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  1. some1fromthedark
    I don't recall such a code existing, but someone correct me if I am wrong. Maybe in a few weeks when I finish my thesis defense I will get back into this community and try to help you out.
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Feb 23, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  2. some1fromthedark
    I might make a video to help you out, but first I want to ask NarutoSuperKubii if he is alright with me making such a tutorial.

    Unfortunately with this method we are not able to access the lines of code the game is actually running. We are accessing the memory and modifying its contents. When the game crashes, it is because what it loaded from memory was not what it was expecting.
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Aug 11, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  3. some1fromthedark
    I've been working on The animation mods for Anti-Sora for a while, I just recently started working on it again. If you go back and look at the play as Anti-Sora code that NarutoSuperKubii posted, you can see how he modded the animations. It might also be useful for you to see how he did the model and moveset mods since they work in every room of every world.
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Aug 9, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  4. some1fromthedark
    Try this and let me know if it works, I cannot verify it at the moment.

    // Hold R2 to turn on Fly Anywhere
    E002FDFF 004DD49C
    002C2570 00000008
    002C0950 00000008

    // Hold L2 to turn of Fly Anywhere or when entering a room to trigger the room mod
    E005FEFF 004DD49C
    002C2570 00000000
    002C0950 00000000
    102B6568 000000XX
    102B6570 000000YY
    102B6574 000000ZZ

    Note that this changes the Room Mod to be jokered with L2 instead of R2 since you cannot enter doors while Fly Anywhere is active
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Aug 8, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  5. some1fromthedark
    I have not verified this, but I believe that this would work as long as you are careful about where you put the model names. If you put them in a spot that the game uses only in certain parts of the game, it may seem empty when you add the model name but entering that part of the game would likely cause it to crash.
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Aug 5, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  6. some1fromthedark
    I am with @Karuta
    My ID is 11708
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Apr 8, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  7. some1fromthedark
    I would be pretty interested in seeing those values if it isn't too much to ask :)
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Apr 25, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  8. some1fromthedark
    Pin please :)
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Jan 8, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. some1fromthedark
    It took me 8 hours or so of testing things out, but I think I understand how the play as Anti-Sora mod works now and I should be able to make more play as boss codes. I will probably work on improving the animation mods for Anti-Sora for the time being. I just want to say, you found some amazing codes here NarutoSuperKubii, you basically found all the areas in code that allow for the model, moveset, and animation mods to no longer be DMA.
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  10. some1fromthedark
    Sorry about that sora6645, I didn't mean for my post to be interpreted as a request for for the bios. I just wanted to give an explanation for why I couldn't work on it right away.

    On a happier note, I found this fun little code here while poking around the section of memory where the combo master ability was found:

