OOOOOOOOOOO...!!No wonder, I was thinking why I never see you on kh, how do you get a name change?
lol haha, good idea, I'll add it to my things to do with a kid list. Muffin?! Who told you the name Cathead?!!!!!kairili_93???!!!!
lol You promised that you won't quit until the end of freshman year, tash! I play, but I don't really focus on defeating bosses, only defeated king slime and this clone mushdad thing, lvl 36 conan1fan, scania
World:Scania Name:conan1fan Job:Thief
lol can I have the info? I play anygame that has good graphics
I'm telling you, leave runescape, maplestory is really good, I don't noe why the server won't connect for you o_0. Maybe Conquer Online? Or Counterstrike? Ragnarok is pretty good if you can find a free download thing, guild wars is ok. Yea..but i'll stick with maple Im like the kind of person who starts a new game and quit it every 3 days
yea im bored, too nad vervous by the fact that i don't noe anyone in my high school;;;;
urrgh gosh she just made me feel bad..i can hear her laughing really happily...and i mean really happily downstairs....DO U HAV TO CRY WEN UR WIT ME?!!!
lol haha apparently not this one and she doesn't hav any disney movies, all i c in this room is office supplies stuff..but anyways PROBLEM SOLVED^^ THANK U LORD FOR MAKING THE THING CALLED...FOOD!
yays !finally ask her "do u want food?"everyone luvs eating wen they're sad...right? YAYS GOT RID OF HER down stairs wit her mommy right now..bibi^^ stay downstairs dont come up! u better not!!!! yea this is just like the Fockers.
0.0 she screams*ahhhhhhhnoooooooooo major rapist!help me mommy!!!!!><
thanks i go, last try to make her happy if not then"stop fckn crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!go to sleep or tell me y ur crying stupid baby!!"
....o.o isn't that a board game? errrrrgh stupid kid go to sleep stop moaning! you are ruining my afternoon by frowning at me!!
....*goes and do these things.. back, she's still frowning and probably thinking,,"why the hell is she still here"...-_-;;
Guess what...she just finished watching tv, and is lying on her bed crying and sniffing....while i try to make boring conversation with her o_______0
maybe becuz life isn't a joke?...o_0
Soo..I'm at my parents' friend's place, and on the computer being bored. The friends' kid girl, is like sleeping on the bed right beside the computer. And she keeps on making th frowning face, and hen started crying and shouting mommy...So I went downstairs to look for her mommy, but her mommy said to ignore her but my mom said to"go play with her!" GRRRRRRRRR I M SUPPOSE TO USE MY LAST NONE SCHOOL DAYS HAVING FUN!...T_T Then I tried to talk to the kid, she doesn't answer...How do you make a little kid smile?...So I out of nowhere started to tickle her...but nothing happend..Oh..She's not ticklish...and she's crying now..errrrgh not like i made her cry!! should I do with this child....
hey welcome ^^ so i guess you're white..and latino ooo..k well hav fun
lol I don't think that it's a mental health issue at all, some people just love gaming. But I think as along as you are not all over the computer every hour every day, it's not a problem if you are just on it a lot. I like gaming, and some times addicted, it's just like a hobby of mine. But if you play the game like your life depended on it, XD..then,,,,it will be a mental health issue, get a life!
I just started so about 1 or 2 times a day, but if I'm really bored then maybe 7 or 8 times of logging on and offXD