back into the box. "We can go now.." She said simply. Xana laughed at the pearl she was looking at, watching Xaren whom was surrounded with confusion. "If only you knew why I would push you away so many times..." She sighed, the image fading. "He doesn't realize that it takes longer for a relationship to develop, and he's passing it all and skipping it to hugs and kisses and other things that I'm not used to yet" She sighed, laying on her back and looking up at the colored ceiling, filled with gems she stuck into the rocks. Xirkai growled. "Xane, no. This is a battle between me and Cher, and Cher and I only." She said, stepping back through a portal, and came out from the other side in a chinese female fighter dress, her first sword still at hand. "Bring it on, air bender" Cher snickered, unseathing her sword. The two clashed swords together, pulling them back into the same position, then jumping at eachother to start the battle. The two went so fast and swiftly over the ground, all that you could pretty much see was a rush of colors.