    Negative Combo / Berserk Charge in KH1 (NTSC):
    005453f1 000000XX

    The way this works is by placing a number in the XX part of the code, you can change where the game thinks you are in your combo. If you make this number 1 less than your max combo or greater, then Sora will perform his finisher on attack 2 of the combo. If you make this number at least 2 less than your max combo, then Sora will never perform his finisher and it will function like Berserk Charge from KH2. Since you can manipulate your combo length in game you can also manipulate the effect of this code in game. For example, Sora's default combo length is 3 so if I make XX = 02 Sora will use his finisher as his second attack in both his ground and aerial combos. If I now wanted to change the behavior of the ground combo so that it acted as Berserk Charge, I can equip a combo plus to Sora making his ground combo length 4. Now Sora's ground combo will act as berserk charge, but his aerial combo will still perform the finisher as attack 2 in the combo. The same can be done to the aerial combo by equipping an air combo plus.
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Dec 29, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  11. some1fromthedark
    I can look into it, but I don't have the iso for final mix atm, or the bios from a PAL ps2.
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Dec 28, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  12. some1fromthedark
    I just verified that this does work
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Dec 27, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  13. some1fromthedark
    Merry Christmas everyone! I decided to release what I have so far on for the UWM. Keep in mind I haven't found all the digits yet, but I will update them as I find more. These aren't really that useful by themselves unfortunately, because if you don't have the moveset of the character that normally wields the weapon it will look really strange. I plan to release what I currently have for the UCM soon, so when I post that you can modify your model and moveset to be the correct character's. So without further adieu, here are the codes.
    KH1 Weapon Mod
        SLOT       DIGITS
    To use first choose which weapon you want to modify the model of and which weapon you want to change the first weapon's model into.
    Use the first weapon's slot and the second weapons digits in the format above to create the code. Then equip the first weapon in game and you will instead wield the second weapon. Note that this mod only changes the model of the weapon, so you will still get the stats of the original weapon.
    Tarzan's Spear Slot                      Tarzan's Spear Digits
    204E2B04                                     00000001
    204E2B08                                     0008B965
    204E2B0C                                     00006FBF
    Peter Pan's Knife Slot                    Peter Pan's Knife Digits
    204E2B34                                     00000001
    204E2B38                                     0008B94B
    204E2B3C                                     0000936B
    Donald's Wizard's Relic Slot           Donald's Wizard's Relic Digits
    204E2BD4                                     00000001
    204E2BD8                                     0008B69C
    204E2BDC                                     0000AF64
    Sora's Dream Shield Slot                Sora's Dream Shield Digits
    204E2BF4                                     00000001
    204E2BF8                                     0008B0D1
    204E2BFC                                     0000D909
    Sora's Dream Staff Slot                  Sora's Dream Staff Digits
    204E2C14                                     00000001
    204E2C18                                     0008B0FF
    204E2C1C                                     0000EE72
    Sora's Dream Sword Slot                Sora's Dream Sword Digits
    204E2C24                                     00000001
    204E2C28                                     0008B0A1
    204E2C2C                                     0000F16A
    Donald's Hoang Staff Slot              Donald's Hoang Staff Digits
    204E2C44                                     00000001
    204E2C48                                     0008B6B2
    204E2C4C                                     0000409B
    Donald's Violetta Slot                   Donald's Violetta Digits
    204E2C64                                    00000001
    204E2C68                                    0008B626
    204E2C6C                                    0000E45A
    Donald's Dream Staff Slot             Donald's Dream Staff Digits
    204E2C84                                    00000001
    204E2C88                                    0008B652
    204E2C8C                                    0000C4EB
    Donald's Save the Queen Slot       Donald's Save the Queen Digits
    204E2CA4                                    00000001
    204E2CA8                                    0008B678
    204E2CAC                                    0000B8FF
    Goofy's Knight's Shield Slot           Goofy's Knight's Shield Digits
    204E2CF4                                    00000001
    204E2CF8                                    0008B6C6
    204E2CFC                                    0000AD9C
    Goofy's Mythril Shield Slot           Goofy's Mythril Shield Digits
    204E2D04                                   00000001
    204E2D08                                   0008B6ED
    204E2D0C                                   0000A2D7
    Goofy's Herc's Shield Slot            Goofy's Herc's Shield Digits
    204E2D14                                   00000001
    204E2D18                                   0008B832
    204E2D1C                                   0000AF78
    Goofy's Dream Shield Slot           Goofy's Dream Shield Digits
    204E2D24                                   00000001
    204E2D28                                   0008B85B
    204E2D2C                                   0000BBE7
    Goofy's Save the King Slot           Goofy's Save the King Digits
    204E2D34                                   00000001
    204E2D38                                   0008B887
    204E2D3C                                   0000C5CA
    Goofy's Adamant Shield Slot        Goofy's Adamant Shield Digits
    204E2D44                                   00000001
    204E2D48                                   0008B78D
    204E2D4C                                   0000B2D6
    Goofy's Hoang Shield Slot            Goofy's Hoang Shield Digits
    204E2D54                                   00000001
    204E2D58                                   0008B8D3
    204E2D5C                                   00004744
    Sora's Oblivion Slot                     Sora's Oblivion Digits
    204E2D64                                   00000001
    204E2D68                                   0008B3F5
    204E2D6C                                   00013526
    Goofy's Hoang Shield Small Slot   Goofy's Hoang Shield Small Digits
    204E2D74                                   00000001
    204E2D78                                   0008B8DC
    204E2D7C                                   00004743
    Goofy's Smasher Slot                   Goofy's Smasher Digits
    204E2D84                                   00000001
    204E2D88                                   0008B7B7
    204E2D8C                                   00009E71
    Goofy's Stout Shield Slot             Goofy's Stout Shield Digits
    204E2D94                                   00000001
    204E2D98                                   0008B73B
    204E2D9C                                   0000B5B5
    Goofy's Golem Shield Slot            Goofy's Golem Shield Digits
    204E2DB4                                    00000001
    204E2DB8                                    0008B764
    204E2DBC                                    0000B411
    Donald's Shooting Star Slot           Donald's Shooting Star Digits
    204E2DC4                                    00000001
    204E2DC8                                    0008B53A
    204E2DCC                                    00007D5D
    Beast's Claws Slot                        Beast's Claws Digits
    204E2DD4                                    00000001
    204E2DD8                                    0008B932
    204E2DDC                                    00004A13
    Goofy's Gigas Shield Slot              Goofy's Gigas Shield Digits
    204E2DE4                                    00000001
    204E2DE8                                    0008B7DE
    204E2DEC                                    0000A70B
    Sora's Three Wishes Slot               Sora's Three Wishes Digits
    204E2DF4                                    00000001
    204E2DF8                                    0008B1B5
    204E2DFC                                    000110E5
    Goofy's Genji Shield Slot              Goofy's Genji Shield Digits
    204E2E04                                    00000001
    204E2E08                                    0008B806
    204E2E0C                                    0000B8C0
