I know! <3 Can't wait! But I'm having trouble deciding who to preorder from... Amazon = $5 off and a slip, Gamestop = POSTCARDS! Bwah...
Lucky... I go back next week...
Gah...! I had to choose between Axel, Roxas, Demyx, Zexion, and Larxene... I chose Axel, though! He's just kickass.
Kinda... I mean, the torso parts do like somewhat identical, but not so much that people should start freaking out about it...
Life be going pretty good, and you? TT I dun wanna go back to school!
Even though I have both, I would rather get a DS for 358/2 Days because of my love for the Organization. I had pretty much accepted I wouldn't be able to get BBS... Until I finally got a PSP! I pretty much only got it for Square Enix games, anyway...
Hiya! Sorry, I was having a sleepover at my friend's house... XD We stayed up all night playing Kingdom Hearts II after I introduced it to her...
Uh, English. That's it... T.T Learning Spanish (failing Spanish), I know a little Japanese here and there, and I also know some Latin.
I collect coins... Rather, my Dad gets me coins all the time, so...
Hoorah! ... So, what other games do ya like? I like TWEWY, Resident Evil, everything Final Fantasy, etc...
Lucky... I have 1 and 2 of KH (plus an extra copy of 2), 1 and 2 of CoM, and 1 and 2 of KHII. Tell me how KHII 3 and 4 are when you get them!
... XD I am so getting that manga the day it comes out!
I hated that Zexion got killed in CoM... I love him! I love his hair...
He sure acts older, what with the squawking "Respect your elders!" business... XD
Well, I thought he was 18, 19, somewhere in that range... XD So, do you know how old Vexen is? I haven't a clue... I'd say 40-50...?