Hey There Delilah I luv the lyrics of this song<33
ok, so that's my friend up there o___0 yeah , ok whatever it's just a game so I'm gonna cheat all I want^^ Ex's best friend here I come<<<<<<<<now I'm in my cheater form
lol no make sense sentence, I used to love that show actually XD
Urrrrgh. Yes, I play maplestory, yes it's addicting. Everyone of my friends in maple lives in california!!<< So, I got married in maple to my ingame bf, Sean, like 2 weeks ago. Since I just started playing maplestory 2 months ago after quitting it for 2 years, a lot of my friends made new accounts, my ex-hubby made a new account, too. (that time the marriage system didn't come out yet, so we fake-married,,XD)and yeah. So now I'm with my new man. So last week, this random cute stranger just came up to me, and started talking to me, I'm like"how do you know my name?", and then I found out that it was my ex-hubby. He told me he still loved me and he's getting married soon. I'm like o.o and he's like You love me, too, don't you, wouldn't want your bf to know that, eh?"...yea..so that's my boring story. My friends call me a ****, cheater and a hoe for this, cause I said I love you bak to him, when my new hubby was on. okok, that's the end of my broing story. And so now, I'm actually starting to like my ex's best friend!!!!!o.o cheater am i? T_T and yeah, they all live in california, and my friend is annoying me with this song that keeps on singing california right now. And my parents said that we might go to california soon for vacation or whatever. Blahblahblah, spamspamspamspamspamspamspamspams.....Oh yeah, and my parents are making me do math and practice flute, and oh yea, got go go, cause gotta go make dinner now....T_____________T *sigh-ing...
everyone says that!! I don't even know why I named myself that.XD and your name?....a machine that produce kitties?..o_0
LMAO o___________0
this is like in these drama shows, yes, this is just what I think, I think he is asking you out, say yes^^i wud XD..;;
uh...roxas's mama
it was raining yesterday and i was going to meet a friend at a park but ended up getting soaking wet and had to wait at a beer store until the rain almost stopped T____________T but its sunny today^^yea<<<random stuff
i like the eye lol What are the thing hanging from the sides of her head? ears?
dementors from harry potter
1 7 3 0 2
well..uh...i guess....jiberrish?
lol go take some pain non-relievers or something
WOW! w o o d........
I think Roxas, Sora looks too kiddishXD
I usually use photoshop
Hey, welcome, I'm new to here, too. See you around^^
lol small called Tonglin from China
Kairi_li93 kept on telling me how she gets engaged here, lol, so I wanted to meet her men hehe