Hmm... I wouldn't know. I just figured that Codejunkies made them, because it was on there website, and they're directly linked with the ARMAX. I'm certain they're both owned by Datel, and Codejunkies doesn't say who made the codes. It's just somewhat discouraging that there doesn't seem to have been any other codes up to this point. Ya know what I'm saying? Anywho, like I said in my first post in this thread, there's been multiple other games in which ARMAX codes seemed almost nonexistent, and then, I get lucky and stumble across sites with massive life changing codes. That's really what I was hoping for with Shadow of the Colossus. So right now, advent_of_apocalypse is my only hope. He's Obi-wan to my Princess Lea.
Umm... I'm confused. I meant that the codes don't let me go through the game, when I use them on a save file I already have. Basically I was wondering if the codes would only work, if I actually started a new game and used them from the beginning. I just want to be able to play through the game with Cloud and Auron, but I get Black Screen of Death when I enter the majority of areas in the game. I get the BSoD almost every time I even enter a world. Plus, apparently I'm incapable of saving. I want to be able to do everything in the game while I have those two with me. Know what I mean?
Fine with me, I can wait. Please, do your best.
I mean, are you sure Godshin made those codes, I mean they were on That's where I saw them. I'm really trying to be optimistic about your skillz. I wants them codes real good. I always thought that with hacking and coding, you should be able to do almost anything in a video game. :( But... maybe... :cryinganime: I was wrong. :D I'm over it now. Just remember. You can does it!
Really? Then I'd like to see these codes he made, unfortunately it sounds like they were the codes I was thinking of. Besides advent_of_apocalypse, I'm sure you could better. I have confidence in you.
Thank you very much. Although, not being able to save the game is going to be a problem. Am I incapable of saving the game, or does it corrupt my save files if I do? Is there anyway around that? Perhaps being able to deactivate the code in game, so I could save, and then reactivate it? Anything? Please and thank you. Edit: I checked this code out on a previous save file, and it often goes to the Black Screen of Death when I enter various areas. Darn, I was looking forward to it. Do I actually have to start a new game?
Thank you, I'll try it out immediately.
I'm gunna guess he's talking about the infinite grip and infinite hp codes. Those are the only other codes I've ever seen. Next to the master code of course.
This code doesn't seem to work for my ARMAX. It says it's for a different game. Is it for the PAL Version or something? If so, what DW Sora code works? Anyone else have this problem? Also, DW stands for Duel Wielding, right? Thanks.
I'm looking for a ARMAX code(s) that would allow both Auron and Cloud to fight along side me at any point in the game. You know, so I can fight Xemnas with the two of them. Their my favorite Final Fantasy characters, and I'd love to be able to play through the entire game with only them. Is it possible? Please and thank you.
That's more than fine with me. Take your time. It's better to take your time, then to feel rushed. I've waited over a year for some quality Shadow of the Colossus codes, I can wait a little longer. Thanks again.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! I mean, at least giving it a go, means a lot. At least, if I can find out if there are no other ACR codes even possible, at least I could stop searching in vein. Please do your best. Any code that could makes exploring the world easier, or so you can get to places not normally excisable, would have made the long wait worth it. Thank you for at least trying.
My Futile Search Please for the love of all that is good in this world, will someone please make an attempt to make codes for Shadow of the Colossus? Please! I'm begging, I've searched for so long. Is it impossible to make codes for this game, next to the infinite health/grip ones? Or, has no one actually taken the time to make them? It is one of the best PS2 games ever made, and the fact that there's practically nothing created so far, is beyond my comprehension. Are there any websites that may have devoted time to making codes for this game. Because there's several websites that have done that for other great games. This site has done a great job getting codes for the Kingdom Hearts games and even other games. And in the past, I've found sites that have massive numbers of codes for games like Super Smash Bros Melee and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. EVEN though there were basically no other codes anywhere else for those games. There were basic codes for both games on sites like Codejunkies, but in comparison, these sites (just like here) greatly expanded the number of codes and the greatness of those codes. For example: A great man, made it so that the spinner in Twilight Princess could FLY!!! Flying on the spinner. Go anywhere in the game. He also made it so you could use the grapple hook to grapple onto anything! And many many more. I'm just saying, that I've almost been reduced to tears in search for basically any code that could increase exploration in Shadow of the Colossus. Examples: Infinite jump, flying with the parachute, walk through walls, explosions blow you farther, low gravity. Also, it's not like I intend to use said codes just to beat the game. I'm just saying, because at other forums people often say, "oh it's so easy you don't need codes," but that isn't the point. I've beat the game multiple times. I want to be able to explore the limits of the game. See all there is to see. You know what I mean? There are a lot of people, and trust me when I stress "a lot of people," that have been looking for a ray of hope in a cloud of shadows, in search of codes like these. Seeing as there are coders at this website, please, someone make this dream a reality. I would seriously consider you as one of my personal heroes. Up there with people with like Steve Erwin, Abraham Lincoln, and Jesus. If I had money, I'd pay you. If anyone could at least direct me to a site with some other Shadow of the Colossus codes, or at least to someone who could make some, let me know. Please and thank you. P.S. Sorry for the long post, but I honestly mean everything I wrote. Also, I thought useful to point out that I do need the codes for the ARMAX. Although I would actually go out and buy a different code device if it meant using the codes.