    Sora's Fairy Harp Slot                   Sora's Fairy Harp Digits
    204E2E14                                    00000001
    204E2E18                                    0008B1ED
    204E2E1C                                    00011174
    Donald's Grand Mallet Slot           Donald's Grand Mallet Digits
    204E2E24                                    00000001
    204E2E28                                    0008B5DB
    204E2E2C                                    0000AD37
    Sora's Pumpkinhead Slot              Sora's Pumpkinhead Digits
    204E2E34                                    00000001
    204E2E38                                    0008B225
    204E2E3C                                    00013E27
    Donald's Lord Fortune Slot           Donald's Lord Fortune Slot
    204E2E44                                    00000001
    204E2E48                                    0008B600
    204E2E4C                                    0000B51E
    Sora's Hoang Keyblade Small Slot Sora's Hoang Keyblade Small Digits
    204E2E54                                    00000001
    204E2E58                                    0008B4E3
    204E2E5C                                    00008C82
    Sora's Crabclaw Slot                     Sora's Crabclaw Digits
    204E2E64                                     00000001
    204E2E68                                     0008B263
    204E2E6C                                     00011F54
    Sora's Divine Rose Slot                  Sora's Divine Rose Digits
    204E2E74                                     00000001
    204E2E78                                     0008B298
    204E2E7C                                     0001273C
    Sora's Spellbinder Slot                   Sora's Spellbinder Slot
    204E2E84                                      00000001
    204E2E88                                      0008B2D1
    204E2E8C                                      000111E7
    Sora's Ultima Weapon Slot              Sora's Ultima Weapon Digits
    204E2E94                                       00000001
    204E2E98                                       0008B4A5
    204E2E9C                                       00015D2B
    Donald's Magus Staff Slot                Donald's Magus Staff Digits
    204E2EA4                                       00000001
    204E2EA8                                       0008B553
    204E2EAC                                       0000B370
    Sora's Olympia Slot                         Sora's Olympia Digits
    204E2EB4                                       00000001
    204E2EB8                                       0008B30A
    204E2EBC                                       00012B1D
    Sora's Hoang Keyblade Slot              Sora's Hoang Keyblade Digits
    204E2EC4                                       00000001
    204E2EC8                                       0008B4D1
    204E2ECC                                       00008C3B
    Donald's Wisdom Staff Slot              Donald's Wisdom Staff Slot
    204E2ED4                                       00000001
    204E2ED8                                       0008B573
    204E2EDC                                       0000AFF3
    Goofy's Onyx Shield Slot                  Goofy's Onyx Shield Digits
    204E2EE4                                       00000001
    204E2EE8                                       0008B713
    204E2EEC                                       0000AD46
    Sora's Lady Luck Slot                       Sora's Lady Luck Digits
    204E2EF4                                        00000001
    204E2EF8                                        0008B432
    204E2EFC                                        00010D4C
    Donald's Warhammer Slot                 Donald's Warhammer Digits
    204E2F04                                         00000001
    204E2F08                                         0008B595
    204E2F0C                                         0000B1CF
    Sora's Wishing Star Slot                     Sora's Wishing Star Digits
    204E2F24                                         00000001
    204E2F28                                         0008B469
    204E2F2C                                         00012BF4
    Goofy's Defender Slot                       Goofy's Defender Digits
    204E2F34                                         00000001
    204E2F38                                         0008B8B5
    204E2F3C                                         0000ED94
    Donald's Silver Mallet Slot                 Donald's Silver Mallet Digits
    204E2F44                                         00000001
    204E2F48                                         0008B5B8
    204E2F4C                                         0000B32D
    Sora's Metal Chocobo Slot                 Sora's Metal Chocobo Digits
    204E2F54                                         00000001
    204E2F58                                         0008B386
    204E2F5C                                         0000E7F0
    Sora's Oathkeeper Slot                      Sora's Oathkeeper Digits
    204E2F64                                         00000001
    204E2F68                                         0008B3B8
    204E2F6C                                         00013959
    Donald's Mage's Staff Slot                  Donald's Mage's Staff Digits
    204E2F74                                         00000001
    204E2F78                                         0008B4FE
    204E2F7C                                         0000AAA7
    Sora's Lionheart Slot                         Sora's Lionheart Digits
    204E2F84                                         00000001
    204E2F88                                         0008B346
    204E2F8C                                         00015087
    Donald's Morning Star Slot                 Donald's Morning Star Digits
    204E2F94                                          00000001
    204E2F98                                          0008B51F
    204E2F9C                                          00007F59
    Sora's Kingdom Key Slot                     Sora's Kingdom Key Digits
    204E2FA4                                          00000001
    204E2FA8                                          0008B14B
    204E2FAC                                          0000DC0E
    Sora's Jungle King Slot                       Sora's Jungle King Digits
    204E2FB4                                          00000001
    204E2FB8                                          0008B17D
    204E2FBC                                          00010C72
    Sora's Wooden Sword Slot                  Sora's Wooden Sword Digits
    204E2FC4                                          00000001
    204E2FC8                                          0008B12A
    204E2FCC                                          00008191
    Aladdin's Sword Slot                           Aladdin's Sword Digits
    204E3024                                           00000001
    204E3028                                           0008b077
    204E302C                                           0000B843
    Jack's No Weapon (Bone Fist) Slot       Jack's No Weapon (Bone Fist) Digits
    204E3154                                           00000001
    204E3158                                           0008B913
    204E315C                                           00004DDF
    Ariel's No Weapon (Bare Hands) Slot    Ariel's No Weapon (Bare Hands) Digits
    204E3214                                           00000001
    204E3218                                           0008B8F8
    204E321C                                           000031A9
    I would like to give credit to NarutoSuperKubii since these codes were based off of his Play As Character Codes
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Dec 25, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  14. some1fromthedark
    I haven't had a lot of free time to work on it lately. With the end of the semester coming up I have had to focus on finishing projects, but next week I might get a little more free time to work on it again. Right now I am pretty much at the point where you can play as any ally in all worlds, and instead of using just the kingdom key, you can equip any keyblade you want. Before I took a break, I was testing values to see if I could find values for bosses or heartless instead of just the allies.
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Nov 21, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  15. some1fromthedark
    I had some free time and went back to testing the codes. It seems like your play as Donald/Goofy in all worlds codes do not function well in End of the World or Neverland. You must walk, because if you run the game crashes. Also there are no jumping or attacking animations, and attacking on the ground also causes the game to crash. Since Neverland and End of the World share the same lines of code for the moveset modifier do you think it is possible that you accidentally put a moveset of donald/goofy from a cutscene in that slot instead of the actual character moveset? Idk if this matters or not, but when you start walking there is kind of a blue sparkle by your feet.

