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  1. Shquiggles
    Could Someone please, please give me the codes to do that. The Duel Wielding "Antifinal" with reaction commands. I'm not sure exactly what antifinal is, but I did notice that when he transformed into Anti, he actually chose Final form. Perhaps, hence the name Antifinal that sora_101 used. He can also Duel Wield, use magic, items, and apparently reaction commands. Of all the codes this game could possible have, I want to be able to do that, most of all. I was simply in aw, as I watched that video. I've looked around, but i have no idea where to get those codes he used. Please, Please help.
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Shquiggles
    Ahh... There we go. Much better. It work fantastically, thank you.

    Daget: "Problem Solved!"
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 16, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Shquiggles
    Ahh..., not That would make more sense. Cool, I'll check it out.
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 16, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Shquiggles
    I've never uploaded pictures to Imageshack before. The website is just right? I'll check it out.

    Edit: Do I have to make an acount, and login?
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 16, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Shquiggles
    Nah, I have it saved onto my computer. I hit Browse, and picked the pictures file. I don't know why it shrunk the picture when it appears in my Signature. Should I upload it to Imageshack first. I mean, would that fix the problem?
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 16, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Shquiggles
    The picture in my signature is very small. Much smaller then it's supposed to be. It's supposed to be 94x115, but for some reason it gets resized when I upload it. It's a .PNG file. Is it supposed to be something different? If anyone knows why it's so much smaller please let me know.

    By the way, although it's to small to read. It says:

    Thread by: Shquiggles, Oct 16, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  7. Shquiggles
  8. Shquiggles

    Yeah... It immediately froze as soon as I got into the other room. But now I know how to activate the Antiform with reactions code. So, I suppose that's a positive. Either way, it still won't let me Duel Wield. Do you know what the Floating Keyblades Code is? There was a video, that had DW Antiform, and he said he had the DW Antiform code on and the Floating Keyblade code. So perhaps I need that code as well. Who knows.
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Shquiggles
    Well, I converted it to Action Replay Max:


    But, as soon as I transformed into Antiform, the game froze. Any suggestions?
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Shquiggles
    And, how would one go about doing that?
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Shquiggles
    Please help.

    I'd imagine he didn't know the Boss Warp codes were jokered to R2. I didn't. If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't mention that. I just figured it out, by accident.

    Also, I have a few questions, and code requests.

    1. The play as DW Roxas code:

    Play as Dual-Wielding Roxas


    Didn't let me play as Duel Wielding Roxas, instead, it added Riku to my team. Anyone know why? Is that the wrong code, because It should be the same one as the one in the Playable Characters section, on the first page.

    2. The Antiform can use reactions code:

    Anti-Form with Reactions (done the same way as Wisdom Form w/ Normal Commands)

    Doesn't seem to work at all. The AR Max excepts the code, but I still can't use reactions while playing as Antiform. Anyone, know if that's the wrong code? Because I'd like to be able to use reactions while in Antiform.

    3. Lastly, what is the code to Duel Wield in Antiform? I'd love to be able to do that. Plus, I thought that perhaps The Antiform can use reactions code, may have required Antiform to wield Keyblades. I'm not really sure.

    So, if anyone could find me any of those three codes, that are known to work. Or know why the first two codes didn't work for me. Please let me know. I'd greatly appreciate it. Please, and thank you.
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Shquiggles
    First of all, The description of the video on Youtube, said he used floating Keyblades, and Antiform DWs, as well as a few other, unrelated codes. Also, I don't want Sora, in his normal costume to move like Final Form Sora. I want to be able to play as Antiform Sora. So, If I'm not mistaken, the Unlock All Drive Forms Code, will just give me all of the Drive Forms, except Antiform, because you can't normally choose to become Antiform. I think you misunderstood what I was looking for. DW with Antiform Sora, and be able to go in and out of Antiform Sora at will. I think there should be codes to do that. If I'm mistaken, or if I misunderstood what the codes that dude posted do, please let me know. But otherwise, I'm not sure that's what I was looking for. If anyone does know how do get a good set of codes to play as Duel Wielding Antiform Sora, I'd appreciate it. Please, and thank you.
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Shquiggles
    There was a video back on page 124. It had Antiform Sora dual wielding Keyblades.