    Anyways I am going to test out swapping the moveset for that room with the moveset from another world and see if it fixes the problem.[DOUBLEPOST=1411872994][/DOUBLEPOST]Yeah I just tested using Goofy's Agrabah/Monstro/Hollow Bastion moveset in place of his Neverland/End of the World moveset and it worked. I presume that this will fix Donald's moveset problem as well. Also I didn't mention above but the Sora replaces Goofy as ally code has the same issue. If Sora tries to run or attack the game will crash. Same fix should apply though.
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Sep 27, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  16. some1fromthedark
    I am working on that now. I basically have finished a UWM and I am starting on a UCM now.
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Sep 1, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  17. some1fromthedark
    I'm looking into improving the code right now. I have added to your code a bit to allow for the jungle king and wooden sword to be used in addition to the kingdom key and I am adding code for all worlds for each character as well. It almost seems like we could get a UCM and UWM from these codes. I also made some small optimizations in the code, for example these lines from the play as Aladdin code:

    20487320 64616c61
    20487324 006e6964

    They change the label for sora in memory to the label for aladdin, but this actually doesn't change anything. It can be removed from the code to make it 2 lines shorter.

    Never mind about that 2 lines shorter comment I just realized those lines are the voice mod...
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Aug 23, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  18. some1fromthedark
    I am not sure how much you tested these, but I just used Play as Aladdin in Agrabah, Hollow Bastion, and Dive to Heart (Sora's Awakening) on emulator and it worked in all three areas. (Of course in Dive to Heart I was forced to use the Dream Rod instead of the Kingdom Key so it made the weapon animations a bit wonky)
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  19. some1fromthedark
    Did you make these codes yourself?
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Aug 19, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  20. some1fromthedark
    That's what I am hoping for. Don't expect anything too soon though. The first thing I am going to do is look at some of the existing codes and see if I can understand the process for asm hacking.
    Post by: some1fromthedark, Aug 17, 2014 in forum: Code Vault