    I believe it required having the following codes on:

    *Floating Keyblade
    *Antiform in Drive menu
    *Antiform Wields Keyblades

    Does anyone know where I can find these codes in AR Max format on this thread? Oh, and also, I noticed that Antiform Sora could use reaction commands, is there a different code that lets him do that. Because If I can, I'd like to get the Best: Duel Wield With Antiform Sora code as I can. I would like to get the one that's the least glitchy, and can do the most things. Know what I mean? It doesn't have to be perfect of anything, I just want to get the best one currently available. I've never before been able to willingly go in and out of Antiform, more or less duel wield with him. So It sounds really awesome. Please, and thank you.
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Shquiggles
    As of late, I discovered something. It appears, from what I hear, that the online servers for Monster Hunter were shut down some time ago. Which means, any quest, monster, item, weapon, and armor, that was only available online, is now completely unattainable. Even if I did have the attachment for my PS2 to play online. So, I was wondering, Is there any way to make Action Replay Max codes for Monster Hunter, so you can get those quest, items, etc? For example there's an item called a Firestone, and you can only mine it online. So, I can't make any weapons that need a Firestone. Nor can I fight any of the Dragons that are only online. Does anyone know if they could either find, or make any codes that would allow you to play those online quest, or at least put online only items into your inventory, while playing offline? If anyone has any ideas, again, I'd greatly appreciate any help I could get. Please, and thank you.
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Shquiggles
    'Jaw drops to the floor.' I... I did it? I actually successfully converted a code, and... it... worked?! 'Passes out.'' Thanks dude, I'm... just so happy!

    Mission 1: COMPLETE!

    O.k... o.k. I'm calmin on down now. Calmin on down.

    'Checks to makes sure heart is still beating.'

    THANK YOU!!!

    And Here it is. Drum roll please:

    Max Items In Slot 1.


    I shall probably post the rest later.
    Post by: Shquiggles, Oct 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Shquiggles
    Hey all. I'm looking for anyone who might know about some codes for Monster Hunter. The Original for the PS2. I Searched around to see if this topic was already around, but nothing came up. The codes would be for the Action Replay Max, on the PS2 NTSC U/C version of Monster Hunter.

    For the most part, I really only want one code. Some way to max out items. Mostly just Machalite Ore. Because after about 10 or so missions of searching, I have consistently gathered not one, and now I'm giving up. But of course that's what cheat devices are for right? I have a few Ores already, just in case I can find a: Max Out Item In ___ Slot. Which I have essentially done. Sadly, it's for the CodeBreaker. Perhaps someone could convert the codes to action replay. Here's a link to the site that has the Codebreaker codes:

    Unfortunately, who knows what the (M) code is for that particular set of codes, on that web page? I don't, I can only assume it's the (M) code that is commonly used on a CodeBreaker for Monster Hunter. Also, I have no idea what the game ID for Monster Hunter is? Otherwise I could make a futile attempt to convert them myself with Omniconvert. Which mind you, the codes seem to often not work if I converted them. I just don't know enough about Omniconvert. So please, if anyone could help me with this, I would be very greatly appreciative. I really just can't stand trying to collect those darn Machalite Ore any more.

    Right now, I've got the codes that were on the Codejunkies website, and came with the ARMax. Perhaps that may help, seeing as it has the (M) code for the Action Replay's Monster Hunter codes:


    AR below 3.14 Fix

    Infinite Money

    Freeze Timer (R1+L3)

    Restart Timer (R1+R3)

    Infinite Health

    Please and thank you.

    Your's sincerely,
    Thread by: Shquiggles, Oct 10, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  17. Shquiggles
    Hmm... Sorry to be a bother, but I was wondering if their where any AR Max Codes for the U.S. version of this game? It seems there was quite a few for Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus, so I figured there should be some similar ones for the earlier version. Any codes would be nice. Please and thank you.
    Post by: Shquiggles, Jul 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Shquiggles
    Thank you! I'm testing them out!

    Edit: Hmm... I converted some of them over to ARMAX Format. The codes were accepted by the AR, but when I switched disks and put in Shadow Of The Colossus, the game doesn't load up. It won't even go to the intro screen. I must have done something wrong when converting them. Action Replay accepted the codes, so I don't know what I did wrong. Can someone try converting those codes to ARMAX, and check if they work? If so, please post them up. Thanks.
    Post by: Shquiggles, May 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Shquiggles
    Need Game ID for the US (NTSC) version of Shadow of the Colossus. Please
    Post by: Shquiggles, May 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Shquiggles
    Oh... My! You actually found codes, that weren't just the hp and grip ones. I'll try and convert them to ARMAX, and see If I can get them to work. Thank YOU!!!

    Darn, I need Shadow of the Colossus's game ID. Please let me know what it is if you know. Thanks!
    Post by: Shquiggles, May